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F.E, Cardoso, Batista; Arnaldo, V. Vassilenko, F. Serrano, and M. Ortigueira. "Idle Tone Detection in Biomedical Signals Using Time-Frequency Techniques." IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Ed. Technological Innovation Life Improvement. DoCEIS for 2020. Springer, 2020.
Cardoso, Filipa E., Valentina Vassilenko, Arnaldo Batista, Paulo Bonifácio, Sergio Rico Martin, Juan Muñoz-Torrero, and Manuel Ortigueira Improvements on Signal Processing Algorithm for the VOPITB Equipment. Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems. Springer, 2021. Abstract
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, and Batista Arnaldo. "K-means Clustering for Sleep Spindles Classification." International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science (2091-1610). 10 (2013): 77-85.
A.G., Batista, and MJ English. "A Method for the Ventricular Late Potentials Detection and Characterisation using Wavelets." Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 1996.
Nascimento, B., AG Batista, L. B. Alves, and M. D. Ortigueira. "MicroECG: An Integrated Platform for the Cardiac Arrythmia Detection and Characterization." EMERGING TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION Book Series. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2010.
Batista, AG, S. Najdi, D. M. Godinho, F. Serrano, M. D. Ortigueira, and R. T. Rato. "A Multichannel Time-Frequency and Multi-Wavelet Toolbox for Uterine Electromyography Processing and Visualisation." Computers in Biology and Medicine. 76.1 (2016): 178-191.
Batista, AG, and MJ English. "A Multiresolution Wavelet Method for Charaterization of Ventricular Late Potentials." Computers in Cardiology. 1996.
Ortigueira, M. D., and AG Batista. "A new look at the fractional Brownian motion definition." Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics and Control (MSNDC). ASME IDETC07, 2007.
Esgalhado, Filipa, Valentina Vassilenko, Arnaldo Batista, and Manuel Ortigueira. "On the Feasibility of Real-Time HRV Estimation Using Overly Noisy PPG Signals." Computers. 11 (12) (2022): 117.
Ortigueira, M. D., and AG Batista. "On the fractional derivative of stationary stochastic processes." CST2006 & ECT2006 Conferences. 2006.
Rato, R. T., M. D. Ortigueira, and AG Batista. "On the HHT, its problems, and some solutions." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing .22 (2008): 1374-1394.
Ortigueira, M. D., and AG Batista. "On the relation between the fractional Brownian motion and the fractional derivatives." Physics Letters . A.372 (2008): 958-968.
Batista, Arnaldo, Nuno Barrento, Fernando Coito, and Manuel Ortigueira Patent: Quantitative Process for the Rail Corrugation Spacial and Spectral Classification. FCT-UNL, 2016.
Esgalhado, Filipa, Arnaldo Batista, Valentina Vassilenko, Sara Russo, and Manuel Ortigueira. "Peak Detection and HRV Feature Evaluation on ECG and PPG Signals." Symmetry. 6.14 (2022).
Batista, Arnaldo Pregnancy Monitoring Using Uterine Electromyography: The Uterine Explorer Toolbox. Signal Processing and Monitoring in Labour (SPaM). Oxford, 2017.
Kocadagli, Ozan, Ezgi Ozer, and Arnaldo G. Batista. "Preictal phase detection on EEG signals using hybridized machine learning classifiers with a novel feature selection procedure based GAs and ICOMP." Expert Systems with Applications (2022): 118825.
Şan, Mufit, Arnaldo Batista, Sara Russo, Filipa Esgalhado, Catarina Palma Reis, Fátima Serrano, and Manuel Ortigueira. "A Preliminary Exploration of the Placental Position Influence on Uterine Electromyography Using Fractional Modelling." Sensors. 5.22 (2022).
Batista, AG. "Programmable Cardiac Simulator ." 2nd Portuguese Congress of Biomedical Engineering. 1990.
Carvoeiras, P., M. J. Rodrigues, Batista A.G., and M. D. Ortigueira. "A Prototype software for the Diagnostic of Atrial fibrillation." XXIV Congresso Português de Cardiologia and Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Vol. III. 2003.
Gomes, R., AG Batista, and M. D. Ortigueira. "Railscan: A Tool for the Detection and Quantification of Rail Corrugation." Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems. EMERGING TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION Book Series, 2010.
Esgalhado, F., A. Batista, V. Vassilenko, and M. Ortigueira. "Real-Time PPG-Based HRV Implementation Using Deep Learning and Simulink." Technological Innovation for Digitalization and Virtualization. Springer, Cham., 2022.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, and Batista Arnaldo. "Short Time Fourier Transform and Automatic Visual Scoring for the Detection of Sleep Spindles." 3rd IFIP/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems. 372, 2012.
Ortigueira, MD; Batista; AG. "A signal processing view of differintegration." 2001 European Control Conference (ECC). iEEE, 2001.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa. "Sleep Spindles Detection: a Mixed Method using STFT and WMSD." International Journal Of Bioelectromagnetism (1456-7857). 14 (2012): 229-233.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa Sleep Spindles detection: series and parallel combination of algorithm. 9th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing., 2012.