
Daniel Santos (2011)

Daniel Santos (2011)

BSc Student

Daniel Santos worked in the implmentation of a Benchmark for Transactional Filesstems, from Agust until Novemeber 2011.

João  Luís (2011)

João Luís (2011)

MSC Student

MSc dissertation: TxBtrfs — A Transactional Snapshot-based File System  
Period: October 2010 — September 2011
Grade: 18/20
Project: Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço)
Papers: InForum'11 (link).

João Vaz (2011)

João Vaz (2011)

MSc Student

MSc dissertation: Byzantine Fault Tolerance in RMI Servers (in Portuguese) 
Co-adviser: Prof. Nuno Preguiça
Period: October 2010 — December 2011
Grade: 18/20
Project: RepComp (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. Nuno Preguiça)

Luís Oliveira (2011)

Luís Oliveira (2011)

MSc Student

MSc dissertation: A Framework for Scientific Computing with GPUs   
Period: October 2009 — March 2011
Grade: 19/20
Project: RepComp (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. Nuno Preguiça)
Papers: INForum 2011

Vasco Pessanha (2011)

Vasco Pessanha (2011)

MSc Student

MSc dissertation: Practical Verification of Transactional Memory Programs (in Portuguese)   
Period: October 2010 — September 2011
Grade: 19/20
Project: Byzantium  (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. Nuno Preguiça); and Synergy-VM (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço)
Papers: HVC'12 (link) [Best Paper Award], PADTAD'11 (DOI), ComSIS (5):2'09 (DOI)

Tiago Vale (2012)

Tiago Vale (2012)

MSc Student

MSc dissertation: A Modular Distributed Transactional Memory Framework  
Period: Jan 2011 — Sep 2012
Grade: 20/20 points (the highest grade possible)
Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço)
Papers: Euro-Par'12 (DOI) [distinguished paper award], INForum 2012

Diogo Sousa (2013)

Diogo Sousa (2013)

MSc Student

MSc dissertation: Preventing Atomicity Violations with Contracts  
Co-adviser: Prof. Carla Ferreira
September 2012 — September 2013
Grade: 19/20 points
Papers in Journals:
ComSIS 8(2) 2011 (DOI).
Papers in International Conferences and Workshops: PADTAD'12 (DOI), PADTAD 2010 (DOI), PADTAD 2009 (DOI)
Papers in national conferences: INForum'13, INForum'12 (link), INForum'10 (link)
Work context: Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço)

Gil Neto (2013)

Gil Neto (2013)

BSc Student

BSc report: Data-Mining for the Financial Market
Internship at: Quidgest - Consultores de Gestão, Lisboa, Portugal
Period: Apr 2013 — Oct 2013
Grade: 17/20

Helder Martins (2013)

Helder Martins (2013)

MSc Student

MSc dissertation: Distributed Replicated Macro-Components   
Co-adviser: Prof. Nuno Preguiça
September 2012 — September 2013
Grade: 17/20
Project: RepComp (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. Nuno Preguiça)
Papers: Poster @ INForum 2012, Oral communication @ INForum 2013.

Joana Roque (2013)

Joana Roque (2013)

MSc Student

MSc dissertation: A Study on the Performance of an Object/Relational Mapping Framework (in Portuguese)  
September 2012 — September 2013
Grade: 16/20 points
Work context: Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço) 

João Silva (2013)

João Silva (2013)

MSc Student

MSc dissertation: Partial Replication in Distributed Software Transactional Memory  
Co-adviser: Prof. Hervé Paulino
Period: Sep 2012 — Sep 2013
Grade: 19/20 points
 Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço)
Papers: INForum'13

João Martins (2013)

João Martins (2013)

MSc Student

MSc dissertation: Lightweight Monitoring of Transactional Memory Programs  
Period: September 2012 — September 2013
Grade: 17/20 points.
Work context: Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço)

Lois Orosa (2013)

Lois Orosa (2013)

Post Doc


Ricardo J. Dias (2013)

Ricardo J. Dias (2013)

PhD Student

PhD dissertation: Maintaining the Correctness of Transactional Memory Programs  
School: DI - FCT - UNL
Period: June 2008 — 2013
Conclusin date: November 24, 2013
Papers and Articles: HVC'12 (link), ECOOP'12 (DOI), Euro-Par'12 (DOI) [distinguished paper award], PADTAD'12 (DOI), PADTAD'11 (DOI), ComSIS (8):2:2011 (DOI), PADATD'10 (DOI), Euro-Par'09 (DOI), PADTAD'09 (DOI), ComSIS (5):2:2008 (DOI)
Papers in national conferences: INForum'12 (link), INForum'10 (link)
Work context: Synergy-VM project (funded by the National Science Foundation, PI: Prof. João Lourenço) 

Wilson Ferreira (2013)

Wilson Ferreira (2013)

BSc Student

BSc report: Gestão Documental com o Alfresco
Internship at: Javali, Alamda, Portgal
Period: Apr 2013 — Oct 2013
Grade: 16/20