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Batista, Arnaldo. "Alvarez and Braxton-Hicks Waves in the Electrohysterogram: An Input for Pregnancy Monitoring." 4th Workshop on Signal Processing and Monitoring in Labour. TranslaTUM - Central Institute for Translational Cancer Research, Munich: TranslaTUM, 2022.
Batista, AG, J. M. Rodrigues, and M. D. Ortigueira. "Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Characterisation of the Beat-by-Beat High-Resolution Electrocardiogram." Sixth Portuguese Conference on Biomedical Engineering Proceedings. 2001.
Batista, Arnaldo, Nuno Barrento, Fernando Coito, and Manuel Ortigueira Patent: Quantitative Process for the Rail Corrugation Spacial and Spectral Classification. FCT-UNL, 2016.
Arnaldo, Batista;. "Sleep Spindles:Decomposition, Parameterization and Applications." SIU 2011 IEEE19 . Antalya: IEEE, 2011.
Almeida, R., M. D. Ortigueira, AG Batista, and P. Ktonas. "Sleep Spindles: Decomposition, Parameterization and Applications." 19th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. 2011.
Almeida, Martim, Helena Mouriño, Arnaldo Batista, Sara Russo, Filipa Esgalhado, Catarina Palma R. dos Reis, Fátima Serrano, and Manuel Ortigueira. "Electrohysterography extracted features dependency on anthropometric and pregnancy factors." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 75 (2022).
A.G., Batista, and MJ English. "A Method for the Ventricular Late Potentials Detection and Characterisation using Wavelets." Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 1996.