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Cordas, C. M., A. G. Duarte, JJG Moura, and I. Moura. "Electrochemical behaviour of bacterial nitric oxide reductase - Evidence of low redox potential non-heme FeB gives new perspectives on the catalytic mechanism." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics. 1827.3 (2013): 233-238. AbstractWebsite
Cordas, C. M., L. T. Guerra, C. Xavier, and JJG Moura. "Electroactive biofilms of sulphate reducing bacteria." Electrochimica Acta. 54.1 (2008): 29-34. AbstractWebsite

Biofilms formed from a pure strain of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans 27774 on stainless steel and graphite polarised surfaces were studied. The polarisation conditions applied were -0.4V vs. SCE for different times. A cathodic current related with the biofilms growth was observed with a maximum intensity of -270 mA m(-2) that remained stable for several days using graphite electrodes. These sulphate reducing bacteria biofilms present electrocatalytic activity towards hydrogen and oxygen reduction reactions. Electrode polarisation has a selective effect on the catalytic activity. The biofilms were also observed by scanning electronic microscopy revealing the formation of homogeneous films on the surfaces. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Cordas, C. M., and JJG Moura. "Molybdenum and tungsten enzymes redox properties – A brief overview." Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 394 (2019): 53-64. AbstractWebsite
Cordas, C. M., J. Wilton, T. Cardoso, F. Folgosa, AS Pereira, and P. Tavares. "Electrochemical behaviour of Dps-a mini-ferritin." European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters. 40 (2011): 181. AbstractWebsite
Cordas, C. M., P. Raleiras, F. Auchere, I. Moura, and JJG Moura. "Comparative electrochemical study of superoxide reductases." European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters. 41.2 (2012): 209-215. AbstractWebsite

Superoxide reductases are involved in relevant biological electron transfer reactions related to protection against oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species. The electrochemical features of metalloproteins belonging to the three different classes of enzymes were studied by potentio-dynamic techniques (cyclic and square wave voltammetry): desulfoferrodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough, class I superoxide reductases and neelaredoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas and Treponema pallidum, namely class II and III superoxide reductases, respectively. In addition, a small protein, designated desulforedoxin from D. gigas, which has high homology with the N-terminal domain of class I superoxide reductases, was also investigated. A comparison of the redox potentials and redox behavior of all the proteins is presented, and the results show that SOR center II is thermodynamically more stable than similar centers in different proteins, which may be related to an intramolecular electron transfer function.

Cordas, C. M., N. M. T. Lourenco, P. Vidinha, CAM Afonso, S. Barreiros, L. P. Fonseca, and J. M. S. Cabral. "New conducting biomaterial based on Ion Jelly (R) technology for development of a new generation of biosensors." New Biotechnology. 25 (2009): S138-S139. AbstractWebsite
Carvalho, R. N. L., R. M. Almeida, JJG Moura, N. T. Lourenço, L. J. P. Fonseca, and C. M. Cordas. "Sandwich-Type Enzymatic Fuel Cell Based on a New Electro-Conductive Material - Ion Jelly." ChemistrySelect. 1.20 (2016): 6546-6552. AbstractWebsite
Calado, L. M., C. M. Cordas, and J. P. Sousa. "Acemetacin and indomethacin detection using modified carbon microelectrodes." Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry. 5.6 (2013): 665-671. AbstractWebsite
Auchere, F., R. Sikkink, C. Cordas, P. Raleiras, P. Tavares, I. Moura, and JJG Moura. "Overexpression and purification of Treponema pallidum rubredoxin; kinetic evidence for a superoxide-mediated electron transfer with the superoxide reductase neelaredoxin." Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 9.7 (2004): 839-849. Abstract
Abrantes, L. M., C. M. Cordas, and E. Vieil. "EQCM study of polypyrrole modified electrodes doped with Keggin-type heteropolyanion for cation detection." Electrochimica Acta. 47.9 (2002): 1481-1487. AbstractWebsite

The incorporation of a Keggin-type heteropolyanion, the phosphotungstate ([PW12O40](3-)), into polypyrrole has been achieved during the electrochemical preparation of the polymer films in aqueous solution. The redox behaviour of these modified electrodes is described by using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). The data allowed to estimate the doping level that indicates the extent of the heteropolyanion insertion. It is found that the polymer films, in aqueous solution, exhibit sensibility to cations, namely to Na+. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.