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João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa. "An Automatic Sleep Spindle Detector based on WT, STFT and WMSD." Proceedings Of World Academy Of Science, Engineering And Technology (2070-3740). 68 (2012): 2154-2157.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa. "Sleep Spindles Detection: a Mixed Method using STFT and WMSD." International Journal Of Bioelectromagnetism (1456-7857). 14 (2012): 229-233.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa Sleep Spindles detection: series and parallel combination of algorithm. 9th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing., 2012.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa. "Threshold choice for automatic spindle detection." IWSSIP 2012: 19th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. 2012.