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Bigan, C., Besleaga; M, M. Zervakis, K. Michalopoulos, M. Woolfson, M. Ortigueira, A. Batista, R. Rato, M. Righi, U. Barcaro, A. Starita, Kenneth P. Camilleri, Simon G. Fabri, J. Muscat, and Tracey A. Camilleri EEG signal pre-processing for segmentation into significant regions, major artefacts removal, and uncertainty reduction in epileptic seizure characterization. BIOPATTERN Brain. Göteborg: Neoventor Medicinsk Innovation AB, 2006.
Batista, Arnaldo, Nuno Barrento, Fernando Coito, and Manuel Ortigueira Patent: Quantitative Process for the Rail Corrugation Spacial and Spectral Classification. FCT-UNL, 2016.
Batista, AG, S. Najdi, D. M. Godinho, F. Serrano, M. D. Ortigueira, and R. T. Rato. "A Multichannel Time-Frequency and Multi-Wavelet Toolbox for Uterine Electromyography Processing and Visualisation." Computers in Biology and Medicine. 76.1 (2016): 178-191.
Batista, AG, J. M. Rodrigues, and M. D. Ortigueira. "Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Characterisation of the Beat-by-Beat High-Resolution Electrocardiogram." Sixth Portuguese Conference on Biomedical Engineering Proceedings. 2001.
Batista, Arnaldo G., Ricardo Cebola, Filipa Esgalhado, Sara Russo, Catarina Palma R. dos Reis, Fátima Serrano, Valentina Vassilenko, and Manuel Ortigueira. "The contractiongram: A method for the visualization of uterine contraction evolution using the electrohysterogram." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 67 (2021).
Batista, Arnaldo, and André Pereira Software Development for the Detection and Characterization of Rail Corrugation. Workshop on Railway Track Dynamics. Caparica Campus, 2017.
Batista, AG Electrocardiografia de Alta-Resolução: Evolução e Estado da Arte. Sessões Temáticas em Cardiopneumologia. Associação Portuguesa de Cardiopnemologistas, 2008.
Batista, AG, and MJ English. ""Ventricular Late Potential Analysis with Musical and Harmonic Wavelets." Medical Engineering and Physics. 20.10 (1998): 773-779.
Batista, Arnaldo. "Alvarez and Braxton-Hicks Waves in the Electrohysterogram: An Input for Pregnancy Monitoring." 4th Workshop on Signal Processing and Monitoring in Labour. TranslaTUM - Central Institute for Translational Cancer Research, Munich: TranslaTUM, 2022.
Batista, Arnaldo Pregnancy Monitoring Using Uterine Electromyography: The Uterine Explorer Toolbox. Signal Processing and Monitoring in Labour (SPaM). Oxford, 2017.
Batista, AG. "Programmable Cardiac Simulator ." 2nd Portuguese Congress of Biomedical Engineering. 1990.
Batista, AG, and MJ English. "A Multiresolution Wavelet Method for Charaterization of Ventricular Late Potentials." Computers in Cardiology. 1996.