There are many different ways to reduce the construction industry's impact on environment. The incorporation of waste in the fabrication of construction materials may be beneficial for both the waste management sector and the construction industry. The aim of this research was to investigate the use of three different waste materials (construction and demolition waste, brick powder and fly ash) as filler in asphalt mixtures. Limestone filler was used as reference material. The materials were characterized in terms of their geometrical, physical and chemical properties, and the interaction with bitumen was assessed with two mastic test methods using four different bitumens. The specific surface of waste materials shows a wide-ranging variation due to material specific shape and texture of particles. However, the Rigden voids and bitumen number tests adequately measure the stiffening effect of these materials. The delta ring and ball test results showed there is a good relation with the filler content when the results are affected by the bitumen type. The f/b ratio for a specific bitumen–filler combination can be determined from the maximum filler-to-bitumen ratio and the recommended stiffening increase. The mastics with these waste materials showed strong resistance to water damage.
The adhesively bonded joints behaviour under cyclic loading is not yet well understood due to its inherent complexity. Numerical approaches appear, therefore, as the easiest way to simulate such mechanical behaviour. In this work, double strap bonded joints with Carbon Fibres Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) and aluminium are numerically simulated and subjected to a cyclic loading history. In the numerical simulation, the Distinct Element Method (DEM) is used and it is assumed cohesive bi-linear bond-slip models with local damage of the interface. The evaluation of the bonded joints under cyclic loading is made by comparing the results with those simulated with a monotonic loading.
AbstractThe use of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) has recently become widespread in the construction industry. However, some drawbacks related to premature debonding of the FRP composites from the bonded substrates have been identified. One of the solutions proposed is the implementation of mechanical anchorage systems. Although some design guidelines have been developed, the actual knowledge continues to be rather limited. Thus, designers and researchers have not yet achieved any consensus on the efficiency of any particular anchor device in delaying or preventing the premature debonding failure mode that can occur in Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) systems. This paper studies the debonding phenomenon of FRP anchoring systems with a linear variable width, with a numerical analysis based on the Distinct Element Method (DEM). Combined systems with constant and variable width are also discussed. The FRP-to-parent material interfaces are modelled with a rigid-linear softening bond–slip law. The numerical results showed that it is possible to attain the FRP rupture force with a variable width solution. This solution is particularly attractive when the bonded length is shorter than the effective bonded length because the strength of the interface can be highly incremented.
This study aims to evaluate the effect of mineral fillers on bitumen ageing. Two different bitumens and four mastics were investigated in the unaged and long-term aged states, based on different properties (consistency, rheology, fatigue resistance and ductility). Mastics stiffened less due to ageing treatment than bitumens, especially with granite filler. However, the results of the performance tests were not definitive regarding the effect of the filler. Aged bitumen showed greater fatigue resistance and higher specific energy of ductile fracture than unaged bitumen, whereas the mastics showed minor variations in the specific energy of ductile fracture with ageing treatment, which is indicative of less ageing, but the fatigue resistance decreased significantly in mastics with one of the bitumens.
Micaelo, Rui, Nuno Azevedo, Jaime Ribeiro, and Maria Azevedo. "Discrete Element Modelling of Field Asphalt Compaction." 6th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control. Torino, Italy: Ismarti, SHV &TRB, 2009.