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Kchaou, O. B., A. Sallem, P. Pereira, M. Fakhfakh, and M. H. Fino, "Multi-objective sensitivity-based optimization of analog circuits exploiting NSGA-II front ranking", Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), 2015 International Conference on, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-4, Sept, 2015. Abstract

This work deals with the multi-objective optimization of analog circuits by generating the Pareto front where elements are low sensitive to parameters' variations. NSGA-II is used for obtaining the non-dominated solutions. Richardson extrapolation technique is used for the in-loop optimization approach for computing partial derivatives and, thus, the solutions' sensitivity. NSGA-II Pareto fronts' intrinsic ranking is exploited for the generation of the new ‘low-sensitive’ Pareto front. The case of the optimal sizing of a CMOS voltage follower is considered to exemplify the proposed approach.

Pereira, P., M. Kotti, H. Fino, and M. Fakhfakh, "Metaheuristic algorithms comparison for the LC - Voltage controlled oscillators optimal design", 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO), Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 1 - 6, 28-30 April 2013. Abstract

The goal of this paper is to present a comparison among three known metaheuristics: Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Simulated Annealing (SA). For the comparison, the design of an LC - Voltage Controlled Oscillator (LC-VCO) is considered, where the minimization of both VCO phase noise and power consumption is envisaged. The objective of this comparison is to find the algorithm yielding the best solution. The validity of the solution obtained with each metaheuristic algorithm is checked against HSPICE/RF simulation results. Robustness checks for each algorithm are presented at the end of this paper.

Sallem, A., P. Pereira, M. Fakhfakh, and H. Fino, "A Multi-objective Simulation Based Tool: Application to the Design of High Performance LC-VCOs", Technological Innovation for the Internet of Things, vol. 394, Portugal, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 459-468, 2013. Abstract

The continuing size reduction of electronic devices imposes design challenges to optimize the performances of modern electronic systems, such as: wireless services, telecom and mobile computing. Fortunately, those design challenges can be overcome thanks to the development of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. In the analog, mixed signal and radio-frequency (AMS/RF) domains, circuit optimization tools have demonstrated their usefulness in addressing design problems taking into account downscaling technological aspects. Recent advances in EDA have shown that the simulation-based sizing technique is a very interesting solution to the ‘complex’ modelling task in the circuit design optimization problem. In this paper we propose a multi-objective simulation-based optimization tool. A CMOS LC-VCO circuit is presented to show the viability of this tool. The tool is used to generate the Pareto front linking two conflicting objectives, namely the VCO Phase Noise and Power Consumption. The accuracy of the results is checked against HSPICE/RF simulations.

Pina, J. M., P. Pereira, A. Pronto, P. Arsénio, and T. Silva, "Modelling and Simulation of Inductive Fault Current Limiters", Physics Procedia, vol. 36, pp. 1248 - 1253, 2012. AbstractWebsite

Inductive superconducting fault current limiters have already demonstrated their technical viability in electrical networks. Its architecture and robustness make them potentially adequate for distribution networks, and this type of devices is considered as an enabling technology for the advent of embedded generation with renewable energy sources. In order to promote the growth and maturity of these superconducting technologies, fast design tools must be developed, allowing simulating devices with different materials in grids with diverse characteristics. This work presents advances in the development of such tool, which, at present stage, is an effective alternative to software simulations by finite elements methods, reducing dramatically computation time. The algorithms are now compared with experimental results from a laboratory scale prototype, showing the need to refine them.