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Valtchev, S., B. V. Borges, and J. B. Klaassens, Series Resonant Converter Applied to Contactless Energy Transmission, , Submitted. Abstract
Baikova, {E. N. }, L. Romba, R. Melicio, and {S. S. } Valtchev, "Simulation and experiment on electric field emissions generated by wireless energy transfer", Technological Innovation for Resilient Systems - 9th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2018, Proceedings: Springer New York LLC, pp. 243–251, 1, 2018. Abstract

This paper presents a wireless energy transfer (WET) system operating at the frequency of tens of kHz. It treats the modeling and simulation of WET prototype and its comparison with experimental measuring results. The wireless energy transfer system model was created to simulate the electric field between the emitting and the receiving coils, applying the finite element method. The results from the simulation are compared to the measured values of the electric field emission from the wireless energy transfer equipment. In the recent years the interest in the WET technology, especially for the electric vehicles (EV) batteries charging, is rapidly growing. The WET systems pollute the environment by electromagnetic emissions. Due to the expanding use of this technology in industrial and consumer electronics products, the problems associated with the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and the adverse impact on the human health becomes highly important.

Gonçalves, {J. T. }, {C. I. } Camus, and {S. S. } Valtchev, "Solar thermoelectric system with biomass back-up", Technological Innovation for Smart Systems - 8th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2017, Proceedings: Springer New York LLC, pp. 358–369, 1, 2017. Abstract

With the objective of having a solar thermoelectric system, running for 24 h a day along the different seasons of the year it is necessary to dimension the adequate storage and back-up systems. The choice of the back-up source of energy depends on how sustainable the power plant should be. In this study, the choice was the use of biomass in order to have a 100{%} renewable power plant. The selected site was the Alentejo region (Portugal). The local Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI) data was used to simulate with the System Advisor Model program (SAM) considering a solar system with north field and molten salt storage. The system needs no back-up during three months in a year. The use of biomass pellets is a viable alternative because it makes the power plant 100{%} renewable and dispatchable without loss of energy due to over-dimension of the expensive solar field and molten storage system.

Romba, L., {S. S. } Valtchev, and R. Melício, "Single-phase wireless power transfer system controlled by magnetic core reactors at transmitter and receiver", Technological Innovation for Smart Systems - 8th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2017, Proceedings: Springer New York LLC, pp. 419–428, 2017. Abstract

The applications of wireless power transmission have become widely increasing over the last decade, mainly in the battery charging systems for electric vehicles. This paper focuses on the single-phase wireless power transfer prototype controlled by magnetic core reactors in either side of the system: that of the transmitter, and that of the receiver. The described wireless power transfer system prototype employs a strong magnetic coupling technology to improve the power transmission efficiency. In the same time, a magnetic core reactor is used to control the “tuning” between the transmitter and the receiver frequencies, allowing for that increase of the system efficiency. Finally, practical results of the implemented prototype are presented.

Braslavsky, I. Y., V. P. Metelkov, S. Valtchev, D. V. Esaulkova, A. V. Kostylev, and A. V. Kirillov, "Some aspects of the reliability increasing of the transport electric drives", Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, PEMC 2016, pp. 706-710, 2016. Abstract
Baikova, E. N., S. S. Valtchev, R. Melicio, A. Krusteva, and V. Fernão Pires, "Study of the electromagnetic interference generated by wireless power transfer systems", International Review of Electrical Engineering, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 526-534, 2016. Abstract
Baikova, E. N., S. S. Valtchev, R. Melicio, V. F. Pires, A. Krusteva, and G. Gigov, "Study on electromagnetic emissions from wireless energy transfer", Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, PEMC 2016, pp. 492-497, 2016. Abstract
Mihaylov, K., S. Valtchev, and R. Arnaudov, "Smart microgrid sensorless load monitoring and management in {TN}-S and {TN}-C-S electrical networks", 2015 International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics ({EDPE}): Institute of Electrical {&} Electronics Engineers ({IEEE}), sep, 2015. Abstract
Mihaylov, K., S. Valtchev, and R. Arnaudov, "Sensorless load monitoring and management in electric power grid through energy harvesting", 2015 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications ({ICRERA}): Institute of Electrical {&} Electronics Engineers ({IEEE}), nov, 2015. Abstract
Valtchev, S., "Study of a single-phase series active power filter with hysteresis control", Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 2013. Abstract
, "Study of a single-phase series active power filter with hysteresis control", Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 2013. Abstract
Valtchev, {S. S. }, and DEE Group Author, "Survey on EV electrical drive train with induction motor", International Symposium on Electric Vehicles, pp. 1–5, 1, 2012. Abstract

In the last time many research works were devoted to the electrical drive train with induction motors due to its robust construction and low cost in comparison with its competitor, PM synchronous motor. The construction of the induction motor is simple but its efficient control needs more sophisticated algorithms and appropriate inverters in order to obtain the highest technical and economical performance. In this paper we present a review of the last research results on the induction motor topologies dedicated to EV, on the architecture of inverters and of the efficient control strategies. There will be presented many promising solutions which are analysed and compared in order to offer to the EV electrical drive train designers the necessary information for a selection to be done.

Valtchev, S., "Survey on EV electrical drive train with induction motor", International Symposium on Electric Vehicle and 4-th Annual Conference of Polish Society for Environment Friendly Vehicles, 2012. Abstract
Antchev, M. H., M. P. Petkova, H. M. Antchev, V. T. Gourgoulitsov, and S. S. Valtchev, "Study of a single-phase series active power filter with hysteresis control", 11th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation: Institute of Electrical {&} Electronics Engineers ({IEEE}), oct, 2011. Abstract
Valtchev, {S. S. }, Study on Contactless Power Transmission Methods, , vol. NA, 1, 2011. Abstract
Valtchev, S., "Study on Contactless Power Transmission Methods", DoCEIS Conference, 2011. Abstract
Bonifácio, P., Seguidor fotovoltaico: uma variação do P&O - Simulação e Prototipagem, : FCT-UNL, July, 2010. Abstract
This dissertation tries to track the route of power production from photovoltaic sources. A worldwide look into the photovoltaic solar power production is given. The theory behind the PV cell and its application in PV power modules is presented. The DC ? DC power converters usually associated with solar PV panels are showed. The main maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms are also showed. A solar PV system was dimensioned using the theoretical models and the solar PV modules (BS ? 40) available at the Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica (DEE). This system was used as a reference for designing a simulator implemented in MatLab?Simulink. This simulator includes all the components needed to test the different MPP tracking algorithms. Those components are: A PV solar module, which can be associated with others to form a solar panel; A Flyback DC ? DC power converter and a classic perturb and observe (P&O) tracking algorithm. A solar power meter that gives values in W?m2 was built in order to validate simulation values of the solar PV modules. Measuring the solar module characteristics (tension ? current) and knowing the solar irradiation at that given time it is possible to check if the simulated values and the measured ones agree. With the data collected in the simulation a new MPP tracking algorithm was presented. This is based in the classic P&O algorithm, but using modules that try to overcome the local maxima problem. It also tries to minimize the control oscillations in the converter?inverter, this is done in order to minimize losses and to maximize power production.
Valtchev, S., Series Resonant Power Converter for Contactless Energy Transfer with Improved Efficiency, : UTL-IST (Portugal), TU Delft (the Netherlands), April, 2008. Abstract
The development of more efficient power converters is the most important and challenging task for Power Electronics specialists. In the same time, many currently existing or yet to appear future applications require full mechanical independence between the transmitter and receiver of the electrical energy. This contactless form of energy transfer is the concern of the presented work. The work is based on the study of the Series Loaded Series Resonant converter which prove to be the best suitable for the contactless energy transfer. The work investigates the idealized Series Resonant Power Converter with the objective to find the best efficiency zones of operation. Generalized expressions obtained are original and useful. Based on the magnetic parameters of the loosely coupled transformer (magnetic link), the characteristics of the contactless power converter are described in approximated form. The approximation permits easier and faster calculation of the converter variables, thus predicting a shift of the maximum efficiency zone compared to the ideal converter case. The approximated form of the equations permitted to present a new instantaneous form of regulation which combines the frequency and pulse width modes which is free from the previously known defects. The method is based on calculating the energy portions supplied to the load during each half period. Measurements performed on industrial converters and on the laboratory experimental converter, confirm the predicted theoretically behaviour of the converter.
Valtchev, S., B. Borges, and B. J. Klaassens, "Series Resonant Converter Applied to Contactless Energy Transmission", 3rd Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE, pp. 474–478, April, 2001.
Valtchev, S., B. J. Klaassens, and M. van Wesenbeeck, "Super?Resonant Converter with Switched Resonant Inductor with PFM?PWM Control,", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 6: IEEE, pp. 760–765, November, 1995.
Valtchev, S., "Super-resonant power converter operation in soft-switching mode", Seminar of S.Valtchev on the new PhD thesis chapter, February, 1995. Abstract
This new chapter of the PhD thesis was an addition to the presented already material at TU Sofia, Bulgaria. This was necessary to obtain the permission to prepare the thesis for its final version. Unfortunatelly this thesis was never presented but it served for the core to the presented in IST, Portugal, later on.
Valtchev, S. S., and M. P. van Wesenbeeck, "Super-Resonant Converter with Switched Resonant Inductor with PFM-PWM Control", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 760-765, 1995. Abstract
Valtchev, S., "Some Regulation Characteristics of Pulse?Width Modulated Series Resonant Power Conversion", 6th Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control PEMC'90, pp. 83–87, October, 1990.
Valtchev, S., "Some Regulation Characteristics of Pulse–Width Modulated Series Resonant Power Conversion", 6th Conference PEMC{'}90, pp. 83–87, Budapest, 1990. Abstract
Valtchev, S., "Some Properties of the Transistor Series Resonant Power Convertors", The Day of the Radio Conference, May, 1989.
Valtchev, S., "Some Properties of the Transistor Series Resonant Power Convertors", The Day of the Radio Conference, 5–6 May 1989, Sofia, 1989. Abstract
, "Some Properties of the Transistor Series Resonant Power Convertors", The Day of the Radio Conference, 5–6 May 1989, Sofia, 1989. Abstract