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Esgalhado, Filipa, Arnaldo Batista, Valentina Vassilenko, Sara Russo, and Manuel Ortigueira. "Peak Detection and HRV Feature Evaluation on ECG and PPG Signals." Symmetry. 6.14 (2022).
Esgalhado, Filipa, Arnaldo Batista, Helena Mouriño, Sara Russo, Catarina Palma dos Reis, Fátima Serrano, Valentina Vassilenko, and Manuel Ortigueira. "Uterine contractions clustering based on electrohysterography." Computers in Biology and Medicine. 123.June (2020).
Esgalhado, Filipa, Valentina Vassilenko, Arnaldo Batista, and Manuel Ortigueira. "On the Feasibility of Real-Time HRV Estimation Using Overly Noisy PPG Signals." Computers. 11 (12) (2022): 117.
Esgalhado, Filipa, Fernandes; Beatriz, Valentina Vassilenko, Batista; Arnaldo, and Sara Russo. "The Application of Deep Learning Algorithms for PPG Signal Processing and Classification." Computers 2021. Special Issue Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems. 10, 158 (2021).the_application_of_deep_learning_algorithms_for_ppg_signal.pdf
Esgalhado, F., A. Batista, V. Vassilenko, and M. Ortigueira. "Real-Time PPG-Based HRV Implementation Using Deep Learning and Simulink." Technological Innovation for Digitalization and Virtualization. Springer, Cham., 2022.
Esgalhado, Filipa, Arnaldo Batista, Helena Mouriño, Sara Russo, Catarina Palma R. dos Reis, Fátima Serrano, Valentina Vassilenko, and Manuel Ortigueira. "Automatic Contraction Detection Using Uterine Electromyography." Applied Sciences. 10.20 (2020): 14.