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Kacsuk, P., J. C. Cunha, G. Dózsa, J. M. Lourenço, T. Fadgyas, and T. Antão, "A graphical development and debugging environment for parallel programs", Parallel Comput., vol. 22, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., pp. 1747–1770, 1997. Abstractpar-comp97.pdfWebsite

To provide high-level graphical support for PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) based program development, a complex programming environment (GRADE) is being developed. GRADE currently provides tools to construct, execute, debug, monitor and visualise message-passing parallel programs. It offers high-level graphical programming abstraction mechanism to construct parallel applications by introducing a new graphical language called GRAPNEL. GRADE also provides the programmer with the same graphical user interface during the program design and debugging stages. A distributed debugging engine (DDBG) assists the user in debugging GRAPNEL programs on distributed memory computer architectures. Tape/PVM and PROVE support the performance monitoring and visualization of parallel programs developed in the GRADE environment.