Reforço de vigas em betão armado com armaduras exteriores de FRP,
Monteiro, António, Chastre Carlos, Biscaia Hugo, and Franco Noel
, Revista Internacional TechITT, Jan. 2017, Volume 15, Number 40, p.48-60, (2017)
AbstractA utilização de Polímeros Reforçados com Fibras (FRP) no reforço de estruturas de Betão Armado (BA) tem tido cada vez mais aceitação devido à sua elevada resistência e rigidez, baixo peso específico e excelente resistência aos efeitos dos agentes ambientais. No entanto, actualmente, é comum utilizarem-se técnicas de reforço que dificilmente permitem tirar partido da resistência total destes materiais. Com o objectivo de explorar a capacidade total de Polímeros Reforçados com Fibras de Carbono (CFRP), foram estudadas e desenvolvidas duas novas técnicas de reforço de vigas à flexão designadas por Continuous Reinforcement Embedded at Ends (CREatE) e Horizontal Near Surface Mounted Reinforcement (HNSMR). Posteriormente realizou-se um estudo comparativo entre o desempenho destes sistemas de reforço e o de duas outras técnicas já estudadas e usuais, nomeadamente os sistemas Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) e Near Surface Mounted Reinforcement (NSMR). A técnica CREatE provou ser a mais eficaz de todas as alternativas testadas mobilizando a totalidade do compósito de CFRP e dotando as vigas de BA com uma maior capacidade resistente e com uma ductilidade mais elevada.Como complemento deste trabalho experimental, desenvolveu-se também um programa de cálculo em MATLAB, capaz de simular o problema em estudo através de um modelo numérico de análise não linear através do equilíbrio de secções. A representatividade dos dados obtidos foi verificada através de uma análise comparativa entre os valores numéricos e os obtidos experimentalmente.The use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in order to strengthen Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures has been increasingly accepted due to their strength and stiffness, low weight and excellent resistance to the effects of environmental aggressive agents. However, the bonding techniques available and described in the literature can not allow the full use of the mechanical properties of these materials and premature failures are often observed and described by several researchers. In order to explore the full capacity of CFRP composites, two new bonding strengthening techniques of RC beams when subjected to 4-point bending tests were studied and developed. For these new techniques, the designation of Continuous Reinforcement Embedded at Ends (CREatE) and Horizontal Near Surface Mounted Reinforcement (HNSMR) has been assigned. Posteriorly, a comparative study has been carried out between those strengthening systems performance and two traditional techniques, namely, the Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) and Near Surface Mounted Reinforcement (NSMR). The CREatE technique has proved to be the most effective of all alternatives tested, with the full utilization of the CFRP composite and the highest strength, combined with the highest ductility. A code using MATLAB software was developed as a complement of this experimental work, which is able to simulate the problem under study through a nonlinear numerical model based on the equilibrium of sections. The representativeness of the numerical data has been verified afterwards through a comparative analysis between those and the experimental results.
Análise experimental de ligações pilar-pilar em torres treliçadas em concreto pré-moldado para suporte de geradores eólicos,
Martins, David, Souza Sueli T. M., LUCIO Válter J. G., Chastre Carlos, and Souza Luiz A. S.
, Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural - BE2018, 7 a 9 de novembr, LNEC, Lisboa, Portugal, p.10, (2018)
AbstractCom o crescente consumo de energia elétrica são cada vez mais os países que procuram fontes de energia renovável e limpa, entre elas a eólica. A quantidade de energia produzida é influenciada pela altura das torres, dimensões das pás e potência dos aerogeradores. Quanto maior for a elevação da turbina maiores são a velocidade e estabilidade dos ventos alcançados. A solução de torre treliçada em concreto armado pré-moldado idealizada por Lúcio e Chastre [2] permite a construção de torres altas e é competitiva em relação aos outros sistemas estruturais.As ligações têm uma importância fundamental no comportamento global das estruturas pré-moldadas. A viabilidade da ligação (fácil execução, baixo custo, comportamento/capacidade resistente) é preponderante na viabilização da construção destas torres.Até à data foram estudadas quatro ligações (S1, S2, S3 e S4), sendo neste artigo abordadas apenas as ligações do modelo S3 com junta de 3mm (barras salientes/bainhas corrugadas/selagem com grout) e do modelo S4 com junta de 50 mm (ligações aparafusadas produzidas comercialmente).Através dos resultados experimentais pode-se concluir que o mecanismo de rutura foi o mesmo nos dois modelos e que as soluções estudadas preenchem os requisitos para a sua utilização em estruturas pré-moldadas de concreto armado para suporte de aerogeradores.
Performance analysis of load–strain models for circular columns confined with FRP composites,
Marques, Pedro Faustino, and Chastre Carlos
, Composite Structures, Volume 94, Number 11, p.3115-3131, (2012)
AbstractThe use of FRP composites for the confinement of concrete has become an important aspect to consider on strengthening of concrete columns. It is important therefore that accurate modelling tools are available for the design of this system considering, not only the peak values of load and strain, but also the complete stress–strain behaviour. A wide group of authors have proposed several models specific for FRP-confined concrete based either on theoretical assumptions (analysis-oriented-models – AOMs) or on mathematical calibration from testing results (design-oriented-models – DOMs). This article carries out the implementation and analysis of nine existing models for circular concrete columns in view of axially tested reinforced concrete columns confined with CFRP with three different diameters: 150; 250 and 400 mm. The global shape of curves, peak compressive load, stress–strain relation, axial-to-lateral relation and dilation response were studied to conclude which models’ curves were closer to tests. Quantification of errors in face of the testing results was carried out for the most important parameters – ultimate load, strain and lateral stress – as well as for other curve parameters. Some models are accurate in predicting the peak load, though only few can accurately predict the load–strain and dilation behaviour.
Carbonation service life modelling of RC structures for concrete with Portland and blended cements,
Marques, Pedro Faustino, Chastre Carlos, and Nunes Ângela
, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 37, p.171-184, (2013)
AbstractThe presented work aims at studying the modelling of long term performance of concrete compositions with different proportions of clinker as regards the diffusion of CO2 in concrete – carbonation. The replacing constituents of clinker that will be part of the binder in each concrete composition are limestone filler and low calcium fly ash (FA). The used percentage of FA by weight of binder was of 50%. Concrete compositions were made following standard prescribed requirements to attain service lives of 50 and 100 years as regards concrete performance against reinforcing steel corrosion. Test results of compressive strength and carbonation depth are reported at different curing ages of 28, 90, 180 and 365 days. Carbonation results were used for the implementation of modelling equations in order to estimate the design service life regarding reinforcing steel corrosion. Two performance-based methods were used: safety factor method and probabilistic method, and their results compared with the traditional prescriptive approach. At the age of 28 days the composition with OPC is the only one that reaches the target periods of 50 or 100 years. For the probabilistic method, different curing age results were analysed. For the tested results at 90, 180 and 365 days of age the reliability of some of the compositions with blended cements is within the minimum required, although still far from the higher performance of concrete with OPC.