Correia, A.a b, Martins Fortunato Barquinha Goes R. a E. a. "
Design of a robust general-purpose low-offset comparator based on IGZO thin-film transistors."
Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Vol. 2015-July. 2015. 261-264.
AbstractThis paper presents a low-offset comparator based on n-type amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin-film transistors (TFTs). An a-Si:H TFT model was adapted to fit the electrical characterization data obtained for these devices. The proposed comparator comprises three pre-amplification stages, a positive-feedback analog latch and a fully dynamic digital latch. Simulation results show that the proposed circuit can work at several tens of kHz, with an accuracy of the order of 10 mV, considering a supply voltage of 10 V and a current consumption of 380 μA. Monte-Carlo simulations exhibit a 1-sigma random offset voltage smaller than 10 mV and 40 mV, respectively, with and without using autozeroing techniques. © 2015 IEEE.
Carvalho, J., Ferreira Fernandes Fidalgo Martins I. B. J. "
Nd-YAG laser induced crystallization on a-Si:H thin films."
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. Vol. 358. 1995. 915-920.
AbstractIn this paper we present results concerning the influence of laser energy and shot density on the electrical resistance, X-ray diffraction pattern, and structure obtained by SEM, on recrystallized a-Si:H thin films produced by using a Nd-YAG laser, working in a wavelength of 532 nm. The base material (undoped and doped a-Si:H) was obtained by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD). The structure and electrical characteristics of the recrystallized thin films are dependent on the laser beam energy density, beam spot size and the number of shots applied to the base a-Si:H thin film used. Overall, the data show recrystallized material with grain sizes larger than 1μm, where the electrical resistance of both, undoped and doped materials, can be varied up to 5 orders of magnitude, by the proper choice of the recrystallization conditions.