New insights on large area flexible position sensitive detectors

Brida, D., Fortunato Águas Silva Marques Pereira Ferreira Martins E. H. V. "New insights on large area flexible position sensitive detectors." Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 299 (2002): 1272-1276.


In this paper we present an improved version of large area (5 mm × 80 mm) flexible position sensitive detectors deposited on polyimide (Kapton® VN) substrates with 75 μm thickness, produced by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The structures presented by the sensors are Kapton/ZnO:Al/(pin)a-Si:H/Al and the heterostructure Kapton/Cr/(in)a-Si:H/ZnO:Al. These sensors were characterized by spectral response, photocurrent dependence as a function of light intensity and position detectability measurements. The set of data obtained on one-dimensional position sensitive detectors based on the heterostructure show excellent performances with a maximum spectral response of 0.12 A/W at 500 nm and a non-linearity of ±10%. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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