Mechanical response of anchored FRP bonded joints: A nonlinear analytical approach

Mechanical response of anchored FRP bonded joints: A nonlinear analytical approach, Biscaia, Hugo Charrinho, Chastre Carlos, Silva Cinderela, and Franco Noel , Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2018/02/17, Volume 25, Number 3, p.238-252, (2018) copy at


This article presents a nonlinear analytical solution for the prediction of the full-range debonding response of mechanically anchored, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites from the substrate. The nonlinear analytical approach predicts, for any monotonic loading history or bonded length, the relative displacements (or slips) between materials, the strains in the FRP composite, the bond stresses within the interface, and the stresses developed in the substrate. The load-slip responses of FRP-to-substrate interfaces with short and long bonded lengths are motives of analysis and discussion. The solutions obtained from the proposed approach are also compared with other experimental results found in the literature.



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