
Paulo  Almeida

Paulo Almeida

This work arises from the requirement of SMAS (Almada) to make a sustainable management of its vast architectural heritage. So it was decided to make a general assessment of the conservation status of seven water towers belonging to the water supply system to the population. Accordingly to the general assessment made on the water towers it could be said that in general, the water towers are in a reasonable condition with the exception of Cassapo and Estrelinha.This analysis allowed sort priorities with regard to the rehabilitation.

Alexandre  Alves

Alexandre Alves

Durabilidade de argamassas poliméricas de agregados leves

The aim of this study is to evaluate the durability of polymeric mortars with lightweight aggregate facing several environmental agents. For this purpose, it was investigated the effect of wet-drying cycles in saline environments, with the soaking in salt water and drying inside a climatic chamber. Furthermore, it was evaluated the effect of wet-drying cycles in acidic environments, using sulfuric and formic acid solutions.

João  Alvito

João Alvito

Structural behavior of connectors on CBPB panels

This dissertation is a study of the use of CBPB (Cement-Bonded ParticleBoards) as a structural material and ascertains whether it has the capability to resist, as a structural element, tensile loads. Various tests are shown related to the tensile strength of the CBPB aswell as it’s behaviour in various types of connections. There is also the research of it’s linear thermal expansion coefficient.

Andreia Sofia Antunes

Andreia Sofia Antunes

Comportamento Estrutural de Ligações Dissipativas em Painéis de Fachada Pré-fabricados

The precast as a construction technique has several advantages, such as the increased strength and durability of concrete, the reduction of time and the necessity of fewer workers in the construction site, which leads to the reduction of the global cost of the construction.

Hugo  Biscaia

Hugo Biscaia

Assistant Professor

Behaviour and Modeling of GFRPtoConcrete Interfaces of Reinforced Concrete Elements Exposed to Aggressive Environments (PhD Thesis)

Ricardo  Cardoso

Ricardo Cardoso

Sistemas de dissipação de energia em estruturas de betão armado

The present work describes the main passive system for seismic protection and studies in detail two possible energy dissipation devices for concrete structures. The first energy dissipater is a device that twists in steel screw bars, the operating is conditioned by the strength of the screw when the bar is on tension. The second energy dissipater is a device that only works in compression and it can be applied at all kind of steel bars.

Tiago  Carvalho

Tiago Carvalho

Reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado com compósitos de CFRP (MSc Thesis)

Gradinariu  Ionut  Dan

Gradinariu Ionut Dan

New Structural Systems of Composite Material with Mineral Matrix


Gonçalo  Faria

Gonçalo Faria

Comportamento Estrutural de Pilares Construídos com CBPB. 

This work is part of a research project for the use of CBPB (Cement-Bonded ParticleBoards) as
structural material and aims to explore the possibility to use CBPB as structural elements, predominantly subjected to compressive forces – columns. In this dissertation issues related to the compressive strength of CBPB, the behaviour of some types of connections and proposals for the detailing of columns, are studied.

Micael  Feliciano

Micael Feliciano

Estudo da implantação offshore de turbina eólica sobre torre treliçada em betão pré-esforçado

Renewable energy are gradually assuming the role of an alternative source of energy to fossil fuels especially because of research and development that has been carried out to this day.
Wind energy is one of the most promising renewable energy, particularly offshore technology because it presents a high potential, even though a lot of research and development is still needed.

Pedro  Fong

Pedro Fong

A construção em Macau

Based on the professional activity in construction exercised in Portugal and Macao, the presented work intends to be, according with these two distinctive realities, a overview for Macao’s construction evolution, giving a contextualized description for it geographical, social and economic environment, and analyze the impact on construction, advantages, disadvantages and limitations, with practical examples of works from which were involved.