Silva, J. A., T. M. Vale, R. J. Dias, H. Paulino, and J. M. Lourenço,
"Supporting Partial Data Replication in Distributed Transactional Memory",
Proceedings of Joint Euro-TM/MEDIAN Workshop on Dependable Multicore and Transactional Memory Systems, Vienna, Austria, jan, 2014.
Duarte, V., J. M. Lourenço, and J. C. Cunha,
"Supporting on-line distributed monitoring and debugging",
On-Line Monitoring Systems and Computer Tool Interoperability, Commack, NY, USA, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 43–59, 2003.
AbstractMonitoring systems have traditionally been developed with rigid objectives and functionalities, and tied to specific languages, libraries and run-time environments. There is a need for more flexible monitoring systems which can be easily adapted to distinct requirements. On-line monitoring has been considered as increasingly important for observation and control of a distributed application. In this paper we discuss monitoring interfaces and architectures which support more extensible monitoring and control services. We describe our work on the development of a distributed monitoring infrastructure, and illustrate how it eases the implementation of a complex distributed debugging architecture. We also discuss several issues concerning support for tool interoperability and illustrate how the cooperation among multiple concurrent tools can ease the task of distributed debugging.
Duarte Vitor, Lourenço João M., C. J. C.,
"Supporting On-line Distributed Monitoring and Debugging",
Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 43–59, 2001.
AbstractMonitoring systems have traditionally been developed with rigid objectives and functionalities, and tied to specific languages, libraries and run-time environments. There is a need for more flexible monitoring systems which can be easily adapted to distinct requirements. On-line monitoring has been considered as increasingly important for observation and control of a distributed application. In this paper we discuss monitoring interfaces and architectures which support more extensible monitoring and control services. We describe our work on the development of a distributed monitoring infrastructure, and illustrate how it eases the implementation of a complex distributed debugging architecture. We also discuss several issues concerning support for tool interoperability and illustrate how the cooperation among multiple concurrent tools can ease the task of distributed debugging.
Silva, J. A., T. M. Vale, R. J. Dias, H. Paulino, and J. M. Lourenço,
"Supporting Multiple Data Replication Models in Distributed Transactional Memory",
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, Goa, India, ACM, pp. 11:1–11:10, 2015.
AbstractDistributed transactional memory (DTM) presents itself as a highly expressive and programmer friendly model for concurrency control in distributed programming. Current DTM systems make use of both data distribution and replication as a way of providing scalability and fault tolerance, but both techniques have advantages and drawbacks. As such, each one is suitable for different target applications, and deployment environments. In this paper we address the support of different data replication models in DTM. To that end we propose ReDstm, a modular and non-intrusive framework for DTM, that supports multiple data replication models in a general purpose programming language (Java). We show its application in the implementation of distributed software transactional memories with different replication models, and evaluate the framework via a set of well-known benchmarks, analysing the impact of the different replication models on memory usage and transaction throughput.
Luís, J. E., J. M. Lourenço, and P. A. Lopes,
"Suporte Transaccional para o Sistema de Ficheiros Btrfs",
InForum 2011: Proceedings of InForum Simpósio de Informática, Coimbra, Universidade do Coimbra, 2011.
AbstractEm caso de falha abrupta de um sistema, é imperativo garantir a consistência do Sistema de Ficheiros (SF). Actualmente existem várias soluções que visam garantir que tanto os dados como os metadados do SF se encontram num estado consistente, mas que não contemplam a garantia de consistência dos dados do ponto de vista das aplicações. Por exemplo, aplicações que pretendam alterar vários ficheiros de configuração terão de encontrar mecanismos para garantir que, ou todos os ficheiros são devidamente alterados, ou nenhum o é, evitando assim que numa situação de falha o conteúdo dos ficheiros fique inconsistente. Do ponto de vista da aplicação, pode não ser simples implementar este comportamento sobre um SF típico; e pode também não ser razoável utilizar um Sistema de Gestão de Bases de Dados (SGBD), que oferece propriedades ACID. Neste artigo propomos, testamos e avaliamos uma integração das propriedades ACID num SF. Partindo do suporte para snapshots do sistema de ficheiros Btrfs, oferece-se uma semântica transaccional às aplicações que operam sobre volumes (sub-árvores) do SF, sem comprometer a semântica POSIX do SF.
Teixeira, B., J. M. Lourenço, and D. Sousa,
"A Static Approach for Detecting Concurrency Anomalies in Transactional Memory",
Proceedings of INForum Simpósio de Informática (InForum 2010), Braga, Portugal, Universidade do Minho, 2010.
AbstractPrograms containing concurrency anomalies will most probably exhibit harmful erroneous and unpredictable behaviors. To ensure program correctness, the sources of those anomalies must be located and corrected. Concurrency anomalies in Transactional Memory (TM) programs should also be diagnosed and fixed. In this paper we propose a framework to deal with two different categories of concurrency anomalies in TM. First, we will address low-level TM anomalies, also called dataraces, which arise from executing programs in weak isolation. Secondly, we will address high-level TM anomalies, also called high-level dataraces, bringing the programmers attention to pairs of transactions that the programmer has misspecified, and should have been combined into a single transaction. Our framework was validated against a set of programs with well known anomalies and demonstrated high accuracy and effectiveness, thus contributing for improving the correctness of TM programs
Dias, R. J., D. Distefano, J. M. Lourenço, and J. C. Seco,
StarTM: Automatic Verification of Snapshot Isolation in Transactional Memory Java Programs,
, no. UNL-DI-6-2011: Departamento de Informática FCT/UNL, 2011.
AbstractThis paper presents StarTM , an automatic verification tool for transactional memory Java programs executing under relaxed isolation levels. We certify which transactions in a program are safe to execute under Snapshot Isolation without triggering the write-skew anomaly, opening the way to run-time optimizations that may lead to considerable performance enhancements.
Our tool builds on a novel shape analysis technique based on Separation Logic to statically approximate the read- and write-sets of a transactional memory Java program. This technique is particularly challenging due to the presence of dynamically allocated memory.
We implement our technique and apply our tool to a set of intricate examples. We corroborate known results, certifying some of the examples for safe execution under Snapshot Isolation by proving the absence of write-skew anomalies. In other cases we identify transactions that potentially trigger the write-skew anomaly.
Hollander, Y., A. Hu, J. M. Lourenço, and R. Morad,
"Special Session on Debugging",
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing, vol. 6504: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 24–28, 2011.
AbstractIn software, hardware, and embedded system domains, debugging is the process of locating and correcting faults in a system. Depending on the context, the various characteristics of debugging induce different challenges and solutions. Post-silicon hardware debugging, for example, needs to address issues such as limited visibility and controllability, while debugging software entails other issues, such as the handling of distributed or non-deterministic computation. The challenges that accompany such issues are the focus of many current research efforts. Solutions for debugging range from interactive tools to highly analytic techniques. We have seen great advances in debugging technologies in recent years, but bugs continue to occur, and debugging still encompasses significant portions of the life-cycles of many systems. The session covered state-of-the-art approaches as well as promising new research directions in both the hardware and software domains.
Farchi, E., R. M. Hierons, and J. M. Lourenço,
"Special issue on Testing, Analysis and Debugging of Concurrent Programs",
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 165–166, May, 2015.
AbstractThis special issue concerns a range of issues related to the development of concurrent programs. This is an important topic, because many systems are now either multi-threaded or distributed, and it is well known that concurrency makes testing, analysis and debugging significantly more complicated. Essentially, the alternative interleavings of events can lead to different behaviours, and so any analysis, debugging or testing technique must consider these interleavings. The interest in this topic is reflected in the larger than normal issue, which contains five papers. The papers fall into three groups: we start with a paper on debugging, then have two on static analysis techniques and finally have two on testing. All papers were reviewed in the normal way.
Dias, R. J., J. Seco, and J. M. Lourenço,
"Snapshot Isolation Anomalies Detection in Software Transactional Memory",
Proceedings of INForum Simpósio de Informática (InForum 2010), Braga, Portugal, Universidade do Minho, 2010.
AbstractSome performance issues of transactional memory are caused by unnecessary abort situations where non serializable and yet non conflicting transactions are scheduled to execute concurrently. Smartly relaxing the isolation properties of transactions may overcome these issues and attain considerable performance improvements. However, it is known that relaxing isolation restrictions may lead to runtime anomalies. In some situations, like database management systems, developers may choose that compromise, hence avoiding anomalies explicitly. Memory transactions protect the state of the program, therefore execution anomalies may have more severe consequences in the semantics of programs. So, the compromise between a relaxed isolation strategy and enforcing the necessary program correctness is harder to setup. The solution we devise is to statically analyse programs to detect the kind of anomalies that emerge under snapshot isolation. Our approach allows a compiler to either warn the developer about the possible snapshot isolation anomalies in a given program, or possibly inform automatic correctness strategies to ensure Serializability.
Paulino, H., J. A. Martins, J. M. Lourenço, and N. Duro,
"SmART: An Application Reconfiguration Framework",
Complex Systems Design & Management: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 73–84, 2010.
AbstractSmART (Smart Application Reconfiguration Tool) is a framework for the automatic configuration of systems and applications. The tool implements an application configuration workflow that resorts to the similarities between configuration files (i.e., patterns such as parameters, comments and blocks) to allow a syntax independent manipulation and transformation of system and application configuration files.Without compromising its generality, SmART targets virtualized IT infrastructures, configuring virtual appliances and its applications. SmART reduces the time required to (re)configure a set of applications by automating time-consuming steps of the process, independently of the nature of the application to be configured. Industrial experimentation and utilization of SmART show that the framework is able to correctly transform a large amount of configuration files into a generic syntax and back to their original syntax. They also show that the elapsed time in that process is adequate to what would be expected of an interactive tool. SmART is currently being integrated into the VIRTU bundle, whose trial version is available for download from the projects web page.