Coauthored Publications with: Cardoso

Conference Paper

Biscaia, H, Cardoso J, Chastre C.  2017.  A finite element based analysis of double strap bonded joints with CFRP and aluminium. 16th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics. , Florence, Italy Abstract

The bonding between two different materials or between same materials is a quite popular method. Unlike fastener joints, it avoids undesirable stress concentrations and doesn't demand an intrusive application to ensure the good performance of the joint. However, depending on the configuration of the adhesively bonded joint, its performance responds differently and the choice (if possible to make) on the best configuration, i.e. the configuration that originates the highest strength and/or stiffness, may be hard to make. Within this context, several configurationsof aluminium-to-aluminium bonded joints unstrengthened and strengthened with fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) were modelled using a commercial finite element code. The linearity and nonlinearity of the FRP composite and the aluminium were considered, respectively, and the adhesively bonded joints were subjected to a regular displacement that intended to simulate a tensioning load. Also, the nonlinearities of the interfaces were considered in the form of nonlinear cohesive adhesive laws. The fracture Modes I and II were defined trough a bond-slip relation with abi-linear shape and the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is used for the coupling of the cohesive adhesive laws of the interface when the debonding process of the bonded joint configuration implies the interaction between both fracture modes, i.e. the joint is under a mixed-mode (Mode I+II) situation. The results are presented and discussed and the configurations of the bonded joints are all compared through bond stress distributions and load-slip responses. The study herein presented is, therefore, a contribution to the analysis of the structural integrity of bonded joints between FRP composites and aluminium substrates, helping also on the choice of the most adequatebonded joint configuration and corresponding reinforcement to be used and applied in practice.

Biscaia, HC, Chastre C, Cardoso J, Franco N.  2018.  Analyses on the bond transfer between FRP composites and other structural materials, July 17-19. 9th International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil engineering, CICE2018. :8., Paris, France Abstract
Biscaia, H, Chastre C, Franco N, Cardoso J.  2016.  Modelo analítico não linear para analisar as ligações CFRP/betão, 2-4 November 201. Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2016. :9., FCTUC, Coimbra, Portugal Abstractbe_2016_paper_108_biscaia.pdf

Desde que o reforço estrutural começou a utilizar materiais de matriz polimérica reforçada com fibras (FRP) que o fenómeno do descolamento prematuro dos compósitos de FRP da superfície colada tem merecido especial atenção de vários autores. O conhecimento do processo de descolamento completo da ligação CFRP/betão ganhou assim, algum destaque nos últimos anos. Na generalidade, as ligações CFRP/betão têm sido analisadas com recurso métodos analíticos e numéricos sendo que, nos primeiros, se tem vindo a adoptar leis de aderência muito simplificadas das observadas experimentalmente. Apesar das simplificações adoptas nas análises analíticas, as expressões obtidas são muito importantes já que têm grande potencial em serem adoptadas pelos códigos ou normas nacionais e/ou interncionais. Por outro lado, e apesar de adoptarem leis de aderência mais refinadas, as análises numéricas permitem apenas a obtenção de expressões empíricas que podem não contemplar a generalidade dos casos estudados. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta um conjunto de soluções analíticas com base numa lei de aderência exponencial capaz de representar todas as não-linearidades envolvidas no descolamento da ligação CFRP/betão. Os resultados analíticos são confrontados com ensaios experimentais em que a técnica de colagem EBR foi utilizada. Contudo, o modelo analítico proposto pode ser também utilizado quando a técnica Near Surface Mounted (NSM) é adoptada. Adicionalmente, são apresentadas soluções analíticas para o caso em que o deslocamento relativo entre o CFRP e o betão é restringido por, e.g., um dispositivo de amarração mecânica instalado na extremidade oposta à aplicação de carga.

Journal Article

Biscaia, H, Cardoso J, Chastre C.  2017.  A Finite Element Based Analysis of Double Strap Bonded Joints with CFRP and Aluminium. Key Engineering Materials. 754:237-240. Abstract
Biscaia, H, Micaelo R, Chastre C, Cardoso J.  2018.  Cyclic loading behaviour of double strap bonded joints with CFRP and aluminium. Key Engineering Materials . Abstract

The adhesively bonded joints behaviour under cyclic loading is not yet well understood due to its inherent complexity. Numerical approaches appear, therefore, as the easiest way to simulate such mechanical behaviour. In this work, double strap bonded joints with Carbon Fibres Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) and aluminium are numerically simulated and subjected to a cyclic loading history. In the numerical simulation, the Distinct Element Method (DEM) is used and it is assumed cohesive bi-linear bond-slip models with local damage of the interface. The evaluation of the bonded joints under cyclic loading is made by comparing the results with those simulated with a monotonic loading.