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Moniz, António B., Nuno Boavida, Bettina-Johanna Krings, Pablo Sanz de Miguel, and Csaba Makó. Digital labour platforms: Representing workers in Europe. Lisboa: Humus/CICS.NOVA, 2023. AbstractWebsite

"This book reflects the diversity of platform workers and their strategies to improve their work and organize collectively. It offers an insight on the cultural and institutional frameworks of the gig economy and the varieties of platform work in different sectors, locals, skills and complexity level. At the same time, it provides a range of policy options to ensure labour rights and social protections for these workers. Although a common European policy is still missing, critical debates have been raised to foster socially acceptable platform work. It presents new pathways for exploiting the potential positive effects of platform economy and platform-based work." (from the Introduction)

“It is therefore not surprising that new initiatives are arising both among traditional trade unions and in new types of organisation and, in the process, innovative new demands are being raised and placed on the negotiating agenda. These are documented in this timely publication, which adds indispensably to our knowledge about labour responses to platformisation in Europe.” (from the Preface by Ursula Huws)

Moniz, António B. O Poder e o Discurso da imprensa quotidiana nos Açores. Ponta Delgada: Instituto Cultural de Ponta Delgada, 2000.
Moniz, António B. Robótica e Trabalho: o futuro hoje (Robotics and Work: The future today). Lisbon: Glaciar Ed., 2018. AbstractWebsite

Approaching the topic of robotics-work relation in a general and international context enables the possibility to know more about the impacts in different sectors. In this book the main discussion themes are followed in order to understand which the main dimensions are included in such debate. In that way, it becomes possible to understand the possible answers and available alternatives.
The book follows the themes of relation between employment and technology, the automation as rationalization process and robotics as a technology reference. The other topics are the emergence of ethical, legal and social aspects of this technology, the development that can be perceived in the case of Portugal, and the conclusions about the limits and perspectives of new robotic developments.
This edition has empirical information on the Portuguese case and also includes data from the main resources of the global debate on this issue: the new developments of automation and its relation with the work content and employment.
The author underlined the importance of the contribute that he got from the discussions at the ITAS Working Group on Robotics Technology Assessment, and at the ITAS Research Group on Technology and Work, in Germany, and at the Observatory of Technology Assessment at CICS.NOVA in Portugal. The book is include in a series supported by the Portuguese-American Foundation for Development (FLAD) and was published by Glaciar.

de Miguel, Pablo Sanz, António B. Moniz, Nuno Boavida, Joan Antoni Serra, M. Pańków, G. Karoulas, Marina Peliz, and I. Papageorgiou. Social partners’ involvement in dual vocational education and training (VET): a comparison of Greece, Spain, Poland and Portugal. Barcelona: Notus, 2022. Abstractsocial_partners_involvement_in_dual_vocatioanl_education_and_training_vet._a_comparison_of_greece_spain_poland_and_portugal.pdfWebsite

The research report presents the key findings from the INVOLVE project (VS/2020/0145). It contributes to the debates on the participation of social partners in dual VET governance under countries generally classified as state-centred, skills-formation regimes (Spain, Greece, Portugal and Poland). The research report analysed the actual role played by social partners in the dual VET systems in the selected countries at different governance levels and the extent to which trade unions and employer organisations are involved on an equal footing. It also formulates policy recommendations supporting collective responses to dual VET systems in the selected countries. Findings are based on desk research, fieldwork consisting of semi-structured interviews and mini-case studies and national scenarios developed by INVOLVE partners, on the basis of a scenario workshop methodology

Moniz, António Brandão, and Kumi Okuwada. Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, 2016. AbstractWebsite

The goal of technology assessment (TA) is to lend support to society and policy making by promoting understanding of the problems related to the grand sociotechnical challenges of our time, as well as to assess the available options for managing them. Researchers from Japan and Europe reflected together in this book on country-specific developments to identify the conditions that must be present to anchor TA in science, politics, and society. This book helps us to learn about different cultures.

Book Chapter
Moniz, António B., Marta Candeias, and Nuno Boavida. "Artificial Generative Intelligence and Work – Portugal." In Generative Artificial Intelligence – Opportunities, Risks, and Policy Challenges, edited by Bjørn Bedsted, Nicklas Bang Bådum, Reinhard Grünwald, Steffen Albrecht, Tore Tennøe, Ferran Domínguez and Clara Marsan, 70-77. Barcelona: EPTA, 2023.report_en_2.pdf
Moniz, António B. "Cenários sobre o futuro do trabalho: avaliação das implicações tecnológicas [Scenarios on the Future of Work: Assessment of technological implications]." In Prospetiva Estratégica – Teoria, Métodos e Casos Reais [Strategic Foresight – Theory, Methods and Real cases], edited by José Saragoça, Carlos A. Silva and Joaquim Fialho, 173-197. Lisboa: Ed. Silabo, 2018.
Moniz, António B., Nuno Boavida, Csaba Makó, Bettina-Johanna Krings, and Pablo Sanz de Miguel. "Conclusion: Where is worker representation going? Diverse pathways for platform workers' collective strategies." In Digital labour platforms: Representing workers in Europe , edited by A. B. Moniz and et al, 231-244. Famalicão: Humus/CICS.NOVA, 2023.
Moniz, António B., and Nuno Boavida. "Contextualising digital platform work in Portugal." In Digital labours platforms: Representing workers in Europe, edited by A. B. Moniz and et al, 29-34. Famalicão: Humus/CICS.NOVA, 2023.
Moniz, António B. "Deslocalização empresarial e trabalho." In O que está a mudar no trabalho humano?. Lisbon: Janus-UAL, 2008. Abstract

As questões associadas aos processos de localização empresarial têm vindo a adquirir uma dimensão cada vez mais política do que apenas económica ou técnica. O desenvolvimento tecnológico tem vindo a facilitar uma maior amplitude de escolhas e de orientações relativas à localização das actividades empresariais. Mas o mesmo se passa com a deslocalização das mesmas. As consequências sociais podem ser igualmente importantes pois podem gerar processos de desagregação social, forte mobilidade territorial e, frequentemente, incremento de processos de desigualdade social.

Moniz, António Brandão. "Empresas flexíveis e emprego: e quando a flexibilidade significa precaridade? Uma reflexão a propósito da qualidade de emprego." In O impacto da inovação tecnológica na organização das empresas e do trabalho, edited by Jorge Pinho de Sousa, 45-51. Porto: FEUP edições, 2001.
Moniz, António B., Nuno Boavida, Csaba Makó, Bettina Krings, and Pablo Sanz de Miguel. "Introduction." In Digital labours platforms: Representing workers in Europe, edited by A. B. Moniz and et al, 1-6. Famalicão: Humus/CICS.NOVA, 2023.
Moniz, António. "Intuitive Interaction Between Humans and Robots in Work Functions at Industrial Environments: The Role of Social Robotics." In Social Robots from a Human Perspective, edited by Jane Vincent, Sakari Taipale, Bartolomeo Sapio, Giuseppe Lugano and Leopoldina Fortunati, 67-76. Heidelberg: Springer, 2015.
Moniz, António B. "New horizons on robotics: ethics challenges." In Ethics, Science and Society: Challenges for BioPolitics, edited by Maria Céu do Patrão Neves, 57-67. Lisboa: FLAD, 2019.
Moniz, António Brandão. "Organisational challenges of human-robot interaction systems in industry: human resources implications." In Human Resource Management and Technological Challenges, 123-131. Heidelberg: Springer, 2014.
Moniz, António B. "Reconversão profissional na indústria: requisitos e obstáculos." In Forum Recursos Humanos 96: O estado da arte de gerir pessoas em Portugal, 27-35. Lisboa: Forum RH, 1996.
Moniz, António B., and Michael Decker. "Robotics Technology Assessment: New Challenges, Implications and Risks." In The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment, 249-252. Prague: Technology Centre ASCR, 2015. Abstract

Robotics technology has been applied to a wide variety of sectors and with a higher economic and social impact. In the last decades it has been one of the main elements of industrial manufacturing automation where about 1.5 million robots are currently operating, which means that 4 to 5 million workers are operating those systems. From 2014 to 2016, robot installations are estimated to increase by 6% on average per year. Besides this, in recent years the number of professional service robots has increased enormously in military and civil applications (around 130 thousand units).

Brandao Moniz, António, Go Yoshizawa, and Michiel Van Oudheusden. "Technology Assessment in East Asia: Experience and New Approaches." In The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment, 287-293. Prague: Technology Centre ASCR, 2015. Abstract

Technology assessment (TA) and TA-like activities in countries like Japan have a unique history and continue to play a role in contemporary science, technology, and innovation (STI) processes. The aim of the discussion of TA’s experience in East Asia is how STI governance is locally enacted in Asian knowledge-driven economies, as TA activities develop in conjunction with STI policies and programs. To render these processes, policies, and programs visible and to understand their implications for STI governance, a panel at the Berlin conference on TA discussed contributions that described and conceptualized, for example, how TA activities have emerged in Asian knowledge-based economies (KBE), in which particular forms (e.g., academic and parliamentary TA programs), to which technologies and/or actors they are linked, and which methods are used and why. The panel also sought to compare and contrast how TA is (or is not) institutionalized in Asian countries and regions, and to point to prospects for expansion of TA capacity. In doing so, the panellists placed the development of TA in a historical, sociological, and comparative perspective, and opened space for critical reflection on the potential, problems, and limitations associated with initiating TA in Asia and with KBEs overall

Boavida, Nuno, and António Brandão Moniz. "Technology Assessment in Non-PTA Countries: An Overview of Recent Developments in Europe." In Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe, edited by António B. Moniz and Kumi Okuwada, 75-88. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, 2016.
Boavida, Nuno, António Moniz, and Manuel Laranja. "Towards an assessment of the Portuguese e-mobility case; The Mobi-E." In Technology assessment and policy areas of great transitions, edited by T. Michalek, L. Hebakova, L. Hennen, C. Scherz, L. Nierling and J. Hahn, 263-269. Prague: Technology Centre ASCR, 2014.
Boavida, Nuno, and António B. Moniz. "Transformações tecnológicas em Portugal: O papel dos parceiros laborais na prevenção dos seus riscos." In Populações, desigualdades e ação pública, 119-129. Lisboa: Humus/CICS Nova, 2023. Abstracttransform_tecnol_portugal_nb_abm.pdf

Este capítulo pretende contribuir para a análise das principais fontes de ansiedade social causada pela crescente automação em Portugal. O capítulo foi baseado na revisão de literatura internacional e nacional, bem como na análise secundária de dados. Para além disso, durante o projeto DEEP VIEW foram realizadas duas entrevistas não estruturadas a especialistas em relações laborais e 13 entrevistas semiestruturadas a representantes do mundo sindical e de entidades patronais (federações e confederações), em setores particularmente relevantes para as questões associadas ao risco tecnológico.

Moniz, António B. "«Indústria 5.0» como conceito de um novo tipo de interação humano-máquina?" In Indústria 5.0 - Pessoas, Tecnologia e Sustentabilidade, 15-34. Lisbon: Almedina/Actual, 2023.
Conference Paper
Brandao Moniz, António. "Aspects sociaux de l’automation: le cas des défis organisationnelles de la robotisation en industrie." In Workshop “L’industrie du futur”. Metz: EINSAM Metz, 2019.
Boavida, Nuno, António Brandão Moniz, and Marta Candeias. "Changes in productivity and labour relations: AI in the automotive sector in Portugal." In International Colloquium GERPISA - Le Réseau International de L’Automobile. online: ENS Paris-Saclay, 2021. Abstract

New technologies, sustainability policies, protectionism and consumers preferences are pushing for the reorganization of the automotive cluster. (ILO, 2020) Due to recent technological advances derived from the application of AI in the domains of autonomous driving, connectivity, automation, and robotics, the automotive sector is evolving from the traditional, linear, product-oriented value chain to a mobility, service oriented one including new players (ILO, 2020). In fact, in the last years, several digital competences centers are supplying the automotive sector and have been installed in Portugal. These changes are put in place to enhance the product quality, to control costs and to improve productivity. The product shift is done to respond to new regulations on environmental protection, and to enable the control of some emergent market niches.
The paper will contribute to answer the question: what are the expectable changes in productivity due to the introduction of AI in the automotive sector and at new players in the automotive value chain in Portugal? Do they have impacts in traditional labour relations in the sector? Did the COVID-19 had an effect in the acceleration of such changes? Does the employment in the automotive sector changed with the recent automation trends in Portugal? Are there signs of improvement in qualifications with increases in automation? Or can we observe a clear job precarity in the automotive labour market with increased application of cyber physical systems in this sector? We want to develop this framework of questions to collect new data and obtain results that will be based on case studies from the automotive cluster. We will use, as well, secondary statistical analysis. Finally, changes in the productivity and labour market will be discussed in relation to the employment volume and skills in the automotive sector.
In this recently approved national project, we will focus on AI (cyber-physical systems, intelligent automation, robotics, IoT) as the most relevant emergent technology to understand the development of automation in this manufacturing sector (Geels et al., 2012; Moniz 2018). R&D investments in industrial processes in general may reflect productivity improvements derived from the increased automation process, but that may not be the general trend. Our empirical data are based until now on initial case studies from the automotive and components sector combined with database search by keywords that sign intelligence automation developments and AI applications selected from national R&D projects on robotics, machine learning, collaborative tools, human-machine interaction and autonomous systems, supported by European structural funds. The implications on industrial productivity and employment will be discussed in relation to automation trends in the automotive sector.

Baumann, Manuel, Jens Peters, Hüseyin Ersoy, Marcel Weil, Guy Fournier, António B. Moniz, and Nelson Chibeles Martins. "Decision making support for the selection of stationary batteries." In Energy Transition and Sustainability Conference (APEEN 2021). online: CENSE, 2021.