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fib Bulletin 84. Precast Insulated Sandwich Panels, Hughes, Simon, Acker Arnold Van, Chastre Carlos, Gasperi Antonello, Jones George, Karutz Holger, Krohn Jason, Laliberté Diane, Lindstrom Gosta, Ronchetti Alessandra, Sennour Larbi, Seshappa Venkatesh, Sthaladipti Saha, Suika Arto, Tillman Mathias, and Tsoukantas Spyros , fib Bulletin 84, Number fib Bulletin, Lausanne, (2017) Abstract

Precast concrete sandwich panels started being used as cladding for buildings, together with the rise of industrial prefabrication, during the mid-20th century. Since then, society and industry have become increasingly aware of energy efficiency in all fields, for both affordability and sustainability consciousness. As such, buildings have been subject to increasingly stringent requirements with the technology of sandwich panels kept continually at the forefront.
Nowadays, sandwich panels have reached the highest standards of functional performance as structural efficiency, flexibility in use, the speed as well as of aesthetic appeal. These combine in building construction with the well-known advantages of prefabrication; such as construction, quality consciousness, durability and sustainability. Sandwich panels have gained more and more important in their field, thus representing quite a significant application within the industry of prefabrication and an important share of the market.
The Commission ‘Prefabrication’ is keen to promote the development of all precast structural concrete products and to transfer the knowledge to practical design and construction. Now filling a strategic gap, by issuing this Guide to Good Practice, which includes design considerations, structural analysis, building physics, use of materials, manufacturing methods, equipment, field performance, and provides a comprehensive overview of the information currently available worldwide. The Commission is particularly proud that this document is a result of close cooperation with PCI and that it will be published by both fib and PCI. This cooperation started six years ago, first with comparing the different approaches to several issues, then progressively integrating up to producing common documents, like this one, that wasn’t yet treated in a specific Guide by either body.

Determination of weathering degree of the Persepolis stone under laboratory and natural conditions using fuzzy inference system, Heidari, Mojtaba, Torabi-Kaveh Mehdi, Chastre Carlos, Ludovico-Marques Marco, Mohseni Hassan, and Akefi Hossein , Construction and Building Materials, Volume 145, p.28-41, (2017) Abstract

Weathering imposes vital effects on stony monuments. Mostly, the degree of weathering is determined by simple test results, ignoring simultaneous effects of various weathering factors. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to develop prediction models with fuzzy inference systems to determine the weathering degree of the Persepolis stone, using various accelerated ageing tests in laboratory condition and to extrapolate the results to the natural condition, considering climatic information. The results suggest reliable conformity between the prediction of the weathering degree of the stone and the weathering degree observed in the Persepolis complex in natural condition.

Application of fuzzy inference system for determining weathering degree of some monument stones in Iran, Heidari, Mojtaba, Chastre Carlos, Torabi-Kaveh Mehdi, Ludovico-Marques Marco, and Mohseni Hassan , Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 25, p.41-55, (2017) Abstract

This paper presents a comparative evaluation of efficiencies of different accelerated ageing tests (freezethaw, thermal shock, salt crystallization, dissolution and wetting-drying) and fuzzy inference system in predicting weathering degrees of some monument stones from three historical sites (Anahita Temple, Anobanini reliefs and Eshkaft-e Salman reliefs, Iran). The combined effects of natural weathering processes (heating and cooling, wetting and drying, and freezing and thawing) and climatic information were used for assessing the natural weathering degrees. Finally, the natural weathering degrees were multiplied by time effect coefficients to obtain more realistic natural weathering degrees of the monuments. The predicted natural weathering degrees for Anahita Temple, Anobanini reliefs and Eshkaft-e Salman reliefs are 56%, 61%, and 47%, respectively. These predicted values reasonably support the weathering degrees defined by progressive decay indices (calculated equal to 2.77, 3.42 and 2.66 for Anahita Temple, Anobanini reliefs and Eshkaft-e Salman reliefs, respectively), which means the fuzzy model potentially could accurately predict the weathering of stones.