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Vinagre, C., D. Madeira, L. Narciso, H. N. Cabral, and M. Diniz. "Effect of temperature on oxidative stress in fish: Lipid peroxidation and catalase activity in the muscle of juvenile seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax." Ecological Indicators. 23 (2012): 274-279. AbstractWebsite
Vinagre, C., D. Madeira, L. Narciso, H. N. Cabral, and M. S. Diniz. "Impact of climate change on coastal versus estuarine nursery areas: Cellular and whole-animal indicators in juvenile seabass Dicentrarchus labrax." Marine Ecology Progress Series. 464 (2012): 237-243. AbstractWebsite
Vinagre, C., D. Madeira, L. Narciso, H. N. Cabral, and M. S. Diniz. "Effect of handling, confinement and crowding in HSP70 production in Pachygrapsus marmoratus, a model species for climate change experiments." Journal of Sea Research. 72 (2012): 64-68. AbstractWebsite
Vinagre, C., M. Dias, J. Roma, A. Silva, D. Madeira, and M. S. Diniz. "Critical thermal maxima of common rocky intertidal fish and shrimps - A preliminary assessment." Journal of Sea Research. 81 (2013): 10-12. AbstractWebsite