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Rocha, H. A perspectiva de futuros professores sobre a demonstração matemática. XV Congresso Internacional Galego-Portugués de Psicopedagogia. Corunha, Espanha: Asociación Científica Internacional de Psicopedagogía, 2019. Abstract

The mathematical proof is assumed as a central element in the development of Mathematics. However, proof is conceived in different ways and assumed as having different functions in Mathematics. And when we move from mathematics to its teaching, the multiplicity of perspectives becomes even more significant. This diversity can have an impact on the students and on the relationship they establish with Mathematics. In these circumstances, this study seeks knowledge over the perspectives of future teachers regarding the mathematical demonstration. Specifically, it intends to achieve a deeper knowledge over the future teachers’ perspectives about what is a mathematical proof and about its functions. The study adopts a qualitative approach and uses interviews to collect data. The conclusions reached point to a traditional perspective of mathematical proof, closely tied to mathematical formalism and the validation function, where the teaching context introduces some changes, adjusting the formalism to the level of the students and highlighting the understanding function of proof, but maintaining the dominant character of the algebraic language.

Rocha, H., M. C. Costa, and H. Jacinto O desenvolvimento curricular e a formação de professores. Atas do Encontro de Investigação em Educação Matemática. SPIEM, 2022.
Rocha, H. The use of the TPACK framework on research about teachers’ knowledge to teach with digital technology. MEDA – Mathematics Education at the Digital Age., In Press.
Rocha, H. The influence of teacher’s knowledge for teaching mathematics with technology on the implementation of investigation tasks. Proceedings of 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain: INTED, 2014.
Rocha, H. Consensos e dilemas no ensino de matemática a alunos de um curso de Decoração e Pintura Cerâmica. Atas do VI Seminário Luso-Brasileiro Educação, Trabalho e Movimentos Sociais. Lisboa, Portugal: IE-UL, 2014. Abstractpaper.pdf

A Matemática é uma das áreas que integra o plano curricular dos Cursos de Educação e Formação (CEF), pelo contributo para o exercício da cidadania em sociedades democráticas e tecnologicamente avançadas, mas esta é, também, frequentemente fonte de exclusão. O programa reconhece-o e enfatiza uma aprendizagem mais ligada ao concreto e à realidade. Mas reconhece também que é ao professor que compete gerir a sua implementação, dando forma às situações de aprendizagem e integrando-as de forma coerente e articulada no curso específico que os alunos frequentam. O estudo que aqui se apresenta teve como principal objectivo analisar e compreender as opções efectuadas pelo professor no decorrer das diferentes etapas da sua prática, dando atenção aos dilemas que enfrentou e às razões que valorizou na tomada de decisões. A abordagem metodológica adoptada é de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa, com a realização dum estudo de caso do professor de Matemática Aplicada dum CEF de Decoração e Pintura Cerâmica. A recolha de dados foi concretizada através de entrevistas, observação de aulas e recolha documental, sendo a análise de dados orientada pelo quadro teórico, conciliado com a interpretação destes. Nas conclusões do estudo a redução dos pré-requisitos, a preocupação em partir dos interesses dos alunos e a intenção de alargar a cultura dos alunos surgem como centrais na selecção das tarefas; enquanto o envolvimento activo dos alunos caracteriza a implementação das aulas. Os dilemas centram-se fundamentalmente na valorização relativa e aprofundamento a atribuir a cada conteúdo e na articulação entre formal e intuitivo.

Rocha, H. "Some factors impacting the teachers' assessment practices - Influências sobre as práticas de avaliação do professor." REIPE. E.10 (2017): 30-35. AbstractWebsite

The assessment and the role it should be assumed by the summative and formative component are often a reason for discussion. It is therefore important to understand how the teacher assessment practices are characterized and what influences them. That is, identify aspects taken into account when planning assessment; the (dis)continuities between assessment and learning; the divergences/consonances between assessment planned and implemented. The conclusions reached point to a strong influence of peers, to the assessment criteria of the school and to the students’ characteristics, in a scenario where the test is the dominant element in assessment.

Rocha, H. "Interdisciplinary tasks: pre-service teachers’ choice and approach." Science and mathematics education in the 21st century. Eds. L. Leite, and et al. Brussels: ATEE and CIEd, 2019. 82-93. Abstractrocha_2019_sciencematheduc.pdf

This study focusses on the criteria used by pre-service teachers of Mathematics to choose interdisciplinary tasks. The pre-service teachers’ knowledge is assumed as the basis of the actions taken and used as the origin of the choices and approaches observed. The study adopts a qualitative and interpretative methodology and the data were collected using class observation and interviews. The analysis is guided by the Application and Pedagogical Content Knowledge, a model inspired on TPACK (from Mishra and Koehler) and MKT (from Ball and colleagues). The conclusions point to an appreciation of the mathematical part of the tasks and to a devaluation of the remaining components. This suggests difficulty in articulating and integrating different domains of knowledge and points to a fragmented view of the potential of using mathematical applications.

Rocha, H., P. Palhares, and M. Botelho From classroom teaching to distance learning: the experience of Portuguese mathematics teachers. INTED - 15th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2021.
Rocha, H., and A. Babo. "Problem-solving and mathematical competence: a look to the relation during the study of Linear Programming." Thinking Skills and Creativity. 51 (2024): 1-14. AbstractWebsite

This study seeks reflection on the approaches of 11th grade students to Linear Programming problems, discussing the approaches taken at different moments of the teaching process. It aims to analyze:
How is the students’ mathematical competence characterized in relation to problemsolving;
What differences can be identified in the resolutions at different moments of the teaching and learning process.
We adopt a qualitative and interpretative methodology, analyzing the approaches of two pairs of students with different mathematical backgrounds. The analysis is guided by P´olya’s stages of solving a problem and aspects of the understanding of mathematical competence. The results show different approaches to the problems depending on the teaching moment and different competences. The mathematical background impacts the students’ success when they implement routine procedures, however it does not seem to determine the students’ competence to reason about a problem.

Rocha, H. Teachers’ use of graphing calculators in high school mathematics classroom. Proceedings of CERME 7 – Seventh Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education. Rzezów, Poland: ERME, 2011.
Rocha, H. Uma proposta para análise do Conhecimento para Ensinar Matemática com a Tecnologia [A proposal to analyze the teacher's Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology]. XXVII SIEM. Porto, Portugal: APM, 2016. Abstract

The teacher’s knowledge has long been viewed as a strong influence on the students’ learning. Several authors have sought to develop procedures to assess this knowledge, but this has proved to be a complex task. In this paper I present an outline of a conceptualization to analyze the teacher's knowledge, based on the model of the Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology (KTMT) and a set of tasks. These tasks are chosen by the teacher among the ones he prepared for his students taking into account the potential of the tasks to take advantage of the technology’s potential. The analyze of the teacher’s KTMT is based on the characteristics of the tasks chosen by the teacher; the balance established between the representations provided by the technology that the tasks advocate; the way how the tasks pay attention to the new issue of seeking for a suitable viewing window; and also the way how the tasks take into account the expectable difficulties of the students in the process of looking for the window.

Rocha, H. Teachers’ use of the different representations in a context of technology integration. Proceddings of 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Hamburg, Germany: ICME, 2016. Abstract

This study focus on the different representations provided by graphing calculators, intending to characterize how the teacher uses and integrates them on the process of teaching and learning functions at the secondary level. The methodology adopted is qualitative and interpretative, undertaking two case studies. The main conclusions point to different levels of flexibility in the use of the different representations depending on the teacher, but suggest a strong preference for the graphical and the algebraic representations, a use of the numerical representation based on the graph of the function and a total lack of use of the tabular representation.

Rocha, H., I. Oitavem, F. Viseu, and S. Palha. "Reinvenção do ensino a distância: a inovação ao ritmo de cada professor." Educação e Matemática. 155 (2020): 16-20. AbstractWebsite

A suspensão das aulas presenciais na sequência da pandemia que estamos a atravessar trouxe para primeiro plano o ensino a distância. Neste artigo partilhamos algumas ideias e conceptualizações relativas a este tipo de ensino, abordamos aquilo que alguns autores que se têm dedicado à temática apontam como importantes desafios e oportunidades que se lhe encontram associados e, por fim, partilhamos algumas possíveis opções e recursos que pensamos poderem ser úteis para todos os professores que estão a viver a sua primeira experiência de ensino a distância.

Rocha, H. Aspectos da utilização da tecnologia no ensino da Matemática. Actas do XII Congresso Internacional Galego-Português de Psicopedagogia. Braga, Portugal: CIEd - IEUM, 2013. Abstract

O potencial da tecnologia para o ensino e a aprendizagem é há muito reconhecido. Contudo, cada vez mais surgem estudos que indiciam que a sua utilização fica aquém das expectativas. O acesso à tecnologia, o papel que lhe é atribuído na aprendizagem e as características das tarefas em que é utilizada, encontram-se entre as principais influências identificadas sobre a utilização que é feita da tecnologia e potencialmente responsáveis pelas características dessa utilização. O estudo que aqui se apresenta teve como principal objectivo analisar e compreender a utilização que os professores fazem da tecnologia à luz dos aspectos referidos, procurando identificar de que forma estes definem diferentes tipos de utilização. A abordagem metodológica adoptada foi de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa, com a realização de estudos de caso de duas professoras de Matemática que utilizavam a calculadora gráfica. A recolha de dados foi concretizada através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observação de aulas e recolha documental, sendo a análise de dados orientada pelo quadro teórico, conciliado com a interpretação destes. As conclusões do estudo sugerem alguma diversidade tanto nas características das tarefas em que as professoras recorrem à tecnologia (exercícios, explorações, problemas, modelação de situações reais), como no papel que lhe é atribuído (obter informação, efectuar cálculos, experimentar), mas apontam também para uma diversidade com características que se traduzem em perfis de utilização da tecnologia distintos: um mais exploratório e outro mais prescritivo.

Rocha, H. Knowledge to teach mathematics with technology: the global model. ICMET – International Conference on Math Education and Technology., In Press.
Rocha, H. Students' conceptions about the use of graphing calculators on tests. Proceedings of 8th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Seville, Spain: ICERI, 2015. Abstract


H. Rocha

Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (PORTUGAL)

The assessment is considered a key element of the teaching and learning process and is often divided into two types: formative and summative. The distinction between these two types of assessment is usually made based on the moments in which it occurs and the objectives it has. Nevertheless, there are some continuities between these two types of assessment, and this leads some authors to question whether these two types of assessment should be seen as fully disjoint. Despite this, the prevailing understanding of summative assessment is that it takes place at the end of the learning process and that it is intended to classify the students.

The technology and, in particular, the graphing calculator is recognized for the impact it may have on the students’ approaches to solve mathematical questions. When technology is available, several studies point to an higher relevance of the understanding of the mathematical concepts, to an increase in graphical approaches to mathematical questions and to an increment in the use of exploratory approaches to solve the problems that are posed. Of course, all these changes will have its impact also on summative assessment moments, and specifically in testing.

Students’ conceptions about the use of technology have a deep impact on how they actually use the technology. The relevance usually attributed to tests, makes it important to understand what determines the performance of students in these moments.

This study focuses on the use of the graphing calculator at assessment moments such as tests, intending to understand the students’ conceptions related to that use. Namely it intends to analyze the impact of the students’ conceptions about Mathematics, about the use of technology to learn, and about teachers’ perspectives.

The study adopts a qualitative and interpretative methodological approach, undertaking two students’ case studies. Data were collected during one school year by semi-structured interviews, students’ observation at testing moments, and documental data gathering. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed and the students’ observation was video recorded. Data analysis was conducted in an interpretative way.

The conclusions reached suggest that students welcome the possibility of using the graphing calculator during testing. The way this technology allows them to avoid errors, both in the calculations and in the formulas to be used, is the main reason advanced by the students. The speed of resolution, which they consider very important during testing, is another of the valued aspects. The idea of Mathematics as something that you need to understand and where knowing the right formula is not enough to achieve the right answer is pointed as the main justification for the use of this technology in tests. Nevertheless, the idea that technology should not be used seems to be always present. The impact of family ideas and, in particular, the idea that one can become dependent of the graphing calculator, seems to have some influence over the students conceptions about the use of this technology. However, the one that is undoubtedly the decisive reason for this conception is what they consider to be the opinion of a teacher. For the students, a teacher cannot agree with the use of graphing calculators in tests. And the reason given for this is related to the idea that a teacher will not be able to actually understand the students’ mathematical knowledge if he uses the graphing calculator.

Keywords: summative assessment, students’ conceptions, technology, mathematics.

Rocha, H. Knowledge for teaching mathematics with technology and the search for a suitable viewing window to represent functions. Proceedings of Cerme 9. Prague, Czech Republic: ERME, 2015. Abstract

The usual difficulties of students regarding the choice of an appropriate window when using the graphing calculator in the study of functions and the importance of the teachers’ knowledge to overcoming them, led to this study. The main goal was to characterize the way teachers address the viewing window in the classroom, trying to infer aspects of the Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology that can justify that practice. The conclusions reached point to the importance of a set of specific knowledge where I highlight the knowledge of the students’ difficulties, the knowledge of mathematical content necessary to understand the impact of the viewing window on the graphic, and the knowledge of teaching strategies that address both the students’ difficulties and the relevant mathematical knowledge.

Rocha, H., and F. Viseu O ensino de Funções no 3.º ciclo e no ensino secundário: que diferenças? [Teaching Functions at lower and upper secondary: what is different?]. EIEM. Coimbra: SPIEM, 2018. Abstract

Neste estudo analisamos as perceções que professores do 3.º ciclo e do ensino secundário têm da sua prática no âmbito do ensino de Funções, com o objetivo de as caracterizar e de identificar as diferenças existentes entre estes dois grupos de professores. Um aspeto particularmente relevante se tivermos em conta que se tratam de dois grupos de professores com formações iniciais idênticas. Adotamos uma metodologia mista, com uma vertente quantitativa apoiada na aplicação de questionários e uma vertente qualitativa baseada na realização de entrevistas. As principais conclusões alcançadas apontam para semelhanças nas perceções dos professores, mas também para algumas diferenças em função do ciclo de ensino. Na planificação das aulas os manuais são amplamente utilizados, mas de forma diferente consoante o ciclo de ensino do professor. Os professores de ambos os ciclos de ensino estabelecem conexões entre diferentes representações, mas valorizam de diferentes formas as representações disponíveis. O envolvimento dos alunos nas atividades da aula é outro aspeto destacado pelos professores, mas uma vez mais existem diferenças. Na avaliação o recurso ao teste é enfatizado pelos dois grupos de professores, mas já existem diferenças quanto à importância atribuída ao trabalho de grupo.

Rocha, H. "Contribution of the analysis of the mathematical concordance to understand the teachers’ KTMT." Journal of Curriculum and Teaching. 11.8 (2022): 412-422. AbstractWebsite

Technology is recognized by its potential to promote mathematical learning. However, achieving this potential
requires the teachers to have the knowledge to integrate it properly into their practices. Several authors have intended to characterize the teachers’ knowledge and developed several models, but this approach has often been criticized by its static approach, not attending neither valuing the teachers’ practice. In this study we adopt the KTMT – Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology model, assuming the teachers’ practice as the main scenario of analysis. We focus on the options guiding the teachers’ decisions when confronted with a situation of lack of mathematical concordance while teaching functions. The situations of lack of mathematical concordance (i.e., situations where the mathematics addressed by the students is different from the one intended by the teacher) are assumed as rich and encapsulating the potential to reveal significant aspects of the teachers’ KTMT. The main goal of the study is to understand what domains of the teachers’ KTMT are highlighted in these circumstances. A qualitative methodology is adopted and one episode of one 10th grade teacher’s practice is analyzed, based on the KTMT model. The conclusions reached show the relevance of different knowledge domains, but emphasize the Mathematics and Technology Knowledge (MTK). They also raise questions about the impact of the specific technology being used on the teachers’ KTMT.

Rocha, H., and F. Viseu Teachers’ perspectives on the use of technology to teach Functions at lower and upper secondary. Proceedings of the 5th ERME Topic Conference - MEDA 2018. Copenhagen, Denmark: ERME, 2018. Abstractmeda_rocha_2018.pdf

This study aims to understand the perceptions of lower and upper secondary age teachers of mathematics regarding the use of technology to teach functions. For that, a mixed methodology was adopted, and the perceptions of 129 teachers were collected through a questionnaire (quantitative section) and four teachers through an interview (qualitative section). The main conclusions point to similarities in teachers' perceptions, but also to some differences related to the level that they taught. Teachers show conviction about their knowledge on technology and about the potential of technology in what concerns their teaching and the students’ learning. However, they are not so clear about the best way to articulate technology and paper-and-pencil methods, nor about the use of technology in assessment.

Rocha, H. "Graphical representation of functions using technology: a window to teacher knowledge." Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. 39.2 (2020): 105-126.Website
Rocha, H. Games and the learning of mathematics outside the classroom. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, Spain: EduLearn, 2014. Abstract

H. Rocha

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (PORTUGAL)

Playing games is a recreational activity that is also highly recognized as a potentially rich activity for the teaching and learning. It is an activity that involves the recognition and observance of rules, as well as the development of strategies to achieve victory. It is thus an activity that encourages compliance with rules but also the development of learning and therefore has a socializing character while stimulating critical thinking and analysis of situations. This is why many authors think about playing games as a problem-solving activity with great potential for the learning of mathematics. However, a review of the literature suggests that mathematical learning does not always occur, pointing to the relevance of the specific features of the game and the circumstances in which it is used. Looking to contribute to a better understanding of these issues, the project that was the basis of this study focuses on the use of games by middle school students, intending to promote their mathematical learning in a voluntary and informal context, outside the classroom. The games were available in MatLab, a room of the school supervised by mathematics teachers, which students could visit in their leisure time. In this communication I intend to analyze how the visits to MatLab contributed to the mathematical learning of students, considering the influence of specific characteristics of the games and the atmosphere created in MatLab, given the students’ previous mathematical knowledge.

The study adopts a qualitative and interpretative methodological approach, undertaking two student case studies. Data collection was completed over three months and included observation of twenty visits of these students to MatLab. Data collection was made through the development of a logbook, audio record of the students’ visits and two interviews to the students and to their teacher. Data analysis was based on the evidence gathered in the light of the problem under study.

The conclusions reached stress the importance of certain features of the games to promote student engagement, leading to a desire for self-improvement, very important for the development of sustained learning. Computer games have proven to have a stronger potential to engage students than board games. Nevertheless, the most important characteristics of a game seem to be related to the possibility of playing at different mathematical levels (without getting blocked by lack of knowledge) and to the possibility of keep getting better marks (without the existence of a maximum level from which evolution is not possible). In what concerns to achievement in mathematics’ classes, the students’ teacher reports an improvement in mathematics knowledge (more evident in the average achiever student) as well as an increase in students’ involvement in class work (more evident in the low achiever student).

keywords: game-based learning, mathematics, informal learning.

Rocha, H. Desenvolver o conhecimento de futuros professores sobre as características das tarefas e o papel que a tecnologia pode assumir nestas. SIEM. Castelo Branco, Portugal: APM, 2019. Abstract

The main goal of this work is to characterize how the knowledge of pre-service teachers about the characteristics of the tasks and the role of technology evolves. Based on a case study carried out around a pair of pre-service teachers, the main conclusions point to the contribution of the reflection around a set of six tasks on Functions selected by the pre-service teachers. Central to this reflection was an analyze of the role technology can play in tasks, the comments made by the colleagues to their tasks and some experiences on modeling and open-ended tasks. These elements provided the development of a greater awareness regarding aspects such as the level of structuring of the task and its degree of challenge. And this was determinant for an appropriation of the different characteristics of the tasks and to the development of the pre-service teachers’ knowledge.

Rocha, H. "The impact of teachers' knowledge on the connection between technology supported exploration and mathematical proof." European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 11.4 (2023): 635-649. AbstractWebsite

Technology is recognized for its potential to implement exploration tasks. The ease and speed with which it becomes possible to observe many cases of a situation, allows the development of conjectures and brings conviction about their veracity. Mathematical proof, assumed as the essence of Mathematics, tends to appear to the students as something dispensable. Based on KTMT – Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology model, this study intends to understand the impact of the teachers’ knowledge on mathematical proof in a context of technology integration. The study adopts a qualitative and interpretative methodology, based on case study, analyzing the practice of one teacher. The conclusions emphasize the relevance of the teacher’s MTK – Mathematics and Technology Knowledge, and TLTK – Teaching and Learning and Technology Knowledge. The teacher's MTK guides her decisions, leading her to focus on helping students understand the meaning of conjecture and proof, valuing, at the same time, the relevance of algebraic manipulations. However, the teacher’s TLTK guides her practice, where the knowledge about the students is determinant. The study provides evidence about the difficulty of articulating proof and technology, but it also clarifies the relevance of this articulation and of how the teacher’s KTMT can impact the teacher’s decisions.