Experimental Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Innovative Techniques

Experimental Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Innovative Techniques, Chastre, Carlos, Biscaia Hugo, Franco Noel, and Monteiro António , 41th IAHS Word Congress of Housing. Sustainability and Innovation for the Future, 13-16 September , Albufeira, Portugal, p.10, (2016) copy at https://docentes.fct.unl.pt/cmcr/publications/experimental-analysis-reinforced-concrete-beams-strengthened-innovative-techniques

Date Presented:

13-16 September


The strengthening of reinforced concrete structures with FRP materials has received a considerable increment in recent years due to their durability characteristics, high strength-weight and stiffness-weight ratios of FRP compared to other materials.An experimental program was conducted in order to analyse the behaviour of different structural solutions to strengthen reinforced concrete beams with carbon FRP composites: EBR (Externally-Bonded Reinforcement), NSM (Near Surface Mounted) reinforcement and an innovative technique externally-bonded using continuous reinforcement embedded at ends (CREatE). The RC beams had a 3m span by 0.3m height and were tested until rupture in a 4-point bending test system.The CREatE technique has proved to be the most effective of the three alternatives tested, with the full utilisation of the CFRP and the highest strength, combined with the highest ductility.


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