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Faggiano, E., H. Rocha, and R. Capone Pre-service teachers’ initial use of generative AI as a tool to design and implement teaching activities. ISYDE – Italian Symposium on Digital Education., In Press.
Faggiano, E., H. Rocha, A. Sacristan, and M. Santacruz-Rodríguez. "Towards pragmatic theories to underpin the design of teacher professional development concerning technology use in school mathematics." Mathematics Education in the Digital Age: Learning, Practice and Theory . Eds. A. Donevska-Todorova, E. Faggiano, J. Trgalova, H. - G. Weigand, and A. Clark-Wilson. Routledge, 2021. 42-68. Abstract

This chapter aims to make more explicit the grounded or ‘pragmatic theories’ that inform the design of mathematics teachers’ professional development (PD) to exploit technological affordances. It uses aspects of some representative projects that took place in four countries (Colombia, Italy, Mexico, and Portugal) to illustrate lessons learned (e.g., similarities and differences, barriers and opportunities) and provide important insights to inform future PD implementations. To do this, we have identified a set of aspects (and sub-aspects) that emerged in relation to five major themes and reveal our ‘pragmatic theories’ alongside a consideration of the interconnections between these aspects. Our contribution offers a methodological frame to support future PD designs for teachers of mathematics concerning digital technology uses.

Faggiano, E., A. Sacristán, H. Rocha, and M. Santacruz-Rodríguez Addressing the congruence and similarity of figures with technology: A cross-national comparison. ICTMT., 2023.
Ferreira, G., H. Rocha, and A. Rodrigues As conexões matemáticas na resolução de problemas. Atas do EIEM 2023 - Encontro em Investigação em Educação Matemática. Aveiro: SPIEM, 2023.
Giglione, S., E. Faggiano, and H. Rocha Investigating the impact of technology integration on Italian and Portuguese teachers’ perspectives concerning standardized assessment. MEDA – Mathematics Education at the Digital Age., In Press.
Kahle, R., I. Oitavem, and H. Rocha. "Os problemas de Hilbert." Educação e Matemática. 130 (2014): 23-27.Website
Lopes, S., and H. Rocha O jogo como promotor da comunicação e aprendizagem matemática [Games to promote communication and mathematical learning]. XXVII SIEM. Porto, Portugal: APM, 2016. Abstract

Games are commonly appointed as a methodological tool capable of promoting students’ effective learning. In this context, this study intends to analyze the impact of mathematical discussions developed while
playing a polynomial game. Namely it intends to analyze the impact on the consolidation of mathematical concepts previously worked in the classroom and on the communications skills. Two case studies where developed involving 10th grade students. Data gathering was based on direct observation and an inquiry. The main conclusions suggest that the game encouraged the discussion about the mathematical contents and therefore promoted the development of the mathematical discourse. Besides that, it allowed a deeper apprehension of mathematical concepts, and the overcome of some difficulties.

Martinho, H., and H. Rocha. "A escrita matemática e a intuição em Geometria [Mathematical writting and intuition in geometry]." Educação e Matemática. 149-150 (2018): 34-38.Website
Martinho, H., and H. Rocha A escrita matemática na resolução de um problema de geometria por alunos de licenciatura em Educação Básica [Mathematical writing in solving a geometry problem by undergraduate students in Basic Education]. EIEM. Lisboa, Portugal: SPIEM, 2017. Abstract

Apesar da escrita ter, habitualmente, uma maior expressão no ensino da Matemática que a própria oralidade, os alunos não estão habituados a explicitar raciocínios e a utilizar linguagem matemática apropriada. A comunicação matemática escrita tem algumas particularidades que podem ser diretamente trabalhadas com os alunos. Por exemplo, a escrita ajuda os alunos a dar sentido à Matemática e a melhorar o próprio discurso. As produções dos alunos transportam informações para o professor contribuindo para a planificação e concretização da sua prática profissional. Assim, e apesar de frequentemente ser descurada, a escrita matemática pode ser trabalhada na sala de aula, em particular, com futuros professores. Este artigo reporta parte de uma experiência realizada com uma turma da Licenciatura em Educação Básica, tendo por base a resolução em grupo de um problema de Geometria e o registo escrito do processo de resolução elaborado pelos alunos. Pretendeu-se desta forma caraterizar a comunicação escrita dos alunos e identificar contributos desta para a compreensão por parte do professor dos conhecimentos dos alunos. A análise da escrita matemática dos alunos, tendo por base um conjunto de critérios previamente definidos, permitiu identificar a preferência destes pelo recurso à representação verbal, dificuldades em fundamentar adequadamente as respostas apresentadas e uma forte tendência para desvalorizar as abordagens prévias que não conduziram à resposta ao problema. Permitiu ainda identificar uma tendência para não explicitar o entendimento das questões que lhes eram colocadas. A forma como os conceitos matemáticos surgem nas repostas escritas permite identificar aspetos relevantes do conhecimento dos alunos.

Martins, R., F. Viseu, and H. Rocha. "Functional Thinking: A Study with 10th-Grade Students." Education Sciences. 13.4 (2023): 1-22. AbstractWebsite

This study aims to understand the functional thinking of 10th-grade students while studying functions. Specifically, we intend to answer the following research questions: what are the functional thinking processes used by 10th-grade students when studying functions? What difficulties do students present while learning functions? In view of the nature of this research objective, we adopted a qualitative and interpretative approach. In order to answer these questions, data were collected from the written records produced by the students while solving the proposed tasks, from records of the oral interactions during discussions and from a questionnaire. The results show that functional thinking processes were implicit in the resolution of the tasks proposed to the students. The students expressed an understanding of how the variables were related, presenting evidence of their functional thinking while working on the new concepts represented by the functions addressed in the proposed tasks. Some students expressed difficulties in interpreting the different types of representations associated with the functions, in retaining the necessary information from a graphical representation that would help them to draw conclusions and establish correspondences, in explaining functional relationships, and in interpreting the information provided by algebraic expressions. These difficulties can reduce the recognition of the relationships between variables and their behavior in the different representations, becoming an obstacle to learning for some students.

Morais, C., J. Terroso, and H. Rocha. "E de repente tudo mudou… - Editorial." Educação e Matemática. 155 (2020): 1.Website
Moreira, C., S. Lopes, and H. Rocha Dos jogos à aprendizagem. Atas do ProfMat 2015. Évora, Portugal: APM, 2015. Abstractpaper.pdf

Neste texto apresentamos os jogos no ensino da matemática como uma forma de aprendizagem de conteúdos e não apenas como um recurso que cada professor pode usar nas suas aulas para tornar a aula diferente. Analisamos dois jogos desenvolvidos por nós e que utilizámos com alunos dos 7.º e 10.º anos de escolaridade, procurando não só apresentar os jogos, mas também aspetos da sua implementação em sala de aula, ponderando o contributo que trouxeram à aprendizagem dos alunos.
Aprender matemática depende de um grande número de variáveis, o que torna o ensino um processo complexo, pois é necessário que se desenvolva o raciocínio lógico, além de estimular o desenvolvimento das mais variadas capacidades transversais, tais como o pensamento autónomo, a criatividade, o sentido de estratégia e a capacidade de resolver problemas.
Duas das dificuldades frequentemente encontradas pelos professores passam pela falta de motivação para a aprendizagem e pelo desinteresse pela Matemática. A solução para estes problemas pode passar pela utilização de jogos para complementar o estudo, mas também para a aquisição de novos conteúdos. No entanto, apenas a implementação dos jogos não basta. O papel do professor é de extrema importância e a planificação e orientação da aula são fundamentais para que se alcancem os objetivos pretendidos.

Rocha, H. "The impact of teachers' knowledge on the connection between technology supported exploration and mathematical proof." European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 11.4 (2023): 635-649. AbstractWebsite

Technology is recognized for its potential to implement exploration tasks. The ease and speed with which it becomes possible to observe many cases of a situation, allows the development of conjectures and brings conviction about their veracity. Mathematical proof, assumed as the essence of Mathematics, tends to appear to the students as something dispensable. Based on KTMT – Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology model, this study intends to understand the impact of the teachers’ knowledge on mathematical proof in a context of technology integration. The study adopts a qualitative and interpretative methodology, based on case study, analyzing the practice of one teacher. The conclusions emphasize the relevance of the teacher’s MTK – Mathematics and Technology Knowledge, and TLTK – Teaching and Learning and Technology Knowledge. The teacher's MTK guides her decisions, leading her to focus on helping students understand the meaning of conjecture and proof, valuing, at the same time, the relevance of algebraic manipulations. However, the teacher’s TLTK guides her practice, where the knowledge about the students is determinant. The study provides evidence about the difficulty of articulating proof and technology, but it also clarifies the relevance of this articulation and of how the teacher’s KTMT can impact the teacher’s decisions.

Rocha, H. The teacher and the integration of the graphing calculator viewing window in the teaching of mathematics. Proceedings of 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain: INTED, 2014.
Rocha, H. Uma caracterização dos jogos com maior potencial para estimular a aprendizagem matemática. Atas do XII Congresso da SPCE. Vila Real, Portugal: UTAD e SPCE, 2014. Abstractpaper.pdf

Reconhecendo o potencial do jogo para a aprendizagem matemática, este estudo pretende analisar o envolvimento e as aprendizagens dos alunos, com o objectivo de caracterizar os jogos com maior potencial para os promover.
Adoptando uma metodologia de índole qualitativa e envolvendo a realização de estudos de caso sobre alunos do 7.ºano, as conclusões alcançadas sugerem que os jogos de computador são particularmente apelativos para os alunos. Contudo, as características determinantes para o envolvimento dos alunos e consequente promoção da aprendizagem prendem-se com a possibilidade de jogar com diferentes níveis de conhecimento e com a obtenção de bons resultados no jogo.

Rocha, H. Desenvolver o conhecimento de futuros professores sobre as características das tarefas e o papel que a tecnologia pode assumir nestas. SIEM. Castelo Branco, Portugal: APM, 2019. Abstract

The main goal of this work is to characterize how the knowledge of pre-service teachers about the characteristics of the tasks and the role of technology evolves. Based on a case study carried out around a pair of pre-service teachers, the main conclusions point to the contribution of the reflection around a set of six tasks on Functions selected by the pre-service teachers. Central to this reflection was an analyze of the role technology can play in tasks, the comments made by the colleagues to their tasks and some experiences on modeling and open-ended tasks. These elements provided the development of a greater awareness regarding aspects such as the level of structuring of the task and its degree of challenge. And this was determinant for an appropriation of the different characteristics of the tasks and to the development of the pre-service teachers’ knowledge.

Rocha, H., and I. Oitavem. "A mudança que abala o mundo – Editorial." Educação e Matemática.116 (2012): 1.
Rocha, H. "Teacher knowledge and the teaching of statistics using a graphing calculator - Conhecimento profissional e ensino de estatística com recurso à calculadora gráfica." REIPE. E.6 (2017): 96-100. AbstractWebsite

Teaching statistics is often based on an approach focused on teaching theoretical aspects, disconnected from
practical relevance and from interpretation of results, and where the use of technology lies behind its potential. In
this context, it is important to analyze how the teachers’ knowledge is characterized and to identify aspects of this
knowledge that mark the professional practice. The conclusions reached emphasize the impact of content
knowledge and its influence on knowledge of content and teaching. Knowledge of curriculum is also relevant, as
well as the way how it seems to prevent the development of other types of knowledge.

Rocha, H. A calculadora gráfica no ensino das funções: implicações sobre aspectos da prática de uma professora. Actas do EIEM – Encontro de Investigação em Educação Matemática. Póvoa do Varzim, Portugal: SPIEM, 2011.
Rocha, H. The impact of the cultural context on the professional practice of the teacher. Proceedings of 8th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Seville, Spain: ICERI, 2015. Abstract


H. Rocha

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (PORTUGAL)

The professional knowledge is a key element of the teacher’s practice. This knowledge is naturally influenced by the teacher’s beliefs and conceptions and by his training, but the context where he develops his practice is perhaps the most decisive influence. At this level, the school where the teacher works and his colleagues are a powerful influence, but the characteristics of his students are even a stronger influence. The cultural diversity of the students and specifically the linguistic diversity are highly relevant elements. A classroom where different languages converge is always a complex context which requires a deeper professional knowledge with inevitable repercussions over the teacher’s practice.

This study focuses on a teacher working with a mathematics’ class of foreign students with heavy linguistic limitations on the language of instruction and it intends to analyze the impact of this context on the teacher’s practice. In particular, it intends to analyze how this context interferes with the characteristics of the tasks proposed by the teacher and with the way how mathematical concepts are presented to the students.

The study adopts a qualitative and interpretative methodological approach, undertaking one teacher case study. Data were collected during one school year by semi-structured interviews, class observation, and documental data gathering. All interviews and classes observed were audio taped and transcribed. Data analysis was conducted in an interpretative way.

The conclusions reached point to an increase on the appreciation of mechanization, to a large reduction in the use of problematic situations and to a presentation of Mathematics as calculation, disconnected from any application, and where reasoning appears as a marginal element or is even missing. The use of several examples becomes a key element of the practice of this teacher. The main finding of this study suggests that language limitations caused a strong impact on the practice of a teacher who considers the understanding and the development of reasoning from the discussion around mathematical ideas as central to the teaching of this subject. It was also possible to identify that the need to find a way to communicate reinforced the formalism of the mathematical language, placing it in the center of the learning process.

Keywords: cultural context, teacher’s practice, mathematics.

Rocha, H. O professor e a fidelidade matemática da calculadora gráfica no estudo de Funções [The teacher and the mathematical fidelity of the graphing calculator in the study of Functions]. XXVIII SIEM. Viseu, Portugal: APM, 2017. Abstract

The teacher's knowledge of the mathematical fidelity of technology and the impact it has on the teacher’s practice is the focus of this article. Based on the conceptualization of Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology (KTMT), and involving the teaching of Functions at the 10th grade, we analyze: the situations of lack of mathematical fidelity considered by the teacher in the classes, the way how the teacher manages students' contact with this kind of situations, and how the teacher supports students when they are faced with a lack of mathematical fidelity. The conclusions reached point to: some devaluation of the situations of lack of mathematical fidelity, with only one type of situation being explicitly addressed; a careful selection of tasks, in order to ensure that these situations do not occur too soon; a focus on the identification by the students of this type of situation, suggesting what they can do to confirm the suspicion but without effective implementation of the process. As a consequence, knowledge of mathematical fidelity does not necessarily have a relevant impact on teacher’s practice and it is not easily transformed into a deep teacher’s KTMT.

Rocha, H., F. Viseu, and S. Matos. "Problem solving in a real-life context: an approach during the learning of inequalities." European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 12.1 (2024). AbstractWebsite

This study was conducted while 9th grade students learn to solve inequalities and seeks to understand their approach to solving problems with a real-life context. Specifically, the aim is to understand: (1) What are the main characteristics of the students’ approaches to the proposed problems? (2) What is the impact of the real context on the students’ resolutions? A qualitative and interpretative methodology is adopted, based on case studies, with data collected through documentary collection and audio recording of discussions between a pair of students while solving problems. The main conclusions suggest a trend to approach problems without establishing immediate connections with what was being done in the classroom, with students’ decisions being essentially guided by criteria of simplicity. The real context of the problems seems to have the potential to develop in students a more integrated mathematics, focused on understanding and not so much on the repetition of mechanical and meaning-independent procedures. The students’ familiarization with the context in question is one of the aspects highlighted by this study.

Rocha, H. Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology - a new framework of teacher knowledge. Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kiel, Germany: PME, 2013. Abstract

Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology (KTMT) is a theoretical model that seeks to articulate previously existing models on professional knowledge and the conclusions that the investigation around the integration of technology has achieved. KTMT is a dynamic knowledge, informed by the practice, that develops from the knowledge on the base domains (Mathematics, Teaching and Learning, Technology and Curriculum), evolving as knowledge in the base domains interacts and as this promotes the development of inter-domain knowledge, which continue to interact, strengthening relations and leading to the development of an integrated knowledge, where knowledge on the base domains and on the two sets of inter-domains appears deeply integrated into a global knowledge.

Rocha, H. The impact of technologies on the teacher's use of different representations. Proceedings of 12th International Conference onTechnology in Mathematics Teaching. Faro: Universidade do Algarve, 2015. Abstract

This study intends to characterize how the teacher uses and integrates the different representations provided by the graphing calculator on the process of teaching and learning functions at the secondary level. Specifically, it intends to understand the balance established between the use of the different representations, and the way these representations are articulated. The conclusions reached point to an active use of the graphic and algebraic representations and to a scarce use of the tabular representation. The conclusions also point to a flexible articulation between the two representations usual used, assuming different forms and frequently an interactive approach, repeatedly switching between representations.