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Batista, Arnaldo, and André Pereira Software Development for the Detection and Characterization of Rail Corrugation. Workshop on Railway Track Dynamics. Caparica Campus, 2017.
Arnaldo, Batista;. "Sleep Spindles:Decomposition, Parameterization and Applications." SIU 2011 IEEE19 . Antalya: IEEE, 2011.
Almeida, R., M. D. Ortigueira, AG Batista, and P. Ktonas. "Sleep Spindles: Decomposition, Parameterization and Applications." 19th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. 2011.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa Sleep Spindles detection: series and parallel combination of algorithm. 9th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing., 2012.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa. "Sleep Spindles Detection: a Mixed Method using STFT and WMSD." International Journal Of Bioelectromagnetism (1456-7857). 14 (2012): 229-233.
Ortigueira, MD; Batista; AG. "A signal processing view of differintegration." 2001 European Control Conference (ECC). iEEE, 2001.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, and Batista Arnaldo. "Short Time Fourier Transform and Automatic Visual Scoring for the Detection of Sleep Spindles." 3rd IFIP/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems. 372, 2012.