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Francisco, R., P. Pereira, and J. Martins, "Sustainable Housing Techno-Economic Feasibility Application", Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2011, vol. 349, Costa de Caparica - Portugal, Springer Boston, pp. 445-454, 2011. Abstract

The high prices currently achieved in the acquisition of non-renewable energy for electricity production and the low levels of energy efficiency in the housing sector are the national situation, which leads the Portuguese government to encourage the acquisition, the installation and the use of technologies which exploit indigenous and renewable energy. This study presents an application that was developed in order to help the citizen in his decision to invest in renewable technologies in their homes. The application is able to elaborate an economic analysis based on the selected type of renewable technology, providing the user with the knowledge of benefits and the annual costs involved in the system that he selected. This tool aims at facilitating the interaction of any user with such technologies and it can be used as a helpful tool to support the decision of investment in such systems.

Pina, J. M., P. Pereira, D. Valadas, J. M. Ceballos, and A. Alvarez, "Sand Pile Modeling of Multiseeded HTS Bulk Superconductors: Current Densities Identification by Genetic Algorithms", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 23, issue 3, pp. 8000804 - 8000804, June, 2013. AbstractWebsite

The sand pile model, in conjunction with Bean model, is often applied to describe single grain bulk superconductors. However, in several applications such as electric motors, multiseeded bulks are needed, due to the need to increase sample dimensions. In this paper, an extension of the sand pile model is presented in order to manage this type of materials. Multiseeded HTS bulk superconductors, produced, e.g., by the top-seeded melt growth process, are characterized by intra- and intergrain currents, and these are reflected in the model. However, identifying these currents from flux density measurements is not straightforward, when considering more than one grain. In fact, the number of currents increases with the number of grains, and these have to be identified from the measured field surface. A method to identify these currents based on genetic algorithms is validated with artificial data and then used in real measurements.

Inacio, D., J. Murta Pina, P. Pereira, A. Pronto, M. Ventim Neves, and A. Alvarez, "Study of an axial flux disc motor with superconductor rotor", Compatibility and Power Electronics (CPE), 2015 9th International Conference on, Costa de Caparica, Portugal , pp. 488-493, June, 2015. Abstract

The integration of high temperature superconductors (HTS) in electrical machines potentially allows reduction in devices dimensions or performance improvement for the same active volume, when compared with their conventional ones. The use of polycrystalline HTS samples allows big bulk samples. An axial disc motor with HTS material or conventional aluminium in the rotor and conventional armature has been designed and developed. This paper describes simulations and laboratory experiments performed at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K) in order to analyze the motor's behaviour and its electromechanical characteristics and to define an electric equivalent circuit that allows describing its operation. In order to evaluate the superconducting quality of the bulks and flux pinning phenomena, Hall probe mapping system was performed in order to define the field profiles at 77 K for different polar configurations. The analysis of the obtained results allows confirm the flux pinning phenomena, being the entire rotor magnetized and conclude that the motor with the HTS rotor behaves as a conventional hysteresis motor even though with a different nature, while the motor with aluminium rotor behaves as a conventional induction motor. In asynchronous regime, the HTS motor exhibits a constant torque, higher than the conventional aluminium one. For both cases, the developed torque is proportional to the poles pairs.

Kchaou, B. O., A. Garbaya, M. Kotti, P. Pereira, M. Fakhfakh, and H. M. Fino, "Sensitivity aware NSGA-II based Pareto front generation for the optimal sizing of analog circuits", Integration, the \{VLSI\} Journal, vol. 55, pp. 220 - 226, 2016. AbstractWebsite

Abstract This paper deals with multiobjective analog circuit optimization taking into consideration performance sensitivity vis-a-vis parameters' variations. It mainly considers improving computation time of the inloop optimization approaches by including sensitivity considerations in the Pareto front generation process, not as a constraint, but by involving it within the used metaheuristic evolution process. Different approaches are proposed and compared. NSGA-II metaheuristic is considered. The proposed sensitivity aware approaches are showcased via two analog circuits, namely, a second generation \{CMOS\} current conveyor and a \{CMOS\} voltage follower. We show that the proposed ideas considerably alleviate the long computation time of the process and improve the quality of the generated front, as well.

Sallem, A., and P. Pereira, "Sensitivity Analysis in the Optimization of Analog Active Filters by Applying the Richardson Extrapolation", Focus on Swarm Intelligence Research and Applications: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 247-275, 2017. Abstract

The key step of the analog active filter design is the optimal selection of component values due to manufactured series (E12, E24, E48, E96 and E192). In this paper, four simulation-based metaheuristics are applied to optimize four active filters using commercials available ICs as building blocks. The emphasis of this work is applying Richardson extrapolation-based sensitivity analysis in the optimization process of analog active filters. Indeed, Richardson extrapolation technique facilitates the calculation of the partial derivatives for the sensitivity using the simulation-based evaluation, without an explicit mathematical expression. Viability and benefits of the sensitivity analysis are highlighted. Monte Carlo analysis is performed in order to investigate robustness of the proposed sensitivity analysis of the active filters in case of component value variations due to specified tolerances of manufactured series.

Ramos, N. R., P. Pereira, and J. F. Martins, "Smart-meter in power quality", 2017 International Young Engineers Forum (YEF-ECE), pp. 42-46, 5 May, 2017. Abstract

In this paper, an innovative approach for monitoring home electric power quality indicators is presented. Using an electric power analysis device (for this work purpose it will be a smart-meter) and a personal computer it is proved that it is possible to monitor and register electric power quality anomalies, such as long interruptions, voltage dips/swells and frequency oscillations. Through an application developed in Java, a user can view real-time electric parameters, check for electric power quality anomalies and assess load diagram of previous days. Experimental results regarding the application performance are also presented with the respective conclusions.

Amorim, M., A. Mar, F. Monteiro, S. Sylaiou, P. Pereira, and J. Martins, "Smart Tourism Routes Based on Real Time Data and Evolutionary Algorithms", Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 417–426, 2018. Abstract

Tourism is an industry that has been growing rapidly in the last few years and it is expected that it will continue to grow. Due to the evolution of technology, mobile applications are being increasingly used in all kinds of industries, being one of them tourism. Presently there are already a few mobile applications used to increase the experience of the user when visiting a place, but these mobile applications lack some important features. This paper describes the development of a mobile application with integrated routing algorithms used to increase the experience of the tourists when visiting the city of Avila, Spain. The tourist will have at their disposal real time information about all the monuments available for visit, a full set of predefined circuits with different visit times and degrees of difficulty and also the possibility to create an optimized or personalized circuit combining the user preferences such as visiting time and number of monuments to visit.

Pereira, P., and J. Martins, "Sustainable Heritage Management Towards Mass Tourism Impact: the HERIT-DATA project", 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems IS’18, Madeira - PT, IEEE, 25-27 Sep., 2018. Abstract

Although tourism is a major engine of economic growth, it also creates a burden hard to manage, and has a great impact on the conservation of the heritage. The HERIT-DATA project aims to reduce the impact of human activities, related to tourism, on cultural heritage, with a special focus on two kind of cultural destinations that can benefit from and be affected by mass tourism: Old towns and places of specific cultural heritage or archaeological interest for visitors, including UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In that framework, HERIT-DATA plans to develop of a sustainable and responsible tourism management towards cultural heritage in MED regions, in particular by taking advantage of technology and innovation in management tools (Smart Cities), as well as other policy and social measures.