Coauthored Publications with: Cruz

Conference Paper

Biscaia, H, Chastre C, Cruz D, Franco N, Nunes R.  2016.  Avaliação experimental de diferentes ligações coladas, 4-6 July 2016. TEST&E 2016 - 1º Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil. :8., IST, Lisbon, Portugal Abstractteste2016_-_01050_-_biscaia.pdf

A utilização de materiais compósitos de matriz polimérica (Fiber Reinforced Polymers - FRP) como armadura de reforço de diferentes elementos estruturas de várias naturezas (e.g. betão armado, aço, madeira ou alvenaria) tem vindo a suscitar o interesse da comunidade científica internacional. Inicialmente, a simples colagem pelo exterior dos compósitos de FRP aos elementos estruturais permitiu identificar um fenómeno de descolamento prematuro do compósito para níveis de extensão muito aquém dos seus limites de rotura. Com base na experimentação, algumas teorias têm surgido no sentido de explicar o fenómeno do descolamento prematuro dos FRPs. Por outro lado, outras técnicas de reforço têm sido propostas com o objetivo de adiar ou simplesmente eliminar esse fenómeno. Neste trabalho, são analisadas diferentes ligações coladas entre laminados de CFRP e outros materiais tais como, o betão armado, o aço e a madeira. Duas técnicas de reforço por colagem vulgarmente citadas na literatura internacional foram utilizadas: Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) e Near Surface Mounted (NSM). Os resultados experimentais permitiram constatar que o desempenho local das ligações estudadas é distinto, tendo-se observado que as relações entre a tensão de aderência e o deslocamento relativo entre superfícies é: (i) na ligação CFRP/betão do tipo não linear e caracteriza-se por, após atingir-se uma tensão de aderência máxima, o descolamento ocorre quando a tensão de aderência tende para zero; (ii) na ligação CFRP/aço o desempenho é do tipo bi-linear, i.e. com um troço inicial retilíneo até atingir-se uma tensão de pico seguindo-se um troço linear descendente até tensão de aderência nula; e (iii) na ligação CFRP/madeira o desempenho é do tipo tri-linear, i.e. similar à ligação CFRP/aço mas com um troço constante a seguir ao troço linear descendente e que se esgota para um deslocamento relativo último.

Biscaia, H, Chastre C, Cruz D, Franco N, Nunes R.  2016.  Reforço à flexão de pavimentos antigos de madeira com recurso a laminados de fibras de carbono, 4-6 July 2016. TEST&E 2016 - 1º Congresso de Ensaios e Experimentação em Engenharia Civil. :8., IST, Lisbon, Portugal Abstractteste2016_-_01049_-_biscaia.pdf

O dimensionamento de vigas de madeira aos Estados Limites de Utilização (ELUt) tem limites muito apertados tanto para ações de curto prazo como para ações de longo prazo. Uma solução eficiente para este problema passa por aumentar as seções transversais das vigas. Porém, este tipo de solução não só acarreta um aumento de custos como também altera profundamente arquitetura original do edifício abrindo, por conseguinte, uma oportunidade para encontrar outras soluções mais eficientes. Neste sentido, o uso de armaduras de reforço em vigas de madeira pode ser considerado como uma solução promissora uma vez que as estruturas, novas ou velhas, manteriam o aspeto estético original sem introduzir nos elementos reforçados, um aumento significativo do seu peso próprio, melhorando o seu desempenho face a ações de curto e longo prazo. O presente estudo é dedicado à análise de vigas de madeira antigas reforçadas à flexão com materiais compósitos de fibras de carbono, vulgarmente designados na literatura internacional por Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP). Neste trabalho, foram reforçados e ensaiados à flexão pavimentos antigos de madeira tendo-se analisado os respetivos desempenhos aquando da utilização de uma técnica de reforço por colagem tradicional (Externally Bonded Reinforcement - EBR) e aquando da utilização de uma técnica de reforço por colagem inovadora (Continous Reinforcement Embedded at Ends - CREatE). Os ensaios experimentais permitiram verificar que a técnica de colagem inovadora CREatE confere aos pavimentos de madeira uma maior rigidez e resistência face à técnica tradicional conseguindo se mobilizar a totalidade do compósito de CFRP.

Biscaia, H, Chastre C, Cruz D, Franco N.  2016.  A New Bonding Technique for the Rehabilitation of Old Timber Floors with CFRP Composites, 13-16 September . 41th IAHS Word Congress of Housing. Sustainability and Innovation for the Future. :10., Albufeira, Portugal Abstract41_iahs_2016_-_hugo_biscaia_-_ext-abstract.pdf

Despite the number of applications with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) have been grown in civil constructions, the studies available in the literature dedicated to the strengthening of old timber beams are very rare. This paper analyses the bending behaviour of old suspended timber floors flexurally-strengthened with CFRP laminates. A new bonding technique developed by the authors is presented which mainly consists on the embedding of both CFRP ends into the core of the timber beams. Differences between the traditional strengthening, i.e. Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR), and the new bonding technique are reported. A timber pavement without any CFRP laminate bonded to its soffit was also considered and the results were used as reference values for comparison with the strengthened specimens. The results revealed that the CFRP laminate used for the flexurally-strengthened of the specimen according to the EBR technique reached only 27.2% of the rupture strain of the CFRP laminate whereas the new bonding technique was capable to prevent the premature debonding of the CFRP from the timber substrate and the rupture of the CFRP laminate was observed. Furthermore, the strain distributions in the CFRP laminates and the bond stresses within the CFRP-to-timber interfaces were affected when the new technique was used. For the sake of better understanding the rupture modes observed, a numerical approach was developed which allowed us to conclude that, until the collapse of the beams, the timber never reached its yielding point and the collapse were mainly due to the poor quality of the timber (e.g. quantity of knot, cracks and irregular geometries) and the low shear capacity of the beams.

Journal Article

Biscaia, H, Chastre C, Cruz D, Franco N.  2016.  Flexural Strengthening of Old Timber Floors with Laminated Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers. Journal of Composites for Construction. :04016073. AbstractWebsite

A set of three old suspended timber floors were flexurally-strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) strips in order to investigate the effectiveness of externally bonding FRP to their soffits. The specimens were from an old building and 740 mm-wide bands were transferred to the laboratory in order to be tested in a 4-point bending test. One specimen was tested with no strengthening system and the results obtained were used as reference values for comparison with the specimens those were externally bonded and reinforced (EBR) with CFRP strips. Two similar EBR systems were studied: (i) keeping both ends of the CFRP strips free of any restriction (traditional technique); and (ii) embedding both ends of the CFRP strips into the timber, thus providing a bonding anchorage of the strips (new technique). The installation of the new strengthening system comprises the opening of holes in the timber and the creation of a transition curve between the holes and the timber surface. This transition curve allows a smooth transition of the CFRP laminate between the hole and the timber surface, thus avoiding stress concentrations in this area. After the opening of the holes, the resin is applied inside the hole and on the beam surface, and then the CFRP laminate is mounted. The load-carrying capacity of the specimens, the rupture modes, the strains and bond stress distributions within the CFRP-to-timber interface are presented. A nonlinear numerical simulation of the specimens based on the mid-span cross-sectional equilibrium is also presented. The results showed that the use of the new strengthening system enhances the performance of the specimens when compared with the traditional strengthening system.

Biscaia, H, Chastre C, Borba I, Silva C, Cruz D.  2016.  Experimental evaluation of bonding between CFRP laminates and different structural materials. Journal of Composites for Construction. 20:04015070., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

This study presents an analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP)-to-parent material interfaces based on 40 single-lap shear tests intended to highlight the strength of the interfaces under fracture mode II. Three different substrates are analyzed: timber;concrete and steel, using the same CFRP laminates and adhesive agent. The Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) technique was used throughout the study. The results show that the CFRP-to-timber interfaces had the highest strength but also showed that these interfaces need a longer bonded length in order to reach maximum strength, i.e., CFRP-to-timber interfaces had the longest effective bond length. The local non-linear bond-slip curve of CFRP-to-concrete can be approximated to exponential curves, whereas the CFRP-to-timber or steel interfaces showed tri-linear and bi-linear bond-slip relations, respectively. Also, the CFRP-to-timber interfaces revealed the highest fracture energy.

Biscaia, HC, Chastre C, Cruz D, Viegas A.  2017.  Prediction of the interfacial performance of CFRP laminates and old timber bonded joints with different strengthening techniques, 1/1/. Composites Part B: Engineering. 108:1-17. AbstractWebsite

Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) is a recent technique to strengthen timber structures and the studies available discussing the debonding between these materials are limited. Therefore, the bond assessment between FRP composites and timber substrates is a topic that needs clarification. The present work analyses the debonding process between Carbon (C) FRP laminates and timber with rupture modes consistent with Mode II interfacial fracture, i.e. with the sliding mode where the bond stresses act parallel to the plane of the bonding surface. Several single-lap shear tests were performed and the experiments showed a nonlinear local behaviour of the CFRP-to-timber interface. An interfacial bond-slip model and its calibration procedure were also presented. Furthermore, the calibrated nonlinear bond-slip model was implemented in a numerical approach where the FRP composite and the adhesive are simulated by linear and nonlinear springs and the substrate is assumed rigid. The following influences on the debonding process of the CFRP-to-timber interface were also analysed: (i) the bonding technique (Externally Bonded Reinforcement - EBR; and Near Surface Mounted - NSM); and (ii) the use of an additional device to mechanically anchor the CFRP laminate. Besides the determination of the effective bond length for each bonding technique, a new concept defining the length beyond which the force at the anchorage device does not decrease with the bonded length and a proposal to estimate its value for any bonded length was also presented and discussed. The experimental tests have shown that the NSM technique has a better performance compared to the EBR technique, independently of the installation of mechanical anchorage devices. In the case of the EBR technique, the strains in the CFRP laminate increased at its vicinities due to the clamping force applied to the anchors, which affected the final strength of the interface.

Biscaia, HC, Cruz D, Chastre C.  2016.  Analysis of the debonding process of CFRP-to-timber interfaces, 6/15/. Construction and Building Materials. 113:96-112. AbstractWebsite

The use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in the strengthening of timber structures is quite recent and few studies have discussed the debonding between these materials. The analysis of the Mode II debonding process between FRP composites and timber elements may be of great importance because this mode is predominant in the case, for instance, of the bending of beams. Knowing the appropriate bond-slip model to use on the estimation of the performance of FRP-to-timber interfaces is greatly relevant. Under such circumstances, a detailed knowledge of all the states that CFRP-to-timber interfaces are subjected to is important as well. The current work gives answers to these aspects proposing an analytical solution based on a tri-linear bond-slip model that is capable of describing precisely the full-range debonding behavior of FRP-to-timber interfaces. Thus, the purpose of this study is to contribute to existing knowledge with an analytical solution capable of describing the full-range debonding process between a FRP composite and a substrate. The analytical solutions herein proposed are also compared with the results obtained from several experiments based on single-lap shear tests. Comparisons at different load levels and different bonded lengths are presented. The slips, strains in the CFRP composite and bond stress distributions within the bonded interface are emphasized in the text. The complete load-slip response of CFRP-to-timber interface is also analyzed. Each state of the debonding process is described and each one is identified in the load-slip curve.

Biscaia, HC, Chastre C, Cruz D, Franco N.  2017.  Flexural Strengthening of Old Timber Floors with Laminated Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymers. Journal of Composites for Construction. 21:04016073., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

A set of three old suspended timber floors were flexurally strengthened with carbon fiber–reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips in order to investigate the effectiveness of externally bonding FRP to their soffits. The specimens were from an old building and 740-mm-wide bands were transferred to the laboratory in order to be tested in a four-point bending test. One specimen was tested with no strengthening system and the results obtained were used as reference values for comparison with the specimens that were externally bonded and reinforced (EBR) with CFRP strips. Two similar EBR systems were studied: (1) keeping both ends of the CFRP strips free of any restriction (traditional technique), and (2) embedding both ends of the CFRP strips into the timber, thus providing a bonding anchorage of the strips (new technique). The installation of the new strengthening system comprises the opening of holes in the timber and the creation of a transition curve between the holes and the timber surface. This transition curve allows a smooth transition of the CFRP laminate between the hole and the timber surface, thus avoiding stress concentrations in this area. After the opening of the holes, the resin is applied inside the hole and on the beam surface, and then the CFRP laminate is mounted. The load-carrying capacity of the specimens, the rupture modes, and the strains and bond stress distributions within the CFRP-to-timber interface are presented. A nonlinear numerical simulation of the specimens based on the midspan cross-sectional equilibrium is also presented. The results showed that the use of the new strengthening system enhances the performance of the specimens when compared with the traditional strengthening system.