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Brandao Moniz, António. "Emerging problems of human-machine interaction and innovative solutions." In Séminaire CRAN-Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy. Nancy: Université de Nancy, 2019.
Sanz de Miguel, P., C. Jørgensen, U. Papouschek, L. Osila, Nuno Boavida, and António B. Moniz. Deep View: Comparative Report. Preliminary findings: Desk research. Brussels: European Commission, DG EMP, 2019. Abstractcomparativereport_deepview.pdf

This preliminary report presents the outcomes of desk research, which was oriented to obtain a clear picture of the ‘state of the art’ in the involved countries and sectors. The report first reviews the main concepts and categories used to approach the topic and provides a definition of virtual work. Second, it describes the incidence and features of virtual work based on both European and national surveys. Third, it reviews previous research outcomes on the effects of virtual work on working conditions at national and sectoral level. Fourth, it analyses national approach to regulate virtual work. Fifth, the report addresses main institutional features of industrial relations in the three sectors and five countries; and the role played by social dialogue and collective bargaining at sectoral and company level to regulate working conditions of virtual workers.

Brandao Moniz, António. "Occupation safety in automated environments: needs and consequences." In International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO 2019). Guimarães: University of Minho, 2019.programa-sho2019-bw-para-a5_vnc-1.pdf
Brandao Moniz, António. "Aspects sociaux de l’automation: le cas des défis organisationnelles de la robotisation en industrie." In Workshop “L’industrie du futur”. Metz: EINSAM Metz, 2019.
Boavida, Nuno, António Moniz, Juan Aransanz, Pablo Sanz de Miguel, Maria Caprile, Julia Frias, Linda Nierling, Bettina-Johanna Krings, Leon Küstermann, Csaba Makó, Miklós Illéssy, and Katalin Bácsi. Work in digital platforms: Literature review from Germany, Hungary, Portugal and Spain. Lisbon: CICS.NOVA, 2019. Abstract

This 1st Report of the project CrowdWork21 presents a summary of the information collected about workers in digital platforms by country (German, Hungary, Portugal and Spain). Each national report describes first the scientific debates about workers of digital platforms. After, the reports present the information collected about the national public debates and identifies the angles normally covered by the media in relation to the organisation of digital workers. Lastly, the reports present initial conclusions about the information collected in each country.

Boavida, Nuno, and António Brandão Moniz. Project Deep View: Concluding report for Portugal. Lisbon: CICS.NOVA, 2019.
Moniz, António B., Irina Liubertė, Bernadeta Goštautaitė, Živilė Stankevičiūtė, Trish Reay, Eglė Staniškienė, and Ilona Bučiūnienė. The Human Side of Robots and the Robot Side of Us In International Conference on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities. Brighton, 2019.
Moniz, António B. "New horizons on robotics: ethics challenges." In Ethics, Science and Society: Challenges for BioPolitics, edited by Maria Céu do Patrão Neves, 57-67. Lisboa: FLAD, 2019.
Moniz, António B. "O trabalho e a automatização: desafios de hoje [Work and automation: today's challenges]." Manifesto - Temas Sociais e Politicos 2 (2019): 130-135.
Moniz, António Brandão. Research and Development, Innovation and Industrial Integration in Portugal: a success story? In Session plénière solennelle: Recherche-développement, innovation technologique et industrialisation. Rabat: Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques, 2019. Abstract

In recent years, statistical data revealed a strong dynamism in terms of Research and Development (R&D) growth, of development of innovation structures and emergence of programs, and a growth in terms of industrial integration. However, the political and financial changes from 2007 at the global level revealed as well how fragile are these
outcomes in terms of sustainable development strategy, and how far dependent are from the external markets and political structures. Based on the available information and data, we will present the changes observed in recent years, and understand how the industrial integration can be achieved with clear linkages to the national innovation system and the importance of R&D policy to structure the articulation between innovation and the economic market. The challenges and potential problems can be anticipated if the social implications are also present on the policy options, and if clear technology assessment procedures are taken. When this does not occur, the probability of endogenization of innovation and R&D will become problematic. For these reasons it can be difficult to talk
about a “success story” when all these elements are not considered as a whole and are only seen through very specific angles and with very specialized approaches.

Baumann, Manuel, Marcel Weil, Jens Peters, António Brandão Moniz, and Nelson C. Martins. "A review of multi-criteria decision making approaches for evaluating energy storage systems for grid applications." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 107 (2019): 516-534. AbstractWebsite

Energy storage systems (ESS) are seen as one of the main pillars for a renewable-based energy system. Selecting the most suitable and sustainable ESS for a given project is a problem that involves multiple stakeholders with quite often diverging objectives that cannot all be fulfilled by a single technology. Several studies are available that tackle this problem applying multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). However, these use very different Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) approaches, criteria and goals for decision support, why their results are difficult to compare or to reproduce. This work presents a review of existing MCDA-literature using MADM as a tool for sustainability evaluation of grid-tied ESS. Available studies are summarized, the goals, used MADM methods, and quantification of criteria are analyzed and discussed to provide tentative recommendations. The reviewed studies cover multiple technologies ranging from electrochemical, mechanical or electric ESS. Considered criteria are mainly structured around technology, economy, society, and environment, comprising a high number of individual sub-criteria. The aggregation of these criteria is mainly realized through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in combination with a wide set of other methods. The quantification of various criteria is often based on different literature sources wherein context-free data for cost, and environmental impacts are used, leading in some cases to inconsistent comparisons in the assessments. Only in a few cases, assessments are linked to specific application requirements, which are decisive factors for the design of an ESS. A minority of the reviewed works include a representative set of decision-makers in their approaches, wherein the number or type of participants is often not communicated transparently. Therefore, most of the studies are considered to have a limited orientation towards practical decision making, but they provide valuable information regarding MADM method development.

Ferrari, Arianna, Brandão A. Moniz, Christopher Coenen, Daniel Frank, Helge Torgersen, Leonhard Hennen, Ingrid Geesink, and Emilio Mordini. Additive bio-manufacturing: 3D printing for medical recovery and human enhancement. Strasbourg: European Parliament, 2018. Abstracteprs_ida2018614571ann1_en.pdf

Additive manufacturing (commonly known as 3D printing or rapid prototyping) refers to processes used to produce parts in an additive manner by means of computer-aided design (CAD). While additive manufacturing is a technology that can be used in many different application areas, this project focuses on future trends in additive manufacturing (AM) aimed at improving biological functionality (bio-AM) and on its opportunities, barriers and challenges. The big advantage of this technique is that small batches can be produced more economically than with any other manufacturing process. Virtually any structure can be customized, which is particularly important in the healthcare sector. Possible applications include biological implants such as organs and tissues, nutrients, drugs and their transport mechanisms, equipment such as surgical knives and drilling guides, tissues for research, development and training, and personalized prostheses, supports and exoskeletons. Besides exploring such applications, the project will also systematically analyze potential "human enhancement" uses of AM technology and developments in the emerging do-it-yourself (DIY) cultures ("bio/body-hacking"; cyborgism; open source 3D printing movement).

In the first phase of the project, the technological state of the art will be analyzed, as will a wide variety of non-technical aspects, regulatory issues and future trends, also with a special focus on sociotechnical imaginaries (e.g., in science fiction), human enhancement and DIY cultures. This horizon scanning will be accomplished partly by means of expert and stakeholder interviews.

In the second phase, the project will use a variety of foresight and technology assessment methods and will carry out a 360° envisioning exercise with contributions by external experts, entailing an in-depth analysis of selected applications of bio-AM.

The project work will end with a scenario development phase in which the focus will be on likely outcomes of already emerging developments, though further-reaching future perspectives will be taken into account to a certain extent. Taken together, these scenarios will allow for both a broader understanding of the wide range of potential impacts of AM applications and a clearer picture of potential policy challenges relevant to the Members of the European Parliament.

Moniz, António B. Trabalho com robôs: um desafio para o movimento sindical In, 2018.
Moniz, António B. "Cenários sobre o futuro do trabalho: avaliação das implicações tecnológicas [Scenarios on the Future of Work: Assessment of technological implications]." In Prospetiva Estratégica – Teoria, Métodos e Casos Reais [Strategic Foresight – Theory, Methods and Real cases], edited by José Saragoça, Carlos A. Silva and Joaquim Fialho, 173-197. Lisboa: Ed. Silabo, 2018.
Moniz, António B., and Philipp Frey. "Mudança tecnológica: o que a esquerda pode aprender com a Teoría Crítica." Crítica Económica e Social 17 (2018): 4-13.critica17.pdfWebsite
Moniz, António B. Robótica e Trabalho: o futuro hoje (Robotics and Work: The future today). Lisbon: Glaciar Ed., 2018. AbstractWebsite

Approaching the topic of robotics-work relation in a general and international context enables the possibility to know more about the impacts in different sectors. In this book the main discussion themes are followed in order to understand which the main dimensions are included in such debate. In that way, it becomes possible to understand the possible answers and available alternatives.
The book follows the themes of relation between employment and technology, the automation as rationalization process and robotics as a technology reference. The other topics are the emergence of ethical, legal and social aspects of this technology, the development that can be perceived in the case of Portugal, and the conclusions about the limits and perspectives of new robotic developments.
This edition has empirical information on the Portuguese case and also includes data from the main resources of the global debate on this issue: the new developments of automation and its relation with the work content and employment.
The author underlined the importance of the contribute that he got from the discussions at the ITAS Working Group on Robotics Technology Assessment, and at the ITAS Research Group on Technology and Work, in Germany, and at the Observatory of Technology Assessment at CICS.NOVA in Portugal. The book is include in a series supported by the Portuguese-American Foundation for Development (FLAD) and was published by Glaciar.

Moniz, António B., Bettina-Johanna Krings, and Philipp Frey. "Technology and work." TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 27 (2018): 69-70.Website
Baumann, Manuel, António B. Moniz, and Marcel Weil. Energy storage systems in the future German electricity system: A literature review and expert interviews based foresight approach In Pensar o Futuro, Preparar a Mudança [To Think the Future, To Prepare Change]. Évora: CICS.NOVA/Universidade de Évora, 2017. Abstract

Germany has ambitious targets to produce 35 % of the needed electricity from Renewables (RES) mainly based on wind and solar power by 2020 and over 80 % by 2050 within the so called “Energiewende”. Energy storage is seen as a potential option to assure the safe RES system integration to achieve this goals. There is a high uncertainty and the resulting public discourse about the future demand of different storage technologies is driving further development of these technologies. A literature review of 9 studies and 10 expert interviews is carried out in line of a foresight exercise to tackle these uncertainties. The estimations of reviewed literature are based on models with a market perspective on energy storage demand. Most scenarios used in this models are built on top down logics, where processes at lower levels (technology, micro-economic sphere) are determined by dominant macro dynamics. Different storage technologies are only considered partially or in an aggregated way. The reviewed studies show that there is a high for potential storage on every time scale starting from the year 2030 to 2040. Analysed potentials vary depending on RES diffusion scenarios and excess rate assumptions which are estimated to be between 0 to 44 GW in 2050. Reviewed studies strongly integrate shared visions about system developments and formal analyses and provide important and valuable information about potential future implications regarding energy storage. But they only partially account, due to practical reasons, wider benefits, stakeholder opinions and continuous market and system changes. It is also not possible to account for discontinuities in the technological innovation process of energy storage within this quantitative approaches. Stakeholder interviews provide thus additional and helpful insights to the literature review. The stakeholders frame alternative potential future developments that could influence the market success and need for energy storage until 2050. Most important factors named where policy measures, new market models and decentralization of the energy system. As in literature there is a big uncertainty among experts about the importance of different storage technologies and if energy storage is in general the best option among other flexibility measures as grid reinforcement, flexible demand and flexible power plants. It remains thus impossible to provide suggestions regarding the development of single storage technologies.

Versteeg, T., M. Baumann, Marcel Weil, and António Moniz. "Exploring emerging battery technology for grid-connected energy storage with Constructive Technology Assessment." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 115 (2017): 99-110. AbstractWebsite

The last decades have shown an increasing amount of research into expectations of science and technology. Especially for emerging technologies, expectations held by different stakeholder are guiding the direction of research and development. In this article the results of an investigation into the expectations of specific actors regarding the development of emerging battery technology for applications in the power grid are presented. It is set up as an explorative study within the framework of Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA). A number of studies since the 1990s have indicated a growing need for energy storage options in the power grid, where batteries appear to be capable of providing a range of valuable services to the grid. Cost-effectiveness on a large scale will however require considerable technical improvements. The configuration of energy storage may differ in the specific location and exploitation of the storage assets, as well as in the investments in new storage capacity. In this study the visions and expectations of several relevant actors are analysed using interviews and surveys in terms of expectations of technological development, expectations concerning stakeholder roles, and channels of interaction between the relevant actors. The results indicate a divide in expectations between the user side of the technology (the electric power industry) and the development side (academic researchers). Opinions differ with respect to the obstacles to technological development, the actors relevant in early technological development, and the most suitable channels for interaction between these actors. It follows from the theoretical background that conflicts in expectations provide the opportunity for the acceleration of technological development and adoption through stakeholder participation. Small interactive workshops, where conflicts identified in this paper are discussed, were identified as a suitable channel in order to reach consensus in visions and expectations for battery technology.

Fischer, Martin, Bettina Krings, António Moniz, and Eike Zimpelmann. "Herausforderungen der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration." Lernen & Lehren 32 (2017): 8-14. AbstractWebsite

Die Ausweitung von Robotertechnologien nicht nur in der Industrie, sondern zunehmend auch in Dienstleistungsbereiche, stellt große Herausforderungen an die Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration. Der Artikel beleuchtet psychologische, soziologische, arbeitswissenschaftliche und berufspädagogische Gesichtspunkte bei der Gestaltung und dem Einsatz von Robotern in Produktion und Service. Zu diesem Zweck werden zunächst spezifische Merkmale der Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion dargestellt, um anschließend Prinzipien der Funktionsteilung zwischen Menschen und Robotern in Arbeitssystemen des Produktions- und Servicebereichs zu diskutieren. Zu berücksichtigen sind hier die Organisation gesellschaftlicher Arbeit, die spezifischen Arbeitsaufgaben sowie die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der informationstechnischen Realisierung solcher Aufgaben. Der Artikel endet mit dem Plädoyer, bei der Entwicklung und Anwendung von Robotern arbeitswissenschaftliche Kriterien mit Ansätzen partizipativer Technikgestaltung zu kombinieren.

Krings, Bettina-Johanna, António Brandão Moniz, and Linda Nierling. Informatisiert, vernetzt & effizient? Digitale Arbeitswelten und ihre Folgen In "Neue Arbeitswelt und Digitalisierung", 17. Österreichische Konferenz für Technikfolgenabschätzung. Vienna: Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2017.
Moniz, António B. "Transformações no mercado de trabalho e robótica." Cadernos de Economia 30 (2017): 30-34.
Boavida, Nuno, António Brandão Moniz, and Manuel Laranja. The use of indicators and other evidence in two investment decisions of Technology Innovation In 21st International Conference on Science and Technology indicators. STI Conference. Peripheries, frontiers and beyond. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017. Abstract

Despite increasing calls for evidence-based policies, knowledge about the practical use of evidences remains limited. This paper studies the process of construction of evidences in decisions of innovation policy to understand how evidences were used. It analysis the use of indicators and other evidences through interviews conducted to inquire about the two decisions: an electric mobility policy and a nanotechnology laboratory. Results show indicators and other evidences were brought to decision processes according to their availability and capacity to support the different interests of the actors and
the stakeholders. Their role was influenced by the particular situation of the decision makers. More importantly, the use of persuasive analytical evidences appears to be related with the adversity of the policy context. In addition, research suggests that indicators are one tool among others to foster innovation decisions. In fact, the relatively minor instrumental role of indicators suggests that indicators are mostly a complementary instrument of decision. When used relevantly, indicators can offer support to a decision. But there are other significant influences that need to be taken into account to understand the specific role indicators and other evidences play, such as the social relations of the decision makers and their emotional-intuitive decisions.

Moretto, Susana, Douglas Robinson, Jens Schippl, and António Brandão Moniz. "Beyond visions: survey to the high-speed train industry." Transportation Research Procedia 2016 (2016): 1839-1846. AbstractWebsite

In Europe, the technology development of high-speed trains is increasingly exposed to societal needs, driven by ICT advancements, external to traditional design. Together with the liberalisation of the rail markets and increase pressures from other transport modes leads to an unprecedented situation where planers, operators and suppliers of high-speed have to take decision in this complex and competitive environment.
In such broadening of elements influencing design and, thus, product development process, from the survey here to be presented, it was not observed technology options assessment or strategic agenda setting from visions shifting in the same way.
For the high-speed train industry this new trend requires going beyond the visions of the past 15 to 20 years’ practices of “sector endogenous” and structurally closed strategic methods approaches to a broader interaction with the widening of societal actors now capable of being active contributors to innovation from digitalization.
This way to understand the European industry readiness for undertaking such supra systemic challenge, this paper presents the results from a survey conducted by the authors to 74 representatives of the high-speed train innovation chain regarding to which extent societal embedding is considered in the drafting of their visions and technology development projects.
This work becomes even more pertinent if considered that the debate is now open in the railway industry (not exclusive to high-speed trains) as they are launching the joint initiative SHIFT2RAIL, revise ERRAC (the European Rail Research Advisory Council) mandate and enter in a new research cycle with the European research framework Horizon 2020.