Coauthored Publications with: Chastre Rodrigues

Conference Paper

Silva, MG, Chastre Rodrigues C.  2000.  Encamisamento de Pilares de Betão Armado com FRP: Efeitos nas Relações Constitutivas e na Ductilidade. VI Congresso de Mecânica Aplicada e Computacional. , Aveiro Abstract
Chastre Rodrigues, C, Silva MG.  2001.  Experimental Investigation of CFRP Reinforced Concrete Columns under Uniaxial Cyclic Compression. FRPRCS-5, 5th International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Plastics for Reinforced Concrete Structures. (Chris Burgoyne, Ed.).:784-792., Cambridge, UK: Thomas Telford Ltd Abstractchastre_rodrigues2001si_-_frprcs-5.pdf


Chastre Rodrigues, C, Silva MG.  2003.  Potencialidade e Limitações dos Novos Materiais de Reforço de Estruturas. RILEM – 57th Annual Week 2003 & Seminário NDB. , Lisboa: LNEC Abstract

Conference Proceedings

Chastre Rodrigues, C, Silva MAG.  2005.  The behaviour of RC columns retrofitted with FRP or polymeric concrete under axial compression and cyclic horizontal loads, Oct 20-21. 9th International Conference on Inspection, Appraisal, Repairs and Maintenance of Structures. (Ren, W. X. Ong K. C. G. Tan J. S. Y., Ed.).:393-400., Fuzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA: Ci-Premier Pte Ltd Abstract

The seismic retrofit of reinforced concrete columns with FRP jackets has received a considerable increment in recent years due the high strength-weight and stiffness-weight ratios of FRP compared to other materials. The FRP outer shell also contributes to prevent or delay environmental degradation of the concrete and corrosion of the steel reinforcement. An experimental program conducted in order to analyze the behavior of reinforced concrete columns jacketed with FRP composites or repaired with polymeric concrete and subjected to axial compression and cyclic horizontal loads is described. The dimensions of the cylindrical columns were 1500 mm height by 250 mm diameter. The influence of various parameters on the response, including the type of confining material and the number of FRP layers, is reported. The results of the tests are shown and interpreted.

Chastre Rodrigues, C, Silva MG.  2001.  The Behaviour of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Monotonic and Cyclic Axial Compression. CCC2001, Composites in Construction. :245-250., Porto: A.A.Balkema Abstractchastre_rodrigues2001si_-_ccc2001.pdf


Marques, JL, Fong P, Macedo P, Chastre Rodrigues C, Lúcio V.  2004.  Comportamento da Ligação CFRP-Resina–Betão Sujeita a Acções Cíclicas. Betão Estrutural 2004. , Porto: FEUP Abstractmarques2004fomachlu_-_be2004.pdf



Chastre Rodrigues, C.  2005.  Comportamento de pilares de betão armado de secção circular reforçados com compósitos de FRP ou betões poliméricos e ensaiados sob acções cíclicas, Março de 2005. DTC4. :191., Caparica: UNIC - Centro de Investigação em Estruturas e Construção da UNL Abstractdtc4-2005-chastre-ensaios-pilares-frp.pdf


Chastre Rodrigues, C.  2005.  Modelação numérica de pilares, modelos dos materiais e modelação dos pilares reforçados com FRP. DTC5. :119., Caparica: UNIC - Centro de Investigação em Estruturas e Construção da UNL Abstractdtc5-2005-chastre-modelacao-numerica-pilares-r.pdf


Chastre Rodrigues, C.  2005.  Reparação e reforço de estruturas de betão armado com sistemas compósitos de FRP, Maio de 2005. DTC6. :81., Caparica: UNIC - Centro de Investigação em Estruturas e Construção da UNL Abstractdtc6-2005-chastre-rre-ba-frp.pdf


Chastre Rodrigues, C.  2005.  Comportamento de colunas de betão armado de secção circular reforçadas com compósitos de FRP e ensaiadas à compressão axial monotónica ou cíclica, Fevereiro de 200. DTC3. :102., Caparica: UNIC - Centro de Investigação em Estruturas e Construção da UNL Abstractdtc3-2005-chastre-ensaios-colunas-frp.pdf



Chastre Rodrigues, C.  2005.  Comportamento às acções cíclicas de pilares de betão armado reforçados com materiais compósitos. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. (Silva, Manuel A. G., Ed.)., Lisboa Abstract

This thesis deals with the analysis of the behaviour of retrofitting reinforced concrete circular columns with FRP materials which were subjected either to axial cyclic compression or axial compression and alternated cyclic horizontal loads. The choice of this topic derived from the need to investigate the behaviour of the strengthening of reinforced concrete columns to seismic actions, especially with new materials such as carbon and glass fibres or polymeric mortars. Another reason for such choice is linked to the strong seismicity of the Portuguese territory.
It has been verified that confined concrete columns with FRP jackets have their resistance and ductility highly increased as these considerably reduce the columns transversal deformation, thus preventing the buckling of longitudinal reinforcement. There has been an increasing use of FRP composites in the strengthening of structures, mainly with GFRP (Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics) or CFRP (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics). This is due to their attractive characteristics such as high resistance to corrosion, lowratio for weight/strength, moldability, easy application and the fact that there is no need of support structures.
Forty-five experimental tests were carried out, dealing with retrofitting reinforced concrete columns with axial monotonic or cyclic compression reinforced with FRP composites. The column height of 750 mm was maintained in order to evaluate the influence of several parameters in its behaviour: the column geometry (change in its diameter), the type of column (plain or reinforced concrete), transversal reinforcement ratio of concrete columns, the type of external confinement with FRP (C or GFRP), the number of FRP layers and the type of axial loading (monotonic or cyclic).
Twelve additional experimental tests were conducted in order to analyse the behaviour of reinforced concrete columns jacketed with FRP composites and subjected to axial cyclic compression and alternated cyclic horizontal loads. The columns’ dimension was maintained (1500 mm height by 250 mm diameter) and the models were subjected to a series of cyclic and alternated loadings. This enabled the study of the various parameters’ influence in their behaviour such as the type of FRP confinement, the number of FRP layers, the level of axial loading, the jacket’s height or the strengthening of the plastic hinge by replacing the cover concrete with polymeric mortar.
Based on the numerical models presented and experimental analysis carried out, models were proposed and developed to simulate the behaviour of columns jacketed with FRP composites.

Chastre Rodrigues, C.  1993.  Comportamento da Ligação Aço-Resina-Betão em Elementos Estruturais, 1993. Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Instituto Superior Técnico. MSc, Lisboa: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Abstract1993_-_msc-_ist_-_carlos_chastre_-_comportamento_da_ligacao_aco-resina-betao_em_elementos_estruturais.pdf

The present work studies the behaviour of bonded steel plates to reinforced concrete elements, which can be used in the strengthening of concrete structural elements. Metallic expansion bolts can be added.The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the behaviour to monotonic actions and particularly to cyclic loading of steel-epoxy-concrete connection with expansion bolts. This cyclic action is of particular interest due to the strong seismicity of the Portuguese territory.The research is mainly based in experimental analysis. The caracterization of the materials was carried out. Six models of the steel-epoxy connection were tested with monotonic loading. Twenty six models of steel-epoxy-concrete bond were submitted either to monotonic or to cyclic actions.Besides the type of action, other parameters were studied in the steel-epoxy-concrete connection models.These were the bond geometry area, the type of concrete, the type of epoxy and connection - with or without metallic expansion bolts.A parametric study with a numerical model of finite elements, as well as a global analysis of the experimental tests of the steel-epoxy-concrete connection was carried out.