Publications in the Year: 2023

Conference Paper

Jacobs, LL, Polcyn MJ, Mateus O, Schulp AS.  2023.  Deep time conservation paleobiology of the Atlantic jigsaw puzzle and the future of the southwestern Angolan coast. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History. 60(2):90.: In: Abstracts of the 2nd Conservation Paleobiology Symposium. https://doi … Abstractjacobs_et_al_2023_jigsaw.pdf


Conti, S, Masarati P, Tschopp E, Zanoni A, Mateus O, Sala G.  2023.  How to simulate soft tissues in extinct animals. Using sauropod dinosaurs as a case study. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics. Abstractconti_et_al_2023_id_218_424_eccomas_mbd_2023_congresso_lisbona.pdf


Crespo, VD, Sequero López C, Rios M, Estraviz López D, Gamonal A, Martino R, Riccetto M, Callapez P, Legoinha P, Mateus O.  2023.  Revisiting the classical small mammal assemblage from the Eocene site of Silveirinha: a fresh look at old collections. XI Congresso Nacional de Geologia: Geociências e Desafios globaisAt: Universidade de CoimbraVolume: Livro de Resumos, págs 85-86. , Coimbra Abstractcrespov_etal_xicng2023_silveirinha.pdf

O sítio de Silveirinha é uma das localidades de mamíferos mais conhecidas da Paleontologia do Cenozoico de Portugal e da Europa em geral. Graças à sua rica e diversificada associação de mamíferos, com mais de 30 taxa, foi posicionado no Eocénico inferior (início do Ypresiano, MP7, ca. 55,8 M.a.), sendo o local mais antigo da Europa desta Época, devido à presença única de taxa típicos do Paleocénico superior, juntamente com outras espécies já características do Eocénico inferior. Este estudo irá rever o material de pequenos mamíferos deste sítio, conservado na coleção clássica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a fim de fazer uma actualização taxonómica à luz das publicações mais recentes.

Conference Proceedings

Rotatori, FM, Chiarenza AA, Moreno-Azanza M, Mateus O.  2023.  Rise of a dinasty: macroevolutionary and biogeographic patterns of iguanodontian dinosaurs across the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition. EAVP Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists. :226.: Palaeovertebrata, Special Volume 1-23. DOI: 10.18563/pv.eavp2023 Abstract
Werneburg, I, Pommery Y, Ruciński M, Kästle B, Cohen GJ, Natchev N, Mateus O, Ferreira GD.  2023.  Functional morphology of the skull of Henodus chelyops (Placodontia). International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology Cairns - QLD - Australia 28 July - 1 August 2023. The Anatomical Record. :232-233. Abstractwerneburg_et_al_2023_henodus_icvm_2023_abstracts_updated_8_14-1693344432.pdf


Journal Article

Puértolas-Pascual, E, Kuzmin IT, Serrano-Martínez A, Mateus O.  2023.  Neuroanatomy of the crocodylomorph Portugalosuchus azenhae from the late cretaceous of Portugal. Journal of Anatomy. n/a, Number n/a Abstractjournal_of_anatomy_-_2023_-_pu_rtolas-pascual_-_neuroanatomy_of_the_crocodylomorph_portugalosuchus_azenhae_from_the_late.pdfWebsite

Abstract We present the first detailed braincase anatomical description and neuroanatomical study of Portugalosuchus azenhae, from the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Portugal. This eusuchian crocodylomorph was originally described as a putative Crocodylia and one of the oldest representatives of this clade; however, its phylogenetic position remains controversial. Based on new data obtained from high resolution Computed Tomography images (by micro-CT scan), this study aims to improve the original description of this taxon and also update the scarce neuroanatomical knowledge of Eusuchia and Crocodylia from this time interval, a key period to understand the origin and evolution of these clades. The resulting three-dimensional models from the CT data allowed a detailed description of its well-preserved neurocranium and internal cavities. Therefore, it was possible to reconstruct the cavities of the olfactory region, nasopharyngeal ducts, brain, nerves, carotid arteries, blood vessels, paratympanic sinus system and inner ear, which allowed to estimate some neurosensorial capabilities. By comparison with other crocodylomorphs, these analyses showed that Portugalosuchus, back in the Cenomanian, already displayed an olfactive acuity, sight, hearing and cognitive skills within the range of that observed in other basal eusuchians and crocodylians, including extant species. In addition, and in order to test its disputed phylogenetic position, these new anatomical data, which helped to correct and complete some of the original observations, were included in one of the most recent morphology-based phylogenies. The position of Portugalosuchus differs slightly from the original publication since it is now located as a “thoracosaurid” within Gavialoidea, but still as a crocodylian. Despite all this, to better contrast these results, additional phylogenetic analyses including this new morphological character coding together with DNA data should be performed.

Fernandes, AE, Beccari V, Kellner AWA, Mateus O.  2023.  A new gnathosaurine (Pterosauria, Archaeopterodactyloidea) from the Late Jurassic of Portugal. PeerJ. 11:e16048. Abstractfernandes_et_al_2023_lusognathus_peerj-16048.pdfWebsite

An incomplete, yet remarkably-sized dentated rostrum and associated partial cervical vertebrae of a pterosaur (ML 2554) were recently discovered from the Late Jurassic (Late Kimmeridgian-Early Tithonian) Lourinhã Formation of Praia do Caniçal, of central west Portugal. This specimen exhibits features such as a spatulated anterior expansion of the rostrum, robust comb-like dentition, and pronounced rims of the tooth alveoli, indicating gnathosaurine affinities. Based on its further unique tooth and dentary morphology, a new genus and species, \textit{Lusognathus almadrava} gen. et spec. nov., is proposed, making this the first named pterosaur species found within Portugal. The presence of this taxon adds yet another element to the fluvio-deltaic lagoonal environment that has been suggested as representative of the Lourinhã Formation in the Late Jurassic, further contributing to the diversity and distribution of gnathosaurines worldwide.

Rotatori, FM, Quaranta M, Bertozzo F, Hübner T, Camilo B, Mateus O, Moreno-Azanza M.  2023.  Hadrosaur-like vascularisation in the dentary of an early diverging iguanodontian dinosaur. Historical Biology. :1-6.: Taylor & Francis AbstractWebsite

ABSTRACTVirtual palaeontology is a growing field, leading palaeontologists to better understand the microanatomy of many extinct species. The application of techniques such as CT and μCT-scanning allows the researchers to study micro-anatomical features in a non-invasive way and make inferences on the palaeobiology of animals. Dinosaurs have been extensively studied using these techniques, with particular focus on the microanatomy of the cranium, whereas relatively little is known of other cranial elements, such as the lower jaw. Here, we aim to fill this gap, describing the microanatomy of the specimen ML 768, an isolated dentary belonging to a dryosaurid iguanodontian dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic of Lourinhã Fm. The dentary ML 768 was subjected to μCT-scanning, and subsequently the data were segmented in Avizo and rendered in Blender. We identified functional and replacement teeth, recognising remnants of old replacement cycles. Furthermore, we mapped a rich neurovascular network present in the dentary and compared it with reference literature. We found that the high vascularisation is shared with other cerapodan dinosaurs with high tooth replacement rates, although homoeostasis may have also played a role in the development of this condition. Further evidence is needed to appreciate the macroevolutionary significance of these findings.

Conti, S, Sala G, Mateus O.  2023.  Smart Biomechanical Adaptation Revealed by the Structure of Ostrich Limb Bones. Biomimetics. 8(1), Number 1 Abstractbiomimetics-08-00098.pdfWebsite

Ostriches are known to be the fastest bipedal animal alive; to accomplish such an achievement, their anatomy evolved to sustain the stresses imposed by running at such velocities. Ostriches represent an excellent case study due to the fact that their locomotor kinematics have been extensively studied for their running capabilities. The shape and structure of ostrich bones are also known to be optimized to sustain the stresses imposed by the body mass and accelerations to which the bones are subjected during movements. This study focuses on the limb bones, investigating the structure of the bones as well as the material properties, and how both the structure and material evolved to maximise the performance while minimising the stresses applied to the bones themselves. The femoral shaft is hollowed and it presents an imbricate structure of fused bone ridges connected to the walls of the marrow cavity, while the tibial shaft is subdivided into regions having different mechanical characteristics. These adaptations indicate the optimization of both the structure and the material to bear the stresses. The regionalization of the material highlighted by the mechanical tests represents the capability of the bone to adapt to external stimuli during the life of an individual, optimizing not only the structure of the bone but the material itself.

Guillaume, ARD, Ezquerro L, Moreno-Azanza M, Mateus O.  2023.  Vertebrate microfossil assemblages from the Lourinhã Formation: a sneak peek on the paleoecology of the Late Jurassic in Portugal. The Anatomical Record. 306(#S1):118-121.: Conference: 14th Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and BiotaAt … Abstractguillaume_et_al_2023_vertebrate_microfossil.pdf


Coimbra, R, Moreno-Azanza M, Ezquerro L, Nuñez-Lahuerta C, Gasca JM, Immenhauser A, Mateus O, Rocha F.  2023.  Evaluating and comparing geochemical sampling protocols in dinosaur eggshells: refining Cretaceous ecosystem research. Cretaceous Research. :105632. Abstractsingle_file_coimbra_et_al._2023_cretresearch.pdfWebsite

The geochemical signatures of dinosaur eggshells represent well-established proxies in paleoenvironmental and paleobiological research. The variable sampling procedures reported in the literature, however, deserve attention. In order to evaluate the impact of different sampling methodologies on carbon and oxygen isotope and elemental concentrations, grinding was contrasted with drilling to extract powder samples from eggshell fragments collected at several locations. Eggshell data were further contrasted with surface materials, encasing matrix and compared with independent proxies using petrographic and elemental techniques. Iron and manganese elemental concentrations revealed an enrichment sequence depending on the sampling strategy for the same eggshell fragment. This pattern can be mistaken for a variable state of preservation. In contrast, carbon and oxygen isotope values exhibited only subtle differences and lacked clear trends. This suggests that isotope data are less susceptible to different methodological approaches. It is shown that drilling offers a wider range of possibilities compared to grinding (e.g., faster and less destructive). Additionally, drilled powder samples can confidently be used for elemental and isotope analysis, excluding contamination, thus providing a more accurate set of proxy data from eggshell archives.

López-Rojas, V, Clemmensen LB, Milàn J, Wings O, Klein N, Mateus O.  2023.  A new phytosaur species (Archosauriformes) from the Upper Triassic of Jameson Land, central East Greenland, 2023. Journal of Vertebrate PaleontologyJournal of Vertebrate Paleontology. :e2181086.: Taylor & Francis Abstracta_new_phytosaur_species_archosauriformes_from_the_upper_triassic_of_jameson_land_central_east_greenland.pdfWebsite

ABSTRACTHerein we describe phytosaurs from thin fluvial overbank sandstones of the Upper Triassic Malmros Klint Formation of the Fleming Fjord Group (central East Greenland). The new sample includes more than 150 disarticulated bones and teeth from small to large specimens belonging to at least four individuals. The fossils mostly consist of teeth and postcranial elements and permit the recognition of a new species of Mystriosuchus, M. alleroq, diagnosed by an L-shaped quadratojugal whose anterior suture trends anterodorsally and a tripartite degree of heterodonty. Humeral diaphyseal histology of one specimen reveals a fairly compact cortex that surrounds a cancellous medullary region followed by a remodeling zone containing scattered secondary osteons. Primary bone tissue is parallel-fibred with a moderate to low vascular density. The cortex is cyclically interrupted by distinct growth marks indicating a seasonal environment. A change in growth rate from moderate to low is documented within the outer cortex, indicating that at least this individual was close to somatic maturity. Mystriosuchus has formerly been known as an exclusively European taxon. The new findings support the European faunal influence in East Greenland during the Late Triassic inferred from other taxa such as temnospondyls and archosaurs. The mid-late Norian age of European Mystriosuchus suggests an additional age constraint for the vertebrate-bearing portion of the Malmros Klint Formation.

Milàn, J, Mateus O.  2023.  To nye dinosaurfund fra Hasle. Natur På Bornholm. 2023:74-76.milan__mateus_2023_-_to_nye_dinosaurfund_fra_hasle.pdf