Publications in the Year: 2008

Book Chapter

Mateus, O, Jacinto J.  2008.  Hemidactylus turcicus. Atlas dos Anfíbios e Répteis de Portugal. :130-131., Lisboa: A. Loureiro, N. Ferrand de Almeida, M.A. Carretero, O.S. Paulo. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidademateus__jacinto_2008_hemidactylus_turcicus_in_atlas_dos_anfibios_e_repteis_de_portugal.pdf
Mateus, O.  2008.  Fósseis de transição, elos perdidos, fósseis vivos e espécies estáveis. Evolução: História e Argumentos. (Levy, et al, Eds.).:77-96., Lisboa: Esfera do Caosmateus_2008_evolucao_fosseis_de_transicao.pdf
Mateus, O.  2008.   Fósseis de transição, elos perdidos, fósseis vivos e espécies estáveis . Evolução: História e Argumentos. :77-96., Lisboa Abstract
Mateus, O, Jacinto JJ.  2008.  Hemidactylus turcicus. Atlas dos Anfíbio e Répteis de Portugal. (A Loureiro, N F de Almeida, M.A Carretero, O S Paulo, Ed.).:134-135. Abstract

Conference Paper

Mateus, O, Jacobs LL, Polcyn MJ, Schulp AS, Neto AB, Antunes MT.  2008.  Dinosaur and turtles from the Turonian of Iembe, Angola. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados. :156., Neuquén, Argentina Abstractmateus_et_al_2008_dinosaur_and_turtles_from_the_turonian_of_iembe_angola.pdf


Mateus, O, Jacobs LL, Polcyn MJ, Schulp AS, Neto AB, Antunes MT.  2008.  Dinosaur and turtles from the Turonian of Iembe, Angola. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados. :156–156., Neuquén, Argentina Abstract
Schulp, AS, Polcyn MJ, Mateus O, Jacobs LL, Morais ML.  2008.  A new species of Prognathodon (Squamata, Mosasauridae) from the Maastrichtian of Angola, and the affinities of the mosasaur genus Liodon. Proceedings of the Second Mosasaur Meeting, Fort Hays Studies Special Issue 3, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas. :1-12. Abstract
Araujo, R, Castanhinha R, Mateus O.  2008.  Major trends in the evolution of teeth and mandibles in ornithopod dinosaurs. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados. :18., Neuquén, Argentina Abstract
Schulp, AS, Polcyn MJ, Mateus O, Jacobs LL, Morais ML.  2008.  A new species of Prognathodon (Squamata, Mosasauridae) from the Maastrichtian of Angola, and the affinities of the mosasaur genus Liodon. Proceedings of the Second Mosasaur Meeting, Fort Hays Studies Special Issue 3, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas. :1-12. Abstractschulp_et_al_2008_prognathodon_kianda.pdf

Here we describe a new species of the mosasaurine genus Prognathodon from the Maastrichtian of Namibe, Angola, on the basis of five specimens which represent most of the cranial skeleton including the diagnostic quadrate. Phylogenetic analysis shows this new taxon, P. kianda nov. sp., to be the sister taxon to all other species of Prognathodon. It is unique amongst Prognathodon in possessing a high marginal tooth count and relatively small pterygoid teeth. The tooth morphology in the new taxon is reminiscent of some species of the genus Liodon, allowing association of Liodon-like dentition with otherwise Prognathodon-like crania, and thus resolves the long-standing question of the phylogenetic affinities of Liodon.

Mateus, O.  2008.  Checklist for Late Jurassic reptiles and amphibians from Portugal. Livro de Resumos do X Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Herpetologia. :55., Coimbra Abstract
Castanhinha, R, Araujo R, Mateus O.  2008.  Reptile Egg Sites From Lourinhã Formation, Late Jurassic, Portugal. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados. , Neuquén, Argentina Abstract
Mateus, O, Maidment SCR, Christiansen NA.  2008.  A new specimen aff. Dacentrurus armatus (Dinosauria: Stegosauridae) from the Late Jurassic of Portugal. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados. :157., Neuquén, Argentina Abstractmateus_et_al_2008_a_new_specimen_aff._dacentrurus_armatus_dinosauria_stegosauridae_from_the_late_jurassic_of_portugal.pdf


Mateus, O, Jacobs LL, Polcyn MJ, Schulp AS, Neto AB, Antunes MT.  2008.  Dinosaur and turtles from the Turonian of Iembe, Angola. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados. :156., Neuquén, Argentina Abstract
Mateus, O, Antunes MT.  2008.  Landmarks in the history of dinosaur paleontology in Portugal, focusing on skeletal remains. Abstract volume, Dinosaurs - A Historical Perspective, 6-7 may 2008. , London Abstract
Mateus, O, Natario C, Araujo R, Castanhinha R.  2008.  A new specimen of spinosaurid dinosaur aff. Baryonyx from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. Livro de Resumos do X Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Herpetologia. :51–51., Coimbra Abstract
Castanhinha, R, Araujo R, Mateus O.  2008.  Reptile Egg Sites From Lourinhã Formation, Late Jurassic, Portugal. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados. , Neuquén, Argentina Abstract
Araujo, R, Castanhinha R, Mateus O.  2008.  Major trends in the evolution of teeth and mandibles in ornithopod dinosaurs. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados. :18., Neuquén, Argentina Abstractaraujo_et_al._2008._major_trends_in_the_evolution_of_teeth_and_mandibles_in_ornithopod_dinosaurs.pdf


Mateus, O, Dyke G, Motchurova-Dekova N, Ivanov P, Kamenov GD.  2008.  The Bulgarian dinosaur: did it exist? European late Cretaceous ornithomimosaurs 56th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy. :47–47., Dublin Abstract
Mateus, O, Natário C, Araújo R, Castanhinha R.  2008.  A new specimen of spinosaurid dinosaur aff. Baryonyx from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal, Jan. Livro de Resumos do X Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Herpetologia. :51. Abstract


Mateus, O, Antunes MT.  2008.  Landmarks in the history of dinosaur paleontology in Portugal, focusing on skeletal remains. Abstract volume, Dinosaurs - A Historical Perspective, 6-7 may 2008. , London Abstract
Mateus, O, Natario C, Araujo R, Castanhinha R.  2008.  A new specimen of spinosaurid dinosaur aff. Baryonyx from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. Livro de Resumos do X Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Herpetologia. (Universidade de, Coimbra, Ed.).:51., Coimbra Abstract
Castanhinha, R, Araujo R, Mateus O.  2008.  Reptile Egg Sites From Lourinhã Formation, Late Jurassic, Portugal. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados. , Neuquén, Argentina Abstractcastanhinha_et_al_2008_reptile_egg_sites_from_lourinha_formation_late_jurassic_portugal.pdf


Mateus, O, Dyke G, Motchurova-Dekova N, Ivanov P, Kamenov GD.  2008.  The Bulgarian dinosaur: did it exist? European late Cretaceous ornithomimosaurs 56th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy. :47., Dublin Abstract
Mateus, O, Antunes MT.  2008.  Landmarks in the history of dinosaur paleontology in Portugal, focusing on skeletal remains. Abstract volume, Dinosaurs - A Historical Perspective, 6-7 may 2008. , London Abstract

Portugal has been providing dinosaur remains since, at least, 1863. The 18th century tiles depicting the legend of Our Lady in Cabo Espichel are probably the oldest known dinosaur track illustration. To our knowledge, the first remains found in Portugal were theropod teeth collected near Porto das Barcas (Late Jurassic of Lourinhã) in June 20th, 1863 by the geologist Carlos Ribeiro (1813-1882). The first dinosaur paper was written by Henri Sauvage (1842-1917) published in 1896. All remains collected since 19th century were gathered in a work signed by Albert de Lapparent (1905-1975) and Georges Zbyszewski (1909-1999 ) titled Les Dinosauriens du Portugal (1957) that was a significant milestone in the Portuguese dinosaur paleontology and gives the state-of-the-art by the time. Several dinosaurs are named, described, depicted and mapped in that monograph. The first track record is given by Jacinto Pedro Gomes (1844-1916) in 1916. Concerning the non-scientific literature referring to dinosaurs, in 1884 the newspaper Occidente reports the Bernissart findings in Belgium. In the 1959 occurs the first visit to Portugal of Walter Kühne (1911-1991) from the Free University of Berlin. Further visits and work granted the access to the Guimarota Mine and other Late Jurassic deposits in the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s with a high number of publications. In the 1980’s and early 1990’s starts a progressive era for dinosaur paleontology in Portugal with the works of Peter Galton, Miguel Telles Antunes, the Natural History Museum, the Museum of Lourinhã and the New University of Lisbon, Oliver Rauhut, and others.

Mateus, O, Maidment SCR, Christiansen NA.  2008.  A new specimen aff. Dacentrurus armatus (Dinosauria: Stegosauridae) from the Late Jurassic of Portugal. Livro de Resumos de Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados. :157–157., Neuquén, Argentina Abstract