Bahubalindruni, P.G.a c, Tavares Fortunato Martins Barquinha V. G. b E. "
Novel linear analog-adder using a-IGZO TFTs."
Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Vol. 2016-July. 2016. 2098-2101.
AbstractA novel linear analog adder is proposed only with n-type enhancement IGZO TFTs that computes summation of four voltage signals. However, this design can be easily extended to perform summation of higher number of signals, just by adding a single TFT for each additional signal in the input block. The circuit needs few number of transistors, only a single power supply irrespective of the number of voltage signals to be added, and offers good accuracy over a reasonable range of input values. The circuit was fabricated on glass substrate with the annealing temperature not exceeding 200° C. The circuit performance is characterized from measurements under normal ambient at room temperature, with a power supply voltage of 12 V and a load of ≈ 4 pF. The designed circuit has shown a linearity error of 2.3% (until input signal peak to peak value is 2 V), a power consumption of 78 μW and a bandwidth of ≈ 115 kHz, under the worst case condition (when it is adding four signals with the same frequency). In this test setup, it has been noticed that the second harmonic is 32 dB below the fundamental frequency component. This circuit could offer an economic alternative to the conventional approaches, being an important contribution to increase the functionality of large area flexible electronics. © 2016 IEEE.
Barquinha, P., Pereira Gonçalves Martins Fortunato L. G. R. "
P-202L: Late-news poster: Long-term stability of oxide semiconductor-based TFTs."
Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium. Vol. 41 1. 2010. 1376-1379.
AbstractLong-term electrical stability measurements, including current/bias stress and aging over 18 months of idle shelf life are presented for GIZO-based TFTs. The effects of oxygen partial pressure, annealing temperature and passivation are discussed. Optimized devices show highly stable properties, such as a recoverable ΔV T<0.5 V after 24h of I D=10 μA stress, quite promising for integration in electronic circuits. © 2010 SID.
Barquinha, P., Pereira Gonçalves Martins Fortunato L. G. R. "
P-202L: Late-news poster: Long-term stability of oxide semiconductor-based TFTs."
48th Annual SID Symposium, Seminar, and Exhibition 2010, Display Week 2010. Vol. 3. 2010. 1376-1379.
AbstractLong-term electrical stability measurements, including current/bias stress and aging over 18 months of idle shelf life are presented for GIZO-based TFTs. The effects of oxygen partial pressure, annealing temperature and passivation are discussed. Optimized devices show highly stable properties, such as a recoverable ΔVT<0.5 V after 24h of 1D=10 μA stress, quite promising for integration in electronic circuits.
Barquinha, P., Martins Pereira Fortunato R. L. E. Transparent Oxide Electronics: From Materials to Devices. Transparent Oxide Electronics: From Materials to Devices., 2012.
AbstractTransparent electronics is emerging as one of the most promising technologies for the next generation of electronic products, away from the traditional silicon technology. It is essential for touch display panels, solar cells, LEDs and antistatic coatings. The book describes the concept of transparent electronics, passive and active oxide semiconductors, multicomponent dielectrics and their importance for a new era of novel electronic materials and products. This is followed by a short history of transistors, and how oxides have revolutionized this field. It concludes with a glance at low-cost, disposable and lightweight devices for the next generation of ergonomic and functional discrete devices. Chapters cover: Properties and applications of n-type oxide semiconductors P-type conductors and semiconductors, including copper oxide and tin monoxide Low-temperature processed dielectrics n and p-type thin film transistors (TFTs) - structure, physics and brief history Paper electronics - Paper transistors, paper memories and paper batteries Applications of oxide TFTs - transparent circuits, active matrices for displays and biosensors Written by a team of renowned world experts, Transparent Oxide Electronics: From Materials to Devices gives an overview of the world of transparent electronics, and showcases groundbreaking work on paper transistors. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.