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Nico, C. a, R. a Fernandes, M. P. F. a Graça, M. a Elisa, B. A. b Sava, R. C. C. c Monteiro, L. a Rino, and T. a Monteiro. "Erratum: Eu3+ luminescence in aluminophosphate glasses (Journal of Luminescence (2014) 145 (582-587))." Journal of Luminescence. 161 (2015): 465. AbstractWebsite
Nico, C. a, R. a Fernandes, M. P. F. a Graça, M. b Elisa, B. A. b Sava, R. C. C. c Monteiro, L. a Rino, and T. a Monteiro. "Eu3+ luminescence in aluminophosphate glasses." Journal of Luminescence. 145 (2014): 582-587. AbstractWebsite

With a 4f6 electronic configuration, europium ions in the trivalent charge state are known to be efficient activators in wide band gap matrices. Embedded in the aluminophosphate (Li2O-BaO-Al 2O3-La2O3-P2O 5) glasses the optically activated Eu3+ ions lead to intense room temperature orange/red luminescence with 16-23 Cd/m2 by using ultraviolet pumping. The as-prepared and heat treated europium doped glasses for temperatures below and above Tg were studied by room temperature Raman spectroscopy, absorption, photoluminescence excitation, temperature dependent and time dependent photoluminescence. When the samples are excited by 325 nm wavelength photons, an enhancement of the red luminescence intensity by ca. one order of magnitude was found to occur for temperatures between 14 K and 350 K, for all the doped glasses. On the other hand, by using resonant excitation on the 5L6 Eu3+ excited state (λexc 390 nm) the ion emission intensity was found to be nearly constant for temperatures up to 500 K. For higher temperatures a steeper decrease of the luminescence intensity occurs due to non-radiative competitive channels described by activation energies of ca. 235 meV and 450 meV by using 325 and 390 nm wavelength photons as excitation, respectively. The lifetime of the 5D0 level in these glasses is ca. 2.93 ms. A discussion of the thermal population and de-excitation mechanisms is performed. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.

Nico, C. a, M. P. F. a Graça, M. b Elisa, B. A. b Sava, R. C. C. c Monteiro, L. a Rino, and T. a Monteiro. "Effects of ultraviolet excitation on the spectroscopic properties of Sm3+ and Tb3+ doped aluminophosphate glasses." Optical Materials. 35 (2013): 2382-2388. AbstractWebsite

Li2O-BaO-Al2O3-La2O 3-P2O5 glasses optically activated with rare earth ions with the 4f5, and 4f8 electronic configuration (Sm3+ and Tb3+, respectively) were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy, absorption, excitation photoluminescence, decay curves and temperature dependent photoluminescence. The spectroscopic characteristics of the as-prepared and heat treated samples at temperatures below and above T g were studied as well as their room temperature photometric properties under ultraviolet excitation. All the doped glasses exhibit typical signatures of the lanthanides in their trivalent charge state. For the samarium doped glass heat treated at 250 C (<Tg) the Sm2+ luminescence was also observed. The analysis of the luminescence efficiency was performed in the interval range of 14 K to room temperature, where the integrated intensity of the luminescence was found to decrease for the Sm 3+ and Tb3+ ions in the studied temperature range. Luminescence decay curves were found to be non-exponential for the 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 and 5D3 → 7F4 transitions of the Sm3+ and Tb3+ ions, respectively. The results strongly suggest the occurrence of energy transfer processes through cross relaxation phenomena, mediated by dipole-dipole interaction in all the studied samples. The decay of the 5D4 → 7F5 emission of the Tb3+ ions was found to be single exponential with a time constant of ∼3.1 ms. Based on the spectroscopic characteristics, models for recombination processes are proposed. The room temperature luminance photometric properties with ultraviolet excitation show that the samarium doped glasses have much lower luminance intensity (around 0.3 Cd/m2) when compared with the 6-7 Cd/m2 observed for the terbium doped ones. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Ribeiro, A. S. M. a, R. C. C. b Monteiro, E. J. R. a Davim, and M. H. V. a Fernandes. "Ash from a pulp mill boiler-Characterisation and vitrification." Journal of Hazardous Materials. 179 (2010): 303-308. AbstractWebsite

The physical, chemical and mineralogical characterisation of the ash resulting from a pulp mill boiler was performed in order to investigate the valorisation of this waste material through the production of added-value glassy materials. The ash had a particle size distribution in the range 0.06-53μm, and a high amount of SiO2 (∼82wt%), which was present as quartz. To favour the vitrification of the ash and to obtain a melt with an adequate viscosity to cast into a mould, different amounts of Na2O were added to act as fluxing agent. A batch with 80wt% waste load melted at 1350°C resulting in a homogeneous transparent green-coloured glass with good workability. The characterisation of the produced glass by differential thermal analysis and dilatometry showed that this glass presents a stable thermal behaviour. Standard leaching tests revealed that the concentration of heavy metals in the leaching solution was lower than those allowed by the Normative. As a conclusion, by vitrification of batch compositions with adequate waste load and additive content it is possible to produce an ash-based glass that may be used in similar applications as a conventional silicate glass inclusively as a building ecomaterial. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

Musat, V. a, A. M. c Rego, R. b Monteiro, and E. b Fortunato. "Microstructure and gas-sensing properties of sol-gel ZnO thin films." Thin Solid Films. 516 (2008): 1512-1515. AbstractWebsite

The paper presents the properties of zinc oxide thin films deposited on glass substrate via dip-coating technique. Zinc acetate dehydrate, ethanol and monoethanol amine were used as starting materials and N2 gas was used as thermal annealing atmosphere for film crystallization. The effect of withdrawal speed on the crystalline structure, morphology, zinc and nitrogen chemical states, optical, electrical and gas-sensing properties of the thin films has been investigated using X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, optical transmittance and photoreduction-ozone reoxidation data. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.