Maçarico, A.a, Vieira Fantoni Louro Sêco Martins Hollenstein M. a A. a. "
On the a-Si:H film growth: The role of the powder formation."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 198-200 (1996): 1207-1211.
AbstractResults are presented which are geared towards an understanding of the influence of powder formation during film growth. Plasma chemistry is correlated with the morphology, structure (inferred through infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction) electro-optical and density of states of intrinsic films deposited under continuous and power modulated operation. Results show that for modulation frequencies where no powder formation occurs and low substrate temperatures T (150°C), silane decomposition gives rise to the growth of inhomogeneous films while in the high modulation frequency regime, at the same temperature, the anions and powder are trapped resulting in films with high deposition rates and low defect density.
Malik, A., Martins R. "
Light-controlled switching transients in MIS silicon structures with multichannel insulator: physical processes and new device modelling."
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. Vol. 490. 1998. 257-262.
AbstractWe present the modelling of a new two-terminal and low-voltage operating optoelectronic device based on MIS silicon structure with multichannel insulator and having as gate a transparent metallic tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) layer deposited by spray pyrolysis technique over the insulator layer. ITO layer has a multiple non-rectifier electrical contact with silicon substrate, in the SiO2 channel's region. Construction details of the process, together with its operating characteristics are given. The devices developed do not require external active electronic components (transistors, microschemes) to execute their functions and to transform analogue input optical signals to digital output form, highly important for a wide range of optoelectronic applications.
Malik, A., Martins R. "
UV enhanced and solar blind photodetectors based on large-band-gap materials."
Materials Science Forum. 258-263 (1997): 1425-1430.
AbstractHigh quantum efficiency, UV-enhanced monocrystalline zinc sulphide optical sensors for precise radiometric and spectroscopic measurements have been developed by spray deposition of heavy fluorinedoped tin oxide thin films with carrier concentration near 1021 cm-3 onto the surface of zinc sulphide monocrystals as an alternative to the UV-enhanced silicon photodetectors as well as to new detectors based on SiC and GaN. The fabricated sensors have an unbiased internal quantum efficiency that was nearly 100% from 250 to 320 nm, and the typical sensitivity at 290 nm is 0.15 A/W. The sensors were insensitive to solar radiation in earth's conditions and can be used as solar blind photodetectors for precision UV-measurements under direct solar illumination, both terrestrial and space applications.
Malik, A., Martins R. "
Metal oxide/silicon heterostructures: New solutions for different optoelectronic applications."
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. Vol. 487. 1998. 375-380.
AbstractIn this paper we report the success in fabricating FTO/Si surface-barrier photodiodes produced by spray pyrolysis deposition technique, under ambient conditions. Three types of photodetectors for low-voltage-bias operation were developed based on high-resistivity silicon: 1. X-Ray detectors with energy resolution of 16.5% at 661.5 keV (137Cs source), consisting of surface-barrier PIN photodiode with an active area of 50 mm2 operating at 5 V reverse bias, scintillator based on monocrystalline Bi4Ge3O12 and preamplifier (noise of 250 e- RMS.); 2. Fast-response surface-barrier FTO/n–n+ silicon epitaxial photodiodes, operating at 10 V bias with rise times of 2 ns at λ = 0.85 μm; 3. Radiation-resistant drift epitaxial surface-barrier PIN photodiodes for unbiased operating conditions, with an exponential impurity distribution in a 8 μm thick epitaxial layer. A built-in electrical field due to the carrier concentration distribution in the epitaxial layer provides a considerable improvement in the `critical fluence' value (3×1014 cm-2) for neutron irradiation.
Malik, A., Nunes Martins R. R. "
Cubic to hexagonal phase transition in spray deposited tin-doped indium oxide films."
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. Vol. 481. 1998. 599-605.
AbstractThis work's aim is to report for the first time the cubic to hexagonal phase transition in tin-doped In2O3 films with a Sn/In atomic ratio of 0.03, fabricated at low temperature and normal pressure from alcoholic solution of InCl3 and SnCl4. The performed X-ray diffraction measurements show a difference between crystallographic symmetry of thin (100 nm) and thick (400 nm) films prepared in the same conditions: the structure of thick films can be related to high pressure In2O3 hexagonal system with a preferred orientation of c-axis parallel to the substrate surface, while thin films present a cubic symmetry with columnar (400) grain orientation. Phase transition nature is connected with non-axial tensile deformation of indium oxide grid due to insertion of chlorine ions in the position of two diagonally opposite oxygen vacancies in In2O3 network.
Malik, A.a, Sêco Fortunato Martins A. c E. b. "
Microcrystalline thin metal oxide films for optoelectronic applications."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 227-230 (1998): 1092-1095.
AbstractWe report the properties and optoelectronic applications of transparent and conductive indium and tin oxide films prepared by the spray pyrolysis method and doped with Sn or F, respectively. The film properties have been measured using X-ray diffraction, optical and electrical absorption. As examples of applications we produced a set of selective optical detectors for different spectral regions, covering the wavelength range from 0.25 to 1.1 μm, based on metal oxide-semiconductor heterostructures and using different substrates such as: GaP, GaSe, AlxGa1-xAs, GaAs and Si. The fabricated devices exhibit several features such as: production simplicity, high quantum efficiency, uniform sensitivity over the entire active area and a high response speed. Finally, we present a high quantum efficiency and solar blind monocrystalline zinc sulphide optical sensor fabricated by spray deposition as an alternative to the ultraviolet-enhanced SiC and GaN photodetectors and the performances of a solar cell. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
b b b b b b b Martins, R.a b, Figueiredo Silva Águas Soares Marques Ferreira Fortunato J. a V. a. "
32 Linear array position sensitive detector based on NIP and hetero a-Si:H microdevices."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 299-302 (2002): 1283-1288.
AbstractIn this paper we present results concerning the performance exhibited by an integrated array of 32 one-dimensional amorphous silicon thin film position sensitive detectors based on nip and hetero amorphous silicon structures, with a total active area size below 1 cm2 linearity, its spatial resolution and response time, that make it one of the most interesting analog detector to be used in unmanned optical inspection control systems where a continuous detection process is required. This opens a wide range of applications for amorphous silicon devices in the area of image processing. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Martins, R., Lavareda Soares Fortunato G. F. E. "
Detection limit of large area 1D thin film position sensitive detectors based in a-Si:H P.I.N. diodes."
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. Vol. 377. 1995. 791-796.
AbstractThe aim of this work is to provide the basis for the interpretation of the steady state lateral photoeffect observed in p-i-n a-Si:H 1D Thin Film Position Sensitive Detectors (1D TFPSD). The experimental data recorded in 1D TFPSD devices with different performances are compared with the predicted curves and the obtained correlation's discussed.
b b b b b b b Martins, R.a b, Carvalho Fortunato Maçarico Santos Baia Viera Guimarães N. a E. a. "
Effects of U.V. light on the transport properties of a-Si : H films during their growth."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 97-98 (1987): 1399-1402.
AbstractThe influence of U.V. light on the transport properties of a-Si : H films during its growth in a r.f. double chamber system was investigated by conductivity, optical absorption, I.R. absorption, spectral photoconductivity and X-ray diffraction measurements. It was concluded that the presence of U.V. light during the deposition process controls the way how hydrogen is incorporated in the structure as well as the impurity atoms. The microcrystalline films investigated present sharp peaks in the I.R. spectra. Both boron and phosphorus doped films show conductivities higher than 10 S cm-1 and estimated crystalline sizes of the order of 80 Å. © 1987.