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Prediction of the interfacial performance of CFRP laminates and old timber bonded joints with different strengthening techniques, Biscaia, Hugo C., Chastre Carlos, Cruz David, and Viegas André , Composites Part B: Engineering, 1/1/, Volume 108, p.1-17, (2017) AbstractWebsite

Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) is a recent technique to strengthen timber structures and the studies available discussing the debonding between these materials are limited. Therefore, the bond assessment between FRP composites and timber substrates is a topic that needs clarification. The present work analyses the debonding process between Carbon (C) FRP laminates and timber with rupture modes consistent with Mode II interfacial fracture, i.e. with the sliding mode where the bond stresses act parallel to the plane of the bonding surface. Several single-lap shear tests were performed and the experiments showed a nonlinear local behaviour of the CFRP-to-timber interface. An interfacial bond-slip model and its calibration procedure were also presented. Furthermore, the calibrated nonlinear bond-slip model was implemented in a numerical approach where the FRP composite and the adhesive are simulated by linear and nonlinear springs and the substrate is assumed rigid. The following influences on the debonding process of the CFRP-to-timber interface were also analysed: (i) the bonding technique (Externally Bonded Reinforcement - EBR; and Near Surface Mounted - NSM); and (ii) the use of an additional device to mechanically anchor the CFRP laminate. Besides the determination of the effective bond length for each bonding technique, a new concept defining the length beyond which the force at the anchorage device does not decrease with the bonded length and a proposal to estimate its value for any bonded length was also presented and discussed. The experimental tests have shown that the NSM technique has a better performance compared to the EBR technique, independently of the installation of mechanical anchorage devices. In the case of the EBR technique, the strains in the CFRP laminate increased at its vicinities due to the clamping force applied to the anchors, which affected the final strength of the interface.

Prólogo, Chastre, Carlos , Cáceres-Florencia, patrimonio vivo: Ensayos técnico-arquitectónicos, Volume 3, Cáceres, p.11-15, (2017) Abstract

Este livro apresenta diferentes perspetivas sobre o património arquitetónico em Espanha e Itália, debruçando-se sobre temas que estão na ordem do dia, como a reabilitação do património arquitetónico ou as acessibilidades ao mesmo, sejam elas na forma física ou digital, sendo os autores profundos conhecedores desta área. Nas intervenções a realizar no património edificado é fundamental ter um conhecimento aprofundado do projeto, da história e do processo construtivo da obra, bem como do seu comportamento estrutural. De acordo com o ICOMOS estas intervenções devem ser realizadas utilizando as técnicas mais adequadas, baseadas num diagnóstico apropriado e na compreensão dos materiais existentes. De igual forma, os estudos no edificado monumental devem ser realizados com o menor grau de intrusão e o máximo respeito pela sua integridade física, seguindo os princípios de salvaguarda do património arquitetónico definidos na carta internacional de Atenas.O livro divide‐se em duas grandes áreas: numa, abordam‐se os assuntos que se enquadram essencialmente no âmbito da conservação e reabilitação do património arquitetónico e na outra são apresentados os temas mais dedicados à acessibilidade do público ao património arquitetónico e à sua divulgação online. Os trabalhos apresentados no âmbito da conservação e reabilitação do património arquitetónico seguem na essência as recomendações do ICOMOS em relação à necessidade de compreensão da construção existente, ao desenvolvimento de novas técnicas e dos materiais mais adequados aos trabalhos de conservação e reabilitação, assim como na realização de testes em modelos experimentais à escala, tendo por objetivo avaliar o comportamento da estrutura antes e após a reabilitação. O património arquitetónico construído constitui uma parte importante da história da civilização humana e é um fator determinante da nossa identidade coletiva que importa preservar para as gerações futuras. Com a sua intervenção na conservação, reabilitação, valorização e divulgação do património construído, os autores deste livro estão a cumprir um importante papel na nossa sociedade, preservando um legado que nos foi deixado pelos nossos antepassados.

Preface, Chastre, Carlos , 2nd International Conference on Building Materials and Materials Engineering - ICBMM 2018, Volume 278, Lisbon, Portugal, (2019) Abstract

The 2nd International Conference on Building Materials and Materials Engineering (ICBMM 2018) was held at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, from 26 to 28 September, 2018. The objective of the Lisbon conference was to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academics, as well as industrial professionals from all over the world, to present their research results and development activities in Building Materials and Materials Engineering.ICBMM 2018 was an opportunity for researchers, engineers and academics to further develop Building Materials and Materials Engineering. Attendees benefitted a lot from expert practitioners and researchers who presented the latest trends in theoretical and practical domains of Building Materials and Materials Engineering. Distinguished professors also delivered their keynote speeches on the latest developments in their respective fields. Among the keynote and plenary speakers were Prof. Carlos Chastre from NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal; Prof. Paulo Mendonça from University of Minho, Portugal; Dr. Mascarenhas Mateus from University of Lisbon, Portugal; Prof. Rudolf Hela from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.The current set of conference proceedings present a selection of papers submitted by researchers from a variety of universities, research institutes and industries. All papers were peer-reviewed by conference committee members and a panel of international reviewers who selected the papers to be published based on their quality and relevance to the topic of the conference. This volume presents recent advances in the field of Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Properties, Measuring Methods and Applications, Materials Manufacturing and Processing, Civil and Structural Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning.We would like to thank all the authors who have contributed to this volume and also the organizing committee, reviewers, speakers, co-chair persons, sponsors and all the conference participantsfor their strong support to ICBMM 2018, making this conference such a great success. We look forward to meeting you in ICBMM 2019!

Princípios básicos para a conceção de estruturas de edifícios em zonas sísmicas, Chastre, Carlos, Lúcio Válter, and Tsoukantas Spyros , Estruturas Pré-moldadas no Mundo - Aplicações e Comportamento Estrutural, p.227-248, (2012) Abstract
Potencialidade e Limitações dos Novos Materiais de Reforço de Estruturas, Chastre Rodrigues, C., and Silva M. G. , RILEM – 57th Annual Week 2003 & Seminário NDB, Lisboa, (2003) Abstract
Precast concrete wind tower structures. Historic development, current development and future potential, Lúcio, Válter, and Chastre Carlos , CPI - Concrete Plant International, 3, June 2014, Number 3, p.110-115, (2014) Abstractcpi_03-2014_p144-149.pdfWebsite

The wind energy production is a growing industry and the energy produced is renewable and environmentally cleaner than most of the energy production systems. The supports of the wind energy generators may be built with precast concrete elements. The precast solutions for these structures are competitive in comparison to other structural systems. The evolution of the technology for wind energy production shows a clear need for larger wind turbines and longer blades and, consequently, taller towers. The experience also shows that precast concrete solutions increase their competitiveness as the tower height increases. Offshore wind farms have some advantages in relation to onshore ones, which explains recent investments in this area. Also in this case, the durability of concrete in the sea when compared to steel, gives advantages to precast concrete in relation to other structural solutions. This paper shows the evolution of the supports of the wind energy generators and the advantages of the use of precast concrete towers.

Performance analysis of load–strain models for circular columns confined with FRP composites, Marques, Pedro Faustino, and Chastre Carlos , Composite Structures, Volume 94, Number 11, p.3115-3131, (2012) Abstractmarques__chastre_2012.pdfWebsite

The use of FRP composites for the confinement of concrete has become an important aspect to consider on strengthening of concrete columns. It is important therefore that accurate modelling tools are available for the design of this system considering, not only the peak values of load and strain, but also the complete stress–strain behaviour. A wide group of authors have proposed several models specific for FRP-confined concrete based either on theoretical assumptions (analysis-oriented-models – AOMs) or on mathematical calibration from testing results (design-oriented-models – DOMs). This article carries out the implementation and analysis of nine existing models for circular concrete columns in view of axially tested reinforced concrete columns confined with CFRP with three different diameters: 150; 250 and 400 mm. The global shape of curves, peak compressive load, stress–strain relation, axial-to-lateral relation and dilation response were studied to conclude which models’ curves were closer to tests. Quantification of errors in face of the testing results was carried out for the most important parameters – ultimate load, strain and lateral stress – as well as for other curve parameters. Some models are accurate in predicting the peak load, though only few can accurately predict the load–strain and dilation behaviour.

Probabilistic Conversion of the Compressive Strength of Cubes to Cylinders of Natural and Recycled Aggregate Concrete Specimens, Pacheco, João Nuno, de Brito Jorge, Chastre Carlos, and Evangelista Luís , Materials, Volume 12, Number 2, p.280, (2019) AbstractWebsite

This paper investigates the effect of recycled coarse aggregate incorporation on the relationship between 150 mm cubic and Փ 150 mm cylindrical compressive strength (the reference strength of standards) by comparing data from recycled and natural aggregate concrete compositions in which both cubes and cylinders were tested. A conversion factor from cubic to cylindrical strength is proposed in two versions: A deterministic and a probabilistic one. Such factor has not been studied before and researchers have been converting cubic data as if natural aggregate concrete were tested. The probabilistic factor is intended for reliability analyses on the structural behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete using data from laboratory cube tests. It was found that the incorporation of recycled coarse aggregates sourced from concrete waste significantly decreases the expected value of the factor but the factor’s scatter is relatively unaffected.