João Lourenço
Changing the world, one student at a time…
Computer Science Department, NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon, Quinta da Torre, P-2829-516 CAPARICA, Portugal — joao.lourenco [AT] fct [DOT] unl [DOT] pt (email)
Computer Science Department, NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon, Quinta da Torre, P-2829-516 CAPARICA, Portugal — joao.lourenco [AT] fct [DOT] unl [DOT] pt (email)
To provide high-level graphical support for PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) based program development, a complex programming environment (GRADE) is being developed. GRADE currently provides tools to construct, execute, debug, monitor and visualise message-passing parallel programs. It offers high-level graphical programming abstraction mechanism to construct parallel applications by introducing a new graphical language called GRAPNEL. GRADE also provides the programmer with the same graphical user interface during the program design and debugging stages. A distributed debugging engine (DDBG) assists the user in debugging GRAPNEL programs on distributed memory computer architectures. Tape/PVM and PROVE support the performance monitoring and visualization of parallel programs developed in the GRADE environment.