Reliability of the bond strength of recycled coarse aggregate concrete,
Pacheco, João, de Brito Jorge, Chastre Carlos, and Evangelista Luís
, Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, May, 27-29, 2019, Kraków, Poland, p.913-920, (2019)
AbstractAn analysis on the effect of the incorporation of coarse recycled concrete aggregates on the bond strength between concrete and embedded steel reinforcement is presented. The model’s uncertainty of the Level I provision of the anchorage length of fib Bulletin 72 on ribbed steel/recycled aggregate concrete bond is quantified. Afterwards, reliability analyses on the bond strength are made and a partial safety factor for the anchorage length of recycled concrete elements is proposed. The model’s uncertainty is evaluated through data from pullout tests, the only type of bond test that has been so far performed extensively on recycled aggregate concrete specimens. The limitations of this test in reproducing the bond of actual structural elements is discussed, and the model’s uncertainty is converted to that of lap splice tests. The bond strength of recycled aggregate concrete design was found to be less reliable than that of natural aggregate concrete, especially in the absence of confining reinforcement. For concrete with full recycled aggregate incorporation, a 25% increase in the anchorage length is proposed. Additional testing on the bond strength of lapped splices or beam-end specimens is recommended.
Towards the structural codification of recycled aggregate concrete,
Pacheco, João Nuno, de Brito Jorge, Chastre Carlos, and Evangelista Luís
, UKIERI Concrete Congress. Concrete: The Global Builder, March 5-8, 2019, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, (2019)
AbstractThis paper analyses the studies made so far on the variability and reliability of recycled aggregate concrete. Since recycled aggregate concrete is seen by different agents of the construction industry as a variable material and no structural code has specifically been calibrated to its use, its role as a structural material is limited. Such calibration is hindered since specific research on the statistical and probabilistic data of recycled aggregate concrete properties is lacking.Investigations on the probabilistic knowledge of recycled aggregates and recycled aggregate concrete properties are discussed, and the studies made so far on the reliability of recycled aggregate concrete elements are summarised. Final remarks regarding the future prospects towards the consensual acceptance of recycled aggregate concrete structures are provided.
Scatter of constitutive models of the mechanical properties of concrete: comparison of major international codes,
Pacheco, João Nuno, de Brito Jorge, Chastre Carlos, and Evangelista Luís
, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, March 19, 2019, Volume 17, Number 3, p.102-125, (2019)
AbstractAn investigation on the scatter of code-type constitutive models that relate compressive strength (fc) with tensile strength (fct) and Young’s modulus (Ec) of standard concrete specimens is presented. The influence of the mix design on the accuracy of the fc vs. fct and fc vs. Ecrelationships is discussed, with emphasis on the lithological type and morphology of the coarse aggregates. The uncertainty of the constitutive models is analysed in probabilistic terms and random variables that model the uncertainty of the fc vs. fct and fc vs. Ec relationships are proposed for reliability analyses of serviceability limit states. The suitability of the models proposed is assessed through preliminary conservative estimates of their design values.
Monotonic and quasi-static cyclic bond response of CFRP-to-steel joints after salt fog exposure,
Yang, Yongming, Biscaia Hugo, Silva Manuel A. G., and Chastre Carlos
, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019/07/01/, Volume 168, p.532-549, (2019)
AbstractDeterioration of adhesively bonded CFRP/steel systems in salt fog environment, i.e., deicing salts and ocean environments, has to be taken into account in the design of steel strengthened structures. In the present work, monotonic and quasi-static cyclic loading were applied to CFRP-to-steel double strap joints for two kinds of CFRP laminates after being aged for a period of 5000 h to evaluate the bond behavior. The bonded joints exposed to salt fog had a different failure mode than that observed in the control specimens (0 h of exposure). The severe reduction of the maximum bond stress resulted from damage initiation that occurred in the corrosion region of the steel substrate, associated with final partial rupture on the corroded steel substrate around the edge of the bonded area: it was also correlated with reduced load carrying capacity. Results of pseudo-cyclic tests showed that the relationship between a local damage parameter (D) and normalized local dissipated energy (Wd/Gf) and the normalized slip increment (ΔS/ΔSult) exhibited almost the same trend in the un-aged and aged bonded joints. The normalized slip increment can be seen as a direct indicator for the local and global damage for the un-aged and aged bonded joints. However, monotonic and quasi-static cyclic tests results revealed that the stress concentration due to local corrosion of steel substrate could lead to brittle rupture or accelerated cumulative damage once the aged bonded interface had become weaker. The bonded joints have exhibited also a smaller relative deformation capacity between CFRP and steel.
Statistical analysis of Portuguese ready-mixed concrete production,
Pacheco, João Nuno, de Brito Jorge, Chastre Carlos, and Evangelista Luís
, Construction and Building Materials, 2019/06/10/, Volume 209, p.283-294, (2019)
AbstractThis paper evaluates and compares the statistics of compressive strength data from three Portuguese ready-mixed concrete plants. A hierarchical model showed that different groups of concrete strength records are not statistically equivalent, even if they were produced in the same plant and using the same concrete composition. This finding is related to autocorrelation. For the same specified strength class, compositions produced less often result in higher average compressive strength and variability. The statistics of one of the plants were quite different from those of the others, even though the concrete of this plant also complied with the specifications. It was found that the average compressive strength of a mix may be quite dependent on the plant that produced it, even if the compressive strength complies with quality control specifications. Conformity with the target slump and strength class was checked following the conformity criteria of EN 206-1 for continuous production. Nonconformity with slump is more frequent than failure to comply with the strength class. A bias factor for reliability analyses was proposed.
Uncertainty models of reinforced concrete beams in bending: code comparison and recycled aggregate incorporation,
Pacheco, J., de Brito J., Chastre C., and Evangelista L.
, Journal of Structural Engineering, 2019/04/01, Volume 145, Number 4, p.04019013, (2019)
AbstractThe bias factor of the Eurocode 2 [CEN (European Committee for Standardization) (2008). Eurocode 2: Design of ConcreteStructures–Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings] and ACI 318 [ACI (American Concrete Institute) (2014). Building CodeRequirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary] flexural resistance models of reinforced concrete beams are compared withemphasis on the effect of the incorporation of coarse recycled aggregates sourced from concrete waste. The bias factor of the yielding momentcalculations according to both codes is also investigated, and the bias in the cracking moment when Eurocode 2 material clauses are used. Thedatabase was composed of 174 beams, and the criteria that led to its development are discussed. The effect of recycled aggregate incorporationon the statistical descriptors of the bias factor is evaluated and probabilistic modeling using lognormal distributions is argued for. Preliminarypartial safety factors for the bias factor of recycled aggregate concrete beams are proposed. No significant differences in the bias of theultimate moment were found between the two comparison vectors: Eurocode 2 versus ACI 318 specifications and recycled versus naturalcoarse aggregate. The bias of the cracking moment increased when coarse recycled aggregates were incorporated, most probably due to thehigher heterogeneity of recycled aggregates.
Experimental investigation on the variability of the main mechanical properties of concrete produced with coarse recycled concrete aggregates,
Pacheco, J., de Brito J., Chastre C., and Evangelista L.
, Construction and Building Materials, 2019/03/20/, Volume 201, p.110-120, (2019)
AbstractResearch on the variability of the properties of recycled aggregate concrete is lacking and is necessary for the development of reliability analyses and code calibration procedures. This paper presents an experimental programme on the within-batch variability of the compressive strength, Young’s modulus, and splitting tensile strength of several recycled and natural aggregate concrete mixes. The influence of the recycled concrete aggregates on the mechanical properties and variability of concrete is analysed and discussed and benchmarks with standard predictions for the variability of natural aggregate concrete are made. It was found that full recycled aggregate concrete incorporation did not increase the variability of any of the properties tested, but intermediate ratios of recycled aggregate incorporation did. The properties of high-strength concrete mixes were more variable than that of all other mixes, irrespective of recycled aggregate incorporation. All properties of all compositions were suitably modelled by normal distributions. The coarse recycled aggregates were sourced from concrete waste.
Bond durability of CFRP laminates-to-steel joints subjected to freeze-thaw,
Yang, Yongming, Silva Manuel A. G., Biscaia Hugo, and Chastre Carlos
, Composite Structures, 2019/03/15/, Volume 212, p.243-258, (2019)
AbstractThe degradation mechanisms of bonded joints between CFRP laminates and steel substrates under severe environmental conditions require more durability data and studies to increase the database and better understand their causes. Studies on bond properties of double-strap CFRP-to-steel bonded joints with two different composite materials as well as adhesive coupons subjected to freeze-thaw cycles for 10,000 h were conducted to reduce that gap. In addition, the equivalent to the number of thermal cycles and their slips induced in the CFRP laminates was replicated by an equivalent (mechanical) loading-unloading history condition imposed by a static tensile machine. The mechanical properties of the adhesive coupons and the strength capacity of the bonded joints were only slightly changed by the artificial aging. It was confirmed that the interfacial bond strength between CFRP and adhesive is critically related to the maximum shear stress and failure mode. The interfacial bond strength between adhesive and steel degraded with the aging. However, the equivalent thermal cyclic bond stress caused no detectable damage on the bond because only the interfacial elastic regime was actually mobilized, which confirmed that pure thermal cycles aging, per se, at the level imposed, have a low impact on the degradation of CFRP-to-steel bonded joints.
Estimations of the debonding process of aged joints through a new analytical method,
Biscaia, Hugo C., Chastre Carlos, and Silva Manuel A. G.
, Composite Structures, 2019/03/01/, Volume 211, p.577-595, (2019)
AbstractThe estimation of the long-term durability of adhesively bonded interfaces between Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) and concrete substrates is crucial because degradation potentiates FRP premature debonding. One of the main reasons for mistrusting the use of FRP composites is the premature debonding phenomenon, which, associated to degradation, has been preventing their widespread use. In this research work, an analytical model is proposed that introduces ageing to estimate the effects of degradation of Glass (G) FRP externally bonded to concrete. Cycles were used to experimentally accelerate ageing of beam specimens, namely, (i) salt fog cycles; (ii) wet-dry cycles with salted water; (iii) temperature cycles between −10 °C and +30 °C; and (iv) temperature cycles between +7.5 °C and +47.5 °C. Based on the experimental results obtained and a corresponding bond-slip curve, the analytical model predicts the complete debonding process between FRP composites and a substrate. Consequently, the temporal evolution of the degradation of the bonded interfaces can be calculated and compared with the initial situation prior to exposure. The effects of the environmental conditions are reported and compared.
Ensaios não destrutivos para a inspeção e avaliaçao de edifícios históricos de alvenaria de pedra,
Chastre, Carlos, Ludovico-Marques Marco, and Biscaia Hugo
, TEST&E 2019 - 2º Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil, 19-20 February 2, ISEP, Porto, Portugal, p.12, (2019)
AbstractAo longo da sua vida útil os edifícios históricos estão sujeitos a alterações de uso, a agentes ambientais e a diferentes ações como assentamentos do solo, incêndios, inundações ou sismos, para os quais podem não estar preparados. Além disso, a falta de manutenção contínua ajuda a colocar grande parte desse património em risco devido a problemas estruturais que reduzem sua própria segurança e a dos seus utilizadores. A preservação e mitigação de riscos do património cultural construído requer o uso de ferramentas confiáveis, a fim de avaliar o seu estado de conservação e identificar e prevenir potenciais vulnerabilidades. Os testes destrutivos tradicionais não são possíveis de realizar na maioria dos edifícios históricos, por isso é necessário selecionar testes não destrutivos (NDT) que permitam a caracterização física e mecânica dos materiais e do comportamento da estrutura. Neste artigo apresenta-se uma visão geral de diferentes equipamentos e testes NDT que permitem o levantamento geométrico e o mapeamento dos danos do edifício, a análise petrográfica da pedra de alvenaria, a caracterização das propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos materiais e o comportamento estrutural do edifício.
Ligações coladas entre barras de aço inox exteriormente coladas a elementos de betão: Análise teórica vs. experimental,
Biscaia, Hugo, Franco Noel, and Chastre Carlos
, TEST&E 2019 - 2º Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil, 19-20 February 2, ISEP, Porto, Portugal, p.11, (2019)
AbstractOs sistemas de reforço por colagem exterior têm sido alvo de várias abordagens, não só do ponto de vista do tipo de material a utilizar, como também sob o ponto de vista da técnica mais eficiente a seguir. As fibras reforçadas com polímeros (FRP) têm sido, no último par de décadas, alvo de investigação exaustiva, tendo-se verificado que esses sistemas nutrem de ductilidade algo reduzida devido ao descolamento prematuro do material de reforço da superfície de betão. Por conseguinte, o aço inox devidos às suas boas características anticorrosivas e ductilidade apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável aos compósitos de FRP. Assim, com vista a melhorar a ductilidade dos elementos estruturais reforçados, em vez de se recorrer a técnicas de reforço não tradicionais (e.g., Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) ou Near Surface Mounted (NSM)) que estão sempre associadas a roturas prematuras por colagem do elemento de reforço quando a extensão nele instalada está muito aquém do seu valor de rotura, dever-se-á seguir outras técnicas de reforço por colagem. Com vista a interpretar e perceber o desempenho da ligação aço-inox, desenvolveu-se uma campanha experimental em que os ensaios visam em testar e comparar a técnica EBR com uma técnica inovadora e desenvolvida pelos autores (CREatE – Continuous Reinforcement Embedded at Ends) através da realização de ensaios de arrancamento de ligações aço inox/betão. Estes ensaios consistem em aplicar uma força à barra de aço inox segundo uma direção que permite induzir uma rotura da ligação consistente com o Modo II de fratura. A técnica de correlação de imagem digital (DIC) foi utilizada na monitorização de todos estes ensaios tendo-se desenvolvido ainda diferentes modelos, analíticos e numéricos com recurso a um programa de cálculo automático não linear, que permitiram simular os processos de descolamento da ligação aço inox/betão segundo as técnicas EBR e CREatE.
Probabilistic Conversion of the Compressive Strength of Cubes to Cylinders of Natural and Recycled Aggregate Concrete Specimens,
Pacheco, João Nuno, de Brito Jorge, Chastre Carlos, and Evangelista Luís
, Materials, Volume 12, Number 2, p.280, (2019)
AbstractThis paper investigates the effect of recycled coarse aggregate incorporation on the relationship between 150 mm cubic and Փ 150 mm cylindrical compressive strength (the reference strength of standards) by comparing data from recycled and natural aggregate concrete compositions in which both cubes and cylinders were tested. A conversion factor from cubic to cylindrical strength is proposed in two versions: A deterministic and a probabilistic one. Such factor has not been studied before and researchers have been converting cubic data as if natural aggregate concrete were tested. The probabilistic factor is intended for reliability analyses on the structural behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete using data from laboratory cube tests. It was found that the incorporation of recycled coarse aggregates sourced from concrete waste significantly decreases the expected value of the factor but the factor’s scatter is relatively unaffected.
A Simple Method for the Determination of the Bond-Slip Model of Artificially Aged Joints,
Biscaia, Hugo C., Chastre Carlos, and Silva Manuel A. G.
, Journal of Composites for Construction, Volume 23, Number 4, p.04019028, (2019)
AbstractThe durability of adhesively bonded fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) and concrete substrates has been the subject of recent studies. The degradation of bonded interfaces conjugated with other factors that affect the interface strength may compromise the potentialities of using FRP in externally bonded reinforced (EBR) concrete structures. However, the estimation of the effects of degradation on these bonded interfaces and the analytical methodologies to quantify them are not fully understood. The present work focuses on a local bond-slip model characterized by two parameters for which the values are obtained experimentally. Then, the determination of the local bond-slip relationship of a glass (G) FRP-to-concrete interface can be estimated. The assessment of the degradation of the bonded interface when subjected to cycles of (1) salt fog; (2) wet-dry environments with salt water; (3) temperatures between −10°C and +30°C; and (4) temperatures between +7.5°C and +47.5°C is presented. The results obtained using the proposed bond-slip model led to the conclusion that after 10,000 h of exposure to temperature cycles between −10°C and +30°C, there was a small change in the GFRP-to-concrete interface performance, whereas the effects on the bonded interface for the specimens subjected to temperature cycles between +7.5°C and +47.5°C were far more most severe.