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Pandeirada, Carolina O., Élia Maricato, Sónia S. Ferreira, Viviana G. Correia, Benedita A. Pinheiro, Dmitry V. Evtuguin, Angelina S. Palma, Alexandra Correia, Manuel Vilanova, Manuel A. Coimbra, and Cláudia Nunes. "{Structural analysis and potential immunostimulatory activity of Nannochloropsis oculata polysaccharides.}." Carbohydrate polymers. 222 (2019): 114962. Abstract

The relevance of microalgae biotechnology for producing high-value compounds with biomedical application, such as polysaccharides, has been increasing. Despite this, the knowledge about the composition and structure of microalgae polysaccharides is still scarce. In this work, water-soluble polysaccharides from Nannochloropsis oculata were extracted, fractionated, structurally analysed, and subsequently tested in terms of immunostimulatory activity. A combination of sugar and methylation analysis with interaction data of carbohydrate-binding proteins using carbohydrate microarrays disclosed the complex structural features of the different polysaccharides. These analyses showed that the water-soluble polysaccharides fractions from N. oculata were rich in ($\beta$1→3, $\beta$1→4)-glucans, ($\alpha$1→3)-, ($\alpha$1→4)-mannans, and anionic sulphated heterorhamnans. The immunostimulatory assay highlighted that these fractions could also stimulate murine B-lymphocytes. Thus, the N. oculata water-soluble polysaccharides show potential to be further explored for immune-mediated biomedical applications.

Rudkin, Fiona M., Ingrida Raziunaite, Hillary Workman, Sosthene Essono, Rodrigo Belmonte, Donna M. MacCallum, Elizabeth M. Johnson, Lisete M. Silva, Angelina S. Palma, Ten Feizi, Allan Jensen, Lars P. Erwig, and Neil A. R. Gow. "Single human B cell-derived monoclonal anti-Candida antibodies enhance phagocytosis and protect against disseminated candidiasis." Nature communications. 9 (2018): 5288. Abstract

The high global burden of over one million annual lethal fungal infections reflects a lack of protective vaccines, late diagnosis and inadequate chemotherapy. Here, we have generated a unique set of fully human anti-Candida monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with diagnostic and therapeutic potential by expressing recombinant antibodies from genes cloned from the B cells of patients suffering from candidiasis. Single class switched memory B cells isolated from donors serum-positive for anti-Candida IgG were differentiated in vitro and screened against recombinant Candida albicans Hyr1 cell wall protein and whole fungal cell wall preparations. Antibody genes from Candida-reactive B cell cultures were cloned and expressed in Expi293F human embryonic kidney cells to generate a panel of human recombinant anti-Candida mAbs that demonstrate morphology-specific, high avidity binding to the cell wall. The species-specific and pan-Candida mAbs generated through this technology display favourable properties for diagnostics, strong opsono-phagocytic activity of macrophages in vitro, and protection in a murine model of disseminated candidiasis.

Childs, Robert A., Angelina S. Palma, Steve Wharton, Tatyana Matrosovich, Yan Liu, Wengang Chai, Maria A. Campanero-Rhodes, Yibing Zhang, Markus Eickmann, Makoto Kiso, Alan Hay, Mikhail Matrosovich, and Ten Feizi. "Receptor-binding specificity of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus determined by carbohydrate microarray." Nature Biotechnology. 27 (2009): 797-799. Abstract
Palma, A., M. De Carvalho, N. Barata, T. Evangelista, P. Chicau, M. REGALLA, and J. Costa. "Biochemical characterization of plasma in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Amino acid and protein composition." Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disorders. 6 (2005): 104-110. Abstract
Sousa, VL, MT Costa, A. S. Palma, F. Enguita, and J. Costa. "Localization, purification and specificity of the full-length membrane-bound form of human recombinant alpha 1,3/4-fucosyltransferase from BHK-21B cells." Biochemical Journal. 357 (2001): 803-810. Abstract