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Elangovan, E., Saji Parthiban Goncalves Barquinha Martins Fortunato K. J. S. "Thin-film transistors based on indium molybdenum oxide semiconductor layers sputtered at room temperature." IEEE Electron Device Letters. 32 (2011): 1391-1393. AbstractWebsite

Thin-film transistors (TFTs) were fabricated using a 20-nm-thick indium molybdenum oxide (IMO) semiconductor layer at room temperature. The grazing incidence X-ray diffraction patterns confirmed that the deposited films are amorphous. The average transmittance (400-2500 nm) and the optical band gap are ∼88% and 3.95 eV, respectively. The TFTs fabricated on glass substrates showed a saturation mobility of 4.0 cm2/Vċ s with an I ON/IOFF ratio of 2 × 103 and a threshold voltage of-1.1 V, which are encouraging preliminary results in order to develop IMO as high-performance semiconductor layer. © 2011 IEEE.

Elangovan, E., Marques Pimentel Martins Fortunato A. A. R. "Molybdenum doped indium oxide thin films prepared by rf sputtering." Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 905. 2005. 35-40. Abstract

Molybdenum doped indium oxide (IMO) thin films rf sputtered at room temperature were studied as a function of oxygen volume percentage (O 2 vol. %) varied between 0 and 17.5. The as-deposited films were amorphous irrespective of O2 vol. %. The minimum transmittance (<10 %) of the films deposited without oxygen has been increased on introducing oxygen (3.5 O2 vol. %) to a maximum of 90 %. The optical band gap has been increased from 3.80 eV (without oxygen) to 3.92 eV (3.5 O 2 vol. %). The films were highly resistive and the hall coefficients were detectable only for the films deposited without oxygen. In order to increase the electrical conductivity, the films were annealed in the range 100-500° C in open-air and N2/H: gas for 1 hour. The annealed films become polycrystalline with enhanced electrical and optical properties. The effect of annealing conditions on these films will be presented and discussed in detail. © 2006 Materials Research Society.

Elangovan, E.a, Marques Viana Martins Fortunato A. a A. S. "Some studies on highly transparent wide band gap indium molybdenum oxide thin films rf sputtered at room temperature." Thin Solid Films. 516 (2008): 1359-1364. AbstractWebsite

Transparent wide band gap indium molybdenum oxide (IMO) thin films were rf sputtered on glass substrates at room temperature. The films were studied as a function of sputtering power (ranging 40-180 W) and sputtering time (ranging 2.5-20 min). The film thickness was varied in the range 50-400 nm. The as-deposited films were characterized by their structural (XRD), morphological (AFM), electrical (Hall Effect measurements) and optical (visible-NIR spectroscopy) properties. XRD studies revealed that the films are amorphous for the sputtering power ≤ 100 W and the deposition time ≤ 5 min, and the rest are polycrystalline with a strong reflection from (222) plane showing a preferential orientation. A minimum bulk resistivity of 2.65 × 10- 3 Ω cm and a maximum carrier concentration of 4.16 × 1020 cm- 3 are obtained for the crystalline films sputtered at 180 W (10 min). Whereas a maximum mobility (19.5  cm2 V- 1 s- 1) and average visible transmittance (∼ 85%) are obtained for the amorphous films sputtered at 80 W and 100 W respectively for 10 min. A minimum transmittance (∼ 18%) was obtained for the crystalline films sputtered at 180 W (∼ 305 nm thick). The optical band gap was found varying between 3.75 and 3.90 eV for various sputtering parameters. The obtained results are analyzed and corroborated with the structure of the films. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Elangovan, E., Martins Fortunato R. E. "Effect of base and oxygen partial pressures on the electrical and optical properties of indium molybdenum oxide thin films." Thin Solid Films. 515 (2007): 8549-8552. AbstractWebsite

Indium molybdenum oxide thin films were RF sputtered at room temperature on glass substrates with a reference base pressure of 7.5 × 10- 4 Pa. The electrical and optical properties of the films were studied as a function of oxygen partial pressures (OPP) ranging from 1.5 × 10- 3 Pa to 3.5 × 10- 3 Pa. The obtained data show that the bulk resistivity of the films increased by about 4 orders of magnitude (from 7.9 × 10- 3 to 7.6 × 101 Ω-cm) when the OPP increased from 1.5 × 10-3 to 3.5 × 10- 3 Pa, and the carrier concentration decreased by about 4 orders (from 1.77 × 1020 to 2.31 × 1016 cm- 3). On the other hand, the average visible transmittance of 30.54% of the films (brown colour; OPP = 1.5 × 10- 3 Pa) was increased with increasing OPP to a maximum of 80.47% (OPP = 3.5 × 10- 3 Pa). The optical band gap calculated from the absorption edge of the transmittance spectra ranges from 3.77 to 3.88 eV. Further, the optical and electrical properties of the films differ from those deposited at similar conditions but with a base pressure lower than 7.5 × 10- 4 Pa. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Elangovan, E., Marques Fernandes Martins Fortunato A. F. M. B. "Preliminary studies on molybdenum-doped indium oxide thin films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering at room temperature." Thin Solid Films. 515 (2007): 5512-5518. AbstractWebsite

Thin films of molybdenum-doped indium oxide (IMO) were prepared by a 3-source, cylindrical radio-frequency magnetron sputtering at room temperature. The films were post-annealed and were characterized by their structural (X-ray diffraction) and optical (UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer) properties. The films were studied as a function of oxygen volume percentage (O2 vol.%) ranging from 3.5 to 17.5. The structural studies revealed that the as-deposited amorphous films become crystalline on annealing. In most cases, the (222) reflection emerged as high intensive peak. The poor visible transmittance of the films as-deposited without oxygen was increased from ∼ 12% to over 80% on introducing oxygen (3.5 O2 vol.%). For the films annealed in open air, the average visible transmittance in the wavelength ranging 400-800 nm was varied between 77 and 84%. The films annealed at high temperatures (> 300 °C) decreased the transmittance to as low as < 1%. The optical band gap of the as-deposited films increased from the range 3.83-3.90 to 3.85-3.98 eV on annealing at different conditions. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Elangovan, E.a, Barquinha Pimental Viana Martins Fortunato P. a A. a. "Some studies on molybdenum doped indium oxide thin films rf sputtered at room temperature." Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 928. 2006. 92-97. Abstract

Thin films of molybdenum doped indium oxide (IMO) were rf sputtered onto glass substrates at room temperature. The films were studied as a function of oxygen volume percentage (OVP) ranging 1.4 - 10.0% in the sputtering chamber. The thickness of the films found varying between 180 and 260 nm. The X-ray diffraction pattern showed the films are polycrystalline with the peaks corresponding to (222) and (400) planes and one among them showing as a preferential orientation. It is observed that the preferred orientation changes from (222) plane to (400) as the OVP increases from 1.4 to 10.0%. The transmittance spectra were found to be in the range of 77 to 89%. The optical band gap calculated from the absorption coefficient of transmittance spectra was around 3.9 eV. The negative sign of Hall coefficient confirmed the films were n-type conducting. The bulk resistivity increased from 2.26×10 -3 to 4.08×-1 Ωcm for the increase in OVP from 1.4 to 4.1%, and thereafter increased dramatically so as the Hall coefficients were not detectable. From the AFM morphologies it is evaluated that the RMS roughness of the films ranges from 0.9 to 3.2 nm. © 2006 Materials Research Society.

Elangovan, E., Gonçalves Martins Fortunato G. R. E. "RF sputtered wide work function indium molybdenum oxide thin films for solar cell applications." Solar Energy. 83 (2009): 726-731. AbstractWebsite

Indium molybdenum oxide (IMO) thin films were deposited by RF magnetron sputtering on glass substrates at room temperature. The deposition and argon partial pressures were maintained at 6.0 × 10-1 Pa and 3.0 × 10-1 Pa, respectively. The oxygen partial pressure (OPP) was varied in the range 1.0-6.0 × 10-3 Pa. The films were sputtered at 40 W for 30 min using the target consisted In2O3 (98 wt%): Mo (2 wt%). The films are polycrystalline with a slight preferential orientation along (2 2 2) plane. The crystallinity is increased with the increasing OPP. The negative sign of Hall coefficient confirmed the n-type conductivity. A maximum mobility ∼19 cm2 V-1 s-1 is obtained for the films deposited with OPP of 3.6 × 10-3 Pa. The average visible transmittance calculated in the wavelength ranging 500-800 nm is ranging between 2% and 77%. The optical band gap calculated from the absorption data is varied between 3.69 and 3.91 eV. A striking feature is that the work function of the films is wide ranging 4.61-4.93 eV. A possibility of using the produced IMO films as transparent conducting oxide in photovoltaic applications such as organic solar cells is discussed in this article. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Elangovan, E., Marques Pimentel Martins Fortunato A. A. R. "Effect of annealing on molybdenum doped indium oxide thin films RF sputtered at room temperature." Vacuum. 82 (2008): 1489-1494. AbstractWebsite

Thin films of molybdenum doped indium oxide (IMO) were deposited on glass at room temperature using an in-built three-source RF magnetron sputtering. The films were studied as a function of oxygen volume percentage (O2 vol. %; ranging from 0.0 to 17.5%) in the sputtering chamber. The as-deposited amorphous films were crystallized on post-annealing. The as-deposited films are low conducting and Hall coefficients were undetectable; whereas post-annealed films possess fairly high conductivity. The lowest transmittance (11.96% at 600 nm) observed from the films deposited without oxygen increased to a maximum of 88.01% (3.5 O2 vol. %); whereas this transmittance was decreased with the increasing O2 vol. % to as low as 81.04% (15.6 O2 vol. %); a maximum of 89.80% was obtained from the films annealed at 500 °C in open air (3.5 O2 vol. %). The optical band gap of 3.80 eV obtained from the films deposited without oxygen increased with increasing O2 vol. % to as high as 3.91 eV (17.5 O2 vol. %). A maximum of 3.92 eV was obtained from the films annealed at 300 °C in N2:H2 gas atmosphere (17.5 O2 vol. %). © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Elangovan, E., Marques Martins Fortunato A. R. E. "A next generation TCO material for display systems: Molybdenum doped indium oxide thin films." Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 936. 2006. 1-6. Abstract

Thin films of indium molybdenum oxide (IMO) were rf sputtered onto glass substrates at room temperature. The films were studied as a function of sputtering power (ranging 40-180 W) and sputtering time (ranging 2.5-20 min). Thickness of the films found varied between 50-400 nm. The films were characterized for their structural (XRD), electrical (Hall measurements) and optical (Transmittance spectra) properties. XRD studies revealed that the films are amorphous for the sputtering power ≤ 100 W and deposition time ≤ 5 min. All the other films are polycrystalline and the strongest refection along (222) plane showing a preferential orientation. A minimum bulk resistivity of 2.65 × 10-3 Ω-cm and a maximum carrier concentration of 4.16 × 1020 cm-3 have been obtained for the films sputtered at 180 W (10 min). Whereas maximum mobility (19.5 cm2 V-1 s-1) has been obtained for the films sputtered at 80 W (10 min). A maximum visible transmittance of 90% (500 nm) has been obtained for the films sputtered at 80 W (10 min) with a minimum of 27% for those sputtered at 180 W. The optical band gap of the films found varying between 3.75 and 3.90 eV for various sputtering parameters. © 2006 Materials Research Society.

Fantoni, A.a, Vieira Martins M. b R. a. "Transport properties of μc-Si:H analyzed by means of numerical simulation." Thin Solid Films. 337 (1999): 109-112. AbstractWebsite

Microcrystalline silicon is a two-phase material. Its composition can be interpreted as grains of crystalline silicon imbedded in an amorphous silicon tissue, with a high concentration of danglind bonds in the transition regions. In this paper, results obtained by means of numerical simulations about the transport properties of a μc-Si:H p-i-n junction are reported. The role played by the boundary regions between the crystalline grains and the amorphous matrix is taken in account, and these regions are treated similarly to a heterojunction interface. The influence of the local electric field at the grains boundary transition regions on the internal electric configuration of the device is outlined under illumination and applied external bias. © 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Fantoni, A.a, Vieira Cruz Schwarz Martins M. a J. a. "A two-dimensional numerical simulation of a non-uniformly illuminated amorphous silicon solar cell." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 29 (1996): 3154-3159. AbstractWebsite

We present here a two-dimensional numerical simulation of a hydrogenated amorphous silicon p-i-n solar cell non-uniformly illuminated through the p-layer. This simulation is used to show the effect of the presence of dark regions in the illuminated surface on the electrical behaviour of the device. The continuity equations for holes and electrons together with Poisson's equation, implemented with a recombination mechanism reflecting the amorphous structure of the material, are solved using standard numerical techniques over a rectangular domain. The results obtained reveal the appearance of a lateral component of the electric field and current density vectors inside the structure. The effect of such components is a lateral carrier flow of electrons inside the intrinsic layer and of holes inside the p-layer, resulting in leakage of the transverse current collected at the contacts and an increase in the series resistance.

Fantoni, Alessandro, Vieira Manuela Martins Rodrigo. "Spatial microscopic/macroscopic control and modeling of the p.i.n devices stability." Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 2397. 1995. 695-702. Abstract

The introduction into a traditional p.i.n. structure of two defective buffer layers near the p/i and i/n interfaces can improve the device stability and efficiency through an enhancement of the electric field profile at the interfaces and a reduction of the available recombination bulk centers. The defectous layer (`i-layer'), grown at a higher power density, present a high density of the defects and acts as `gettering centers' able to tailor light induced defects under degradation conditions. If the i-layer density of states remains below 1016 eV-1 cm-3 and assuming a Gaussian distribution of defect states, the gettering center distribution will not affect significantly the carrier population but only its spatial distribution. We report here about a device numerical simulation that allows us to analyze the influence of the `i- layer' position, thickness and density of states on the a-Si:H solar cells performances. Results of some systematic simulation rom the ASCA program (Amorphous Solar Cell Analysis), and for different configurations will be presented.

Fantoni, A., Vieira Cruz Martins M. J. R. "Numerical simulation of a/μc-Si:H p-i-n photo-diode under non-uniform illumination: A 2D transport problem." Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 2997. 1997. 234-243. Abstract

We report here about a computer simulation program, based on a comprehensive physical and numerical model of an a/μc-Si:H p-i-n device, applied to the 2D problem of describing the transport properties within the structure under non- uniform illumination. The continuity equations for holes and electrons together with Poisson's equation are solved simultaneously along the two directions parallel and perpendicular to the junction. The basic semiconductor equations are implemented with a recombination mechanism reflecting the microcrystalline structure of the different layers. The lateral effects occurring within the structure, due to the non-uniformity of the radiation are outlined. The simulation results obtained for different wavelengths of the incident light are compared and shown their dependence on the energy of the radiation. The results of simulating a p-i-n μc-Si:H junctions under non-uniform illumination is that the generated lateral effects depend not only in intensity but also in direction on the wavelength of the incident radiation. ©2004 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.

Fantoni, A., Vieira Martins M. R. "Modelling heteroface of P.I.N solar cells for improving stability." Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 336. 1994. 711-716. Abstract

The introduction into a traditional p.i.n structure of two defective buffer layers near the p/i and i/n interfaces can improve the device stability and efficiency through an enhancement of the electric field profile at the interfaces and a reduction of the available recombination bulk centers. The defectous layer ("i′-layer"), grown at a higher power density, present a high density of defects and acts as "gettering centers" able to tailor light induced defects under degradation conditions. If the i-layer density of states remains below 1016 eV-1 cm-3 and assuming a Gaussian distribution of defect states, the gettering center distribution will not affect significantly the carrier population but only its spatial distribution. We report here about a device numerical simulation that allows us to analyse the influence of the "i′-layer" position, thickness and density of states on the a-Si: H solar cells performances. Results of some systematic simulation from the ASCA program (Amorphous Solar Cell Analysis), and for different configurations will be presented. © 1994 Materials Research Society.

Fantoni, A.a, Vieira Martins M. b R. a. "Simulation of hydrogenated amorphous and microcrystalline silicon optoelectronic devices." Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 49 (1999): 381-401. AbstractWebsite

This paper is concerned with the modelling and simulation of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon optoelectronic devices. The physical model and its mathematical formulation are extensively described. Its numerical reduction is also discussed together with the presentation of a computer program dedicated to the simulation of the electrical behaviour of such devices. This computer program, called ASCA (Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells Analysis), is capable of simulating, on one- and two-dimensional domains, the internal electrical behaviour of multi-layer structures, homojunctions and heterojunctions under simple or complex spectra illumination and externally applied biases. The applications of the simulator presented in this work are the analysis of μc/a-Si:H p-i-n photovoltaic cell in thermal equilibrium and illuminated by monochromatic light and the AMI.5 solar spectrum, with and without polarisation. We also study the appearance within the device of lateral components of the electric field and current density vectors when the illumination is not uniform. © 1999 IMACS/Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Fantoni, A.a b, Viera Martins M. a R. b. "Influence of the intrinsic layer characteristics on a-Si:H p-i-n solar cell performance analysed by means of a computer simulation." Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 73 (2002): 151-162. AbstractWebsite

In this paper a set of one-dimensional simulations of a-Si:H p-i-n junctions under different illumination conditions and with different intrinsic layer are presented. The simulation program ASCA permits the analysis of the internal electrical behaviour of the cell allowing a comparison among the different internal configurations determined by a change in the input set. Results about the internal electric configuration will be presented and discussed outlining their influence on the current tension characteristic curve. Considerations about the drift-diffusion and the generation-recombination balance distributions, outlined by the simulation, can be used to explain the correlation between the basic device output, the i-layer characteristics (thickness and DOS), the incident radiation intensity and photon energy. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Fantoni, A., Vieira Martins M. R. "Bidimensional numerical analysis of a μc-Si:H P-I-N photodiode under local illumination." Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. Vol. 467. 1997. 765-770. Abstract

The behaviour of a microcrystalline p-i-n junction locally illuminated with monochromatic radiation (incident power of 50 mW/cm2) is analysed by means of numerical experiences. The model used for the two-dimensional analysis of the transport properties of a μc-Si:H p-i-n photo-detector is based on the simultaneous solution of the continuity equations for holes and electrons together with the Poisson's equation. The solution is found on a rectangular domain, taking into account the dimension perpendicular to the junction plane and one on the parallel plane. The lateral effects occurring within the structure, due to the non-uniformity of the illumination, are outlined. The results we present show that the potential profile has a linear variation from the illuminated to the dark neutral region. The lateral components of the electric field and of the current density vectors reveal to be mainly localised inside the doped layers.

Fantoni, A.a, Vieira Martins M. b R. a. "Transport properties in microcrystalline silicon solar cells under AM1.5 illumination analyzed by two-dimensional numerical simulation." Solid-State Electronics. 43 (1999): 1709-1714. AbstractWebsite

Microcrystalline silicon is a two-phase material. Its composition can be interpreted as a series of grains of crystalline silicon imbedded in an amorphous silicon tissue, with a high concentration of dangling bonds in the transition regions. In this paper, results for the transport properties of a μc-Si:H p-i-n junction obtained by means of two-dimensional numerical simulation are reported. The role played by the boundary regions between the crystalline grains and the amorphous matrix is taken into account and these regions are treated similar to a heterojunction interface. The device is analyzed under AM1.5 illumination and the paper outlines the influence of the local electric field at the grain boundary transition regions on the internal electric configuration of the device and on the transport mechanism within the μc-Si:H intrinsic layer.

Fantoni, A., Vieira Cruz Martins M. J. R. "Modelling a μc-Si:H p-i-n device under non-uniform illumination." Thin Solid Films. 296 (1997): 110-113. AbstractWebsite

Microcrystalline p-i-n silicon devices are a prospective contender for application in large-area optoelectronics. In this paper we analyse the behaviour of a μc-Si:H p-i-n photodevice under non-uniform illumination. The effect of a spatially non-uniform illumination is to create lateral electric fields and current flows inside the structure. We present in this paper a numerical application of a complete bidimensional model describing the transport properties within the structure. The continuity equations forholes and electrons together with Poisson's equation are solved simultaneously along the two directions parallel and perpendicular to the junction. The results of simulating p-i-n μc-Si:H junctions under non-uniform illumination show that the generated lateral effects depend not only in intensity but also in direction on the wavelength of the incident radiation. © 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.

Fernandes, M.a, Vygranenko Fantoni Martins Vieira Y. a A. a. "Spectral response characterization of a-Si:H-based MIS-type photosensors." Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. 5 (2008): 3410-3413. AbstractWebsite

This paper reports on a method and a test setup developed to measure the transient dark current and the spectral response characteristics of a-Si:H MIS photosensors. Using this method the segmented-gate/SiNx/a Si:H/n +/ITO structures have been characterized under different biasing conditions. The dependences of the dark and light signals on the refresh pulse amplitude, offset voltage and pulse width were measured and analyzed. It is found that the amplitude of the time-dependent component of the leakage current associated with charge trapping at the insulator-semiconductor interface can be significantly reduced by adjusting the offset voltage. The observed bias dependence of the spectral response characteristics is explained by analyzing the charge carrier transport in the absorption layer at different wavelengths of the incident light. © 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

Fernandes, M.a, Vieira Martins M. a R. b. "Novel structure for large area image sensing." Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. 115 (2004): 357-361. AbstractWebsite

This work presents preliminary results in the study of a novel structure for a laser scanned photodiode (LSP) type of image sensor. In order to increase the signal output, a stacked p-i-n-p-i-n structure with an intermediate light-blocking layer is used. The image and the scanning beam are incident through opposite sides of the sensor and their absorption is kept in separate junctions by an intermediate light-blocking layer. As in the usual LSP structure the scanning beam-induced photocurrent is dependent on the local illumination conditions of the image. The main difference between the two structures arises from the fact that in this new structure the image and the scanner have different optical paths leading to an increase in the photocurrent when the scanning beam is incident on a region illuminated on the image side of the sensor, while a decreasing in the photocurrent was observed in the single junction LSP. The results show that the structure can be successfully used as an image sensor even though some optimization is needed to enhance the performance of the device. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Fernandes, F.M.Braz, Martins Teresa Nogueira Silva Nunes Costa Ferreira Martins R. M. R. "Structural characterisation of NiTi thin film shape memory alloys." Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. 99 (2002): 55-58. AbstractWebsite

Currently, microactuators are being developed using shape memory alloys (SMAs), which allow simple design geometries and provide large work outputs in restricted space. Several techniques have been used to produce NiTi shape memory alloy thin films, but from the practical point of view, only the sputter deposition method has succeeded so far. Vacuum evaporation of NiTi binary alloy entails the potential problem of the evaporation rates of each component not being the same due to differences in vapour pressure. Aiming to study the possible applications of SMAs to microfabrication, NiTi thin films were produced at CENIMAT by sputter and vacuum evaporation using raw materials from different sources. The films were analysed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) at room temperature, as well as in situ high temperature, in order to characterise the temperature ranges at which the different structural transformations occur. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Fernandes, M.a, Vieira Rodrigues Martins M. a I. a. "Large area image sensing structures based on a-SiC:H: A dynamic characterization." Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. 113 (2004): 360-364. AbstractWebsite

In recent works large area hydrogenated amorphous silicon p-i-n structures with low conductivity doped layers were proposed as single element image sensors. The working principle of this type of sensor is based on the modulation, by the local illumination conditions, of the photocurrent generated by a light beam scanning the active area of the device. In order to evaluate the sensor capabilities is necessary to perform a response time characterization. This work focuses on the transient response of such sensor and on the influence of the carbon contents of the doped layers. In order to evaluate the response time a set of devices with different percentage of carbon incorporation in the doped layers is analyzed by measuring the scanner-induced photocurrent under different bias conditions. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Fernandes, M.a, Vieira Martins M. a R. b. "Modeling the laser scanned photodiode S-shaped J-V characteristic." Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 989. 2007. 469-474. Abstract

The devices analyzed in this work present an S-shape J-V characteristic when illuminated. By changing the light flux a non linear dependence of the photocurrent with illumination is observed. Thus a low intensity light beam can be used to probe the local illumination conditions, since a relationship exists between the probe beam photocurrent and the steady state illumination. Numerical simulation studies showed that the origin of this S-shape lies in a reduced electric field across the intrinsic region, which causes an increase in the recombination losses. Based on this, we present a model for the device consisting of a modulated barrier recombination junction in addition to the p-i-n junction. The simulated results are in good agreement with the experimental data. Using the presented model a good estimative of the LSP signal under different illumination conditions can be obtained, thus simplifying the development of applications using the LSP as an image sensor, with advantages over the existing imaging systems in the large area sensor fields with the low cost associated to the amorphous silicon technology. © 2007 Materials Research Society.

Fernandes, M.a, Vieira Martins M. a R. b. "Dynamic characterization of large area image sensing structures based on a-SiC:H." Materials Science Forum. 455-456 (2004): 86-90. AbstractWebsite

The working principle of silicon p-i-n structures with low conductivity (σd) doped layers as single element image sensors is based on the modulation, by the local illumination conditions of the photocurrent generated by a light beam scanning the active area of the device. A higher sensitivity is achieved using a wide band gap a-Si:C alloy in the doped layers, improving the light penetration into the intrinsic semiconductor and reducing the lateral currents in the structure, which are responsible by an image smearing effect observed in sensors with high σd doped layers. This work focuses on the transient response of such sensor and on the role of the carbon (C) content of the doped layers. A set of devices with different percentage of C incorporation in the doped layers is analyzed by measuring the scanner-induced photocurrent under different bias conditions, (ranging from -1.5V to 1V) in order to evaluate the response time.