High-quality SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) single crystals were grown from a melt using a high-temperature self-flux solution method and Bi2O3 added with B2O3 as a flux. A suitable thermal profile involving slow cooling rates allowed growing large and translucent SBN crystals exhibiting platelet morphology with typical size ∼5 × 5 mm2 and thickness approximately 400 μm. X-ray diffraction revealed a dominant (001)-orientation of the major face of the platelet crystals and edges oriented parallel to the [110] directions. The dielectric properties were evaluated along the ab-plane and in the c-axis direction. The ferro-paraelectric phase transition was observed at TC = 440°C with Curie-Weiss relationship above TC. The anisotropy of dielectric permittivity, i.e., the ratio between permittivity in the ab-plane and along c-axis was about 10 at TC-The obtained results are used to discuss the observed correlations between anisotropy, crystalline orientation, and electrical properties.
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