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Ferreira, Isabel, Hugo Águas, Luı́s Mendes, and Rodrigo Martins. "Role of the hot wire filament temperature on the structure and morphology of the nanocrystalline silicon p-doped films." Applied surface science. 144 (1999): 690-696. Abstract
Ferreira, I., E. Fortunato, P. Vilarinho, A. S. Viana, A. R. Ramos, E. Alves, and R. Martins. "Hydrogenated silicon carbon nitride films obtained by HWCVD, PA-HWCVD and PECVD techniques." Journal of non-crystalline solids. 352.9 (2006): 1361-1366. Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel, Rodrigo Martins, A. Cabrita, Hugo Águas, V. Silva, and Elvira Fortunato. "Silicon Films Produced by PECVD Under Powder Formation Conditions." Materials Science Forum. 382 (2001): 21-30. Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel, Bruno Brás, Nuno Correia, Pedro Barquinha, Elvira Fortunato, and Rodrigo Martins. "Self-rechargeable paper thin-film batteries: performance and applications." Display Technology, Journal of. 6.8 (2010): 332-335. Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel, Hugo Águas, Luı́s Pereira, Elvira Fortunato, and Rodrigo Martins. "Properties of a-Si: H intrinsic films produced by HWPA-CVD technique." Thin solid films. 451 (2004): 366-369. Abstract
Ferreira, I., H. Aguas, L. Mendes, F. FERNANDES, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Performances of Nano/Amorphous Silicon Films Produced by Hot Wire Plasma Assisted Technique." MRS Proceedings. 507.1 (1998). Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel, Rodrigo Martins, Paula M. Vilarinho, Elvira Fortunato, Ana Pimentel, Alexandra Gonçalves, Leandro Raniero, and Shibin Zhang. "Role of hydrogen plasma on the electrical and optical properties of indium zinc transparent conductive oxide." Materials science forum. 514 (2006): 63-67. Abstract
Ferreira, I., M. E. V. Costa, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "From porous to compact films by changing the onset conditions of HW-CVD process." Thin solid films. 427.1 (2003): 225-230. Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel, Rui Igreja, Elvira Fortunato, and Rodrigo Martins. "Porous a/nc-Si: H films produced by HW-CVD as ethanol vapour detector and primary fuel cell." Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 103.1 (2004): 344-349. Abstract
Ferreira, I., B. Fernandes, and R. Martins. "Nanocrystalline silicon carbon doped films prepared by hot wire technique." Vacuum. 52.1 (1999): 147-152. Abstract
Ferreira, I., H. Aguas, L. Mendes, F. FERNANDES, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "INFLUENCE OF THE H 2 DILUTION AND FILAMENT TEMPERATURE ON THE." (Submitted). Abstract
Ferreira, I., L. Raniero, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Electrical properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline hydrogenated silicon films obtained by impedance spectroscopy." Thin solid films. 511 (2006): 390-393. Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel M. M., Ana MF Cabrita, Elvira M. C. Fortunato, and Rodrigo F. P. Martins. "N-Type Silicon Films Produced By Hot Wire Technique." MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS. 609 (2001): A6. 5-A6. 5. Abstract
Ferreira, I., E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Combining HW-CVD and PECVD techniques to produce a-Si: H films." Thin solid films. 427.1 (2003): 231-235. Abstract
Ferreira, I., E. Fortunato, R. Martins, and P. Vilarinho. "Hot-wire plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition: A deposition technique to obtain silicon thin films." Journal of applied physics. 91.3 (2002): 1644-1649. Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel, Ana Catarina Baptista, Joaquim Pratas Leitão, Jorge Soares, Elvira Fortunato, Rodrigo Martins, and João Paulo Borges. "Strongly Photosensitive and Fluorescent F8T2 Electrospun Fibers." Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (2012). Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel, Elvira Fortunato, Luı́s Pereira, Elisabete M. V. Costa, and Rodrigo Martins. "The properties of a-Si: H films deposited on Mylar substrates by hot-wire plasma assisted technique." Journal of non-crystalline solids. 299 (2002): 30-35. Abstract
Ferreira, I., P. Vilarinho, F. FERNANDES, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "6 Optoelectronics-Influence of Hydrogen Gas Dilution on the Properties of Silicon-Doped Thin Films Prepared by the Hot-Wire Plasma-Assisted Technique." Key Engineering Materials. 230 (2002): 591-594. Abstract
Ferreira, I., E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Porous silicon thin film gas sensor." MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS. 664 (2001): A26. 7-A26. 7. Abstract
Ferreira, I., A. Cabrita, F. Braz Fernandes, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Morphology and structure of nanocrystalline p-doped silicon films produced by hot wire technique." Vacuum. 64.3 (2002): 237-243. Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel M. M., Rodrigo F. P. Martins, Ana MF Cabrita, Elvira M. C. Fortunato, and Paula Vilarinho. "Nanocrystalline Undoped Silicon Films Produced By Hot Wire Plasma Assisted Technique." MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS. 609 (2001): A22. 4-A22. 4. Abstract
Ferreira, I., A. Cabrita, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Composition and structure of silicon-carbide alloys obtained by hot wire and hot wire plasma assisted techniques." Vacuum. 64.3 (2002): 261-266. Abstract
Ferreira, Isabel, Elvira Fortunato, and Rodrigo Martins. "Ethanol vapour detector based in porous a-Si: H films produced by HW-CVD technique." Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 100.1 (2004): 236-239. Abstract
Filonovich, SA, H. Aguas, I. Bernacka-Wojcik, C. Gaspar, M. Vilarigues, LB Silva, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Highly conductive p-type nanocrystalline silicon films deposited by RF-PECVD using silane and trimethylboron mixtures at high pressure." Vacuum. 83.10 (2009): 1253-1256. Abstract