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Rato, R. T., M. D. Ortigueira, and AG Batista. "The EMD and its Use to Identify System Modes." Proceedings of the International Workshop on New Trends in Science and Technology. 2008.
Rato, R. T., M. D. Ortigueira, and AG Batista. "On the HHT, its problems, and some solutions." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing .22 (2008): 1374-1394.
Rato, R. T., M. D. Ortigueira, and AG Batista. "The Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Useful Tool for Signal Analysis." New Signal Processing Research.2008 (2008).
Rato, R. T., M. D. Ortigueira, and AG Batista. "The Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Useful Tool for Signal Analysis." New Signal Processing Research. New York: Nova Science Publishers , 2008.