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Batista, AG Electrocardiografia de Alta-Resolução: Evolução e Estado da Arte. Sessões Temáticas em Cardiopneumologia. Associação Portuguesa de Cardiopnemologistas, 2008.
Batista, AG, S. Najdi, D. M. Godinho, F. Serrano, M. D. Ortigueira, and R. T. Rato. "A Multichannel Time-Frequency and Multi-Wavelet Toolbox for Uterine Electromyography Processing and Visualisation." Computers in Biology and Medicine. 76.1 (2016): 178-191.
Batista, AG, and MJ English. ""Ventricular Late Potential Analysis with Musical and Harmonic Wavelets." Medical Engineering and Physics. 20.10 (1998): 773-779.
Arnaldo, Batista;. "Sleep Spindles:Decomposition, Parameterization and Applications." SIU 2011 IEEE19 . Antalya: IEEE, 2011.
Almeida, R., M. D. Ortigueira, AG Batista, and P. Ktonas. "Sleep Spindles: Decomposition, Parameterization and Applications." 19th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. 2011.
Almeida, Martim, Helena Mouriño, Arnaldo Batista, Sara Russo, Filipa Esgalhado, Catarina Palma R. dos Reis, Fátima Serrano, and Manuel Ortigueira. "Electrohysterography extracted features dependency on anthropometric and pregnancy factors." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 75 (2022).
A.G., Batista, and MJ English. "A Method for the Ventricular Late Potentials Detection and Characterisation using Wavelets." Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 1996.