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Diniz, M. S., R. Maurício, M. Petrovic, M. J. L. De Alda, L. Amaral, I. Peres, D. Barceló, and F. Santana. "Assessing the estrogenic potency in a Portuguese wastewater treatment plant using an integrated approach." Journal of Environmental Sciences. 22 (2010): 1613-1622. AbstractWebsite
Costa, P. M., S. Caeiro, M. S. Diniz, J. Lobo, M. Martins, A. M. Ferreira, M. Caetano, C. Vale, T. Á. DelValls, and M. H. Costa. "Biochemical endpoints on juvenile Solea senegalensis exposed to estuarine sediments: The effect of contaminant mixtures on metallothionein and CYP1A induction." Ecotoxicology. 18 (2009): 988-1000. AbstractWebsite
Freitas, A. C., F. Ferreira, A. M. Costa, R. Pereira, S. C. Antunes, F. Gonçalves, T. A. P. Rocha-Santos, M. S. Diniz, L. Castro, I. Peres, and A. C. Duarte. "Biological treatment of the effluent from a bleached kraft pulp mill using basidiomycete and zygomycete fungi." Science of the Total Environment. 407 (2009): 3282-3289. AbstractWebsite
Núñez, C., C. Silva López, O. N. Faza, J. Fernández-Lodeiro, M. Diniz, R. Bastida, J. L. Capelo, and C. Lodeiro. "Bis(o-methylserotonin)-containing iridium(III) and ruthenium(II) complexes as new cellular imaging dyes: Synthesis, applications, and photophysical and computational studies." Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 18 (2013): 679-692. AbstractWebsite
Carreira, R. J., C. Lodeiro, M. S. Diniz, I. Moura, and J. L. Capelo. "Can ultrasonic energy efficiently speed 18O-labeling of proteins?" Proteomics. 9 (2009): 4974-4977. AbstractWebsite
Maurício, R., M. Diniz, M. Petrovic, L. Amaral, I. Peres, D. Barceló, and F. Santana. "A characterization of selected endocrine disruptor compounds in a Portuguese wastewater treatment plant." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 118 (2006): 75-87. AbstractWebsite
Teixeira, T., M. Diniz, R. Calado, and R. Rosa. "Coral physiological adaptations to air exposure: Heat shock and oxidative stress responses in Veretillum cynomorium." Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 439 (2013): 35-41. AbstractWebsite
Vinagre, C., M. Dias, J. Roma, A. Silva, D. Madeira, and M. S. Diniz. "Critical thermal maxima of common rocky intertidal fish and shrimps - A preliminary assessment." Journal of Sea Research. 81 (2013): 10-12. AbstractWebsite
Costa, P. M., S. Caeiro, M. S. Diniz, J. Lobo, M. Martins, A. M. Ferreira, M. Caetano, C. Vale, T. Á. DelValls, and M. H. Costa. "A description of chloride cell and kidney tubule alterations in the flatfish Solea senegalensis exposed to moderately contaminated sediments from the Sado estuary (Portugal)." Journal of Sea Research. 64 (2010): 465-472. AbstractWebsite
Vinagre, C., D. Madeira, L. Narciso, H. N. Cabral, and M. S. Diniz. "Effect of handling, confinement and crowding in HSP70 production in Pachygrapsus marmoratus, a model species for climate change experiments." Journal of Sea Research. 72 (2012): 64-68. AbstractWebsite
Vinagre, C., D. Madeira, L. Narciso, H. N. Cabral, and M. Diniz. "Effect of temperature on oxidative stress in fish: Lipid peroxidation and catalase activity in the muscle of juvenile seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax." Ecological Indicators. 23 (2012): 274-279. AbstractWebsite
Pereira, R., S. C. Antunes, A. M. M. Gonçalves, S. M. Marques, F. Gonçalves, F. Ferreira, A. C. Freitas, T. A. P. Rocha-Santos, M. S. Diniz, L. Castro, I. Peres, and A. C. Duarte. "The effectiveness of a biological treatment with Rhizopus oryzae and of a photo-Fenton oxidation in the mitigation of toxicity of a bleached kraft pulp mill effluent." Water Research. 43 (2009): 2471-2480. AbstractWebsite
Mendonça, E., M. Diniz, L. Silva, I. Peres, L. Castro, J. B. Correia, and A. Picado. "Effects of diamond nanoparticle exposure on the internal structure and reproduction of Daphnia magna." Journal of Hazardous Materials. 186 (2011): 265-271. AbstractWebsite
Diniz, M. S., I. Peres, L. Castro, A. C. Freitas, T. A. P. Rocha-Santos, P. M. Costa, R. Pereira, and A. C. Duarte. "Effects of ECF-Kraft pulp mill effluent treated with fungi (Rhizopus oryzae) on reproductive steroids and liver CYP1A of exposed goldfish (Carassius auratus)." Ecotoxicology. 18 (2009): 1011-1017. AbstractWebsite
Rocha-Santos, T., F. Ferreira, L. Silva, A. C. Freitas, R. Pereira, M. Diniz, L. Castro, I. Peres, and A. C. Duarte. "Effects of tertiary treatment by fungi on organic compounds in a kraft pulp mill effluent." Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 17 (2010): 866-874. AbstractWebsite
Diniz, M. S., I. Peres, I. Magalhães-Antoine, J. Falla, and J. C. Pihan. "Estrogenic effects in crucian carp (Carassius carassius) exposed to treated sewage effluent." Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 62 (2005): 427-435. AbstractWebsite
Diniz, M. S., R. Pereira, A. C. Freitas, T. A. P. Rocha-Santos, L. Castro, I. Peres, and A. C. Duarte. "Evaluation of the sub-lethal toxicity of bleached kraft pulp mill effluent to carassius auratus and dicentrarchus labrax." Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 217 (2011): 35-45. AbstractWebsite
Costa, P. M., M. S. Diniz, S. Caeiro, J. Lobo, M. Martins, A. M. Ferreira, M. Caetano, C. Vale, T. A. DelValls, and M. H. Costa. "Histological biomarkers in liver and gills of juvenile Solea senegalensis exposed to contaminated estuarine sediments: A weighted indices approach." Aquatic Toxicology. 92 (2009): 202-212. AbstractWebsite
Larguinho, M., P. M. Costa, G. Sousa, M. H. Costa, M. S. Diniz, and P. V. Baptista. "Histopathological findings on Carassius auratus hepatopancreas upon exposure to acrylamide: Correlation with genotoxicity and metabolic alterations." Journal of Applied Toxicology (2013). AbstractWebsite
Madeira, D., L. Narciso, H. N. Cabral, C. Vinagre, and M. S. Diniz. "HSP70 production patterns in coastal and estuarine organisms facing increasing temperatures." Journal of Sea Research. 73 (2012): 137-147. AbstractWebsite
Trübenbach, K., T. Teixeira, M. Diniz, and R. Rosa. "Hypoxia tolerance and antioxidant defense system of juvenile jumbo squids in oxygen minimum zones." Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 95 (2013): 209-217. AbstractWebsite
Diniz, M. S., I. Peres, L. Castro, A. C. Freitas, T. A. P. Rocha-Santos, R. Pereira, and A. C. Duarte. "Impact of a secondary treated bleached Kraft pulp mill effluent in both sexes of goldfish (Carassius auratus L.)." Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 45 (2010): 1858-1865. AbstractWebsite