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Fernandes, Vítor H. "Normally ordered semigroups." Glasg. Math. J.. 50 (2008): 325-333.Website
Fernandes, Vítor H., Preeyanuch Honyam, Teresa M. Quinteiro, and Boorapa Singha. "On semigroups of orientation-preserving transformations with restricted range." Communications in Algebra (DOI:10.1080/00927872.2014.975345). 44.1 (2016): 253-264. Abstractauthorsfinalversion.pdfWebsite

Let $X_n$ be a chain with n elements ($n\in\N$) and let $\OP_n$ be the monoid of all orientation-preserving transformations of $X_n$. In this paper, for any nonempty subset $Y$ of $X_n$, we consider the subsemigroup $\OP_n(Y)$ of $\OP_n$ of all transformations with range contained in $Y$: we describe the largest regular subsemigroup of $\OP_n(Y)$, which actually coincides with its subset of all regular elements, and Green's relations on $\OP_n(Y)$. Also, we determine when two semigroups of the type $\OP_n(Y)$ are isomorphic and calculate their ranks. Moreover, a parallel study is presented for the correspondent subsemigroups of the monoid $\OR_n$ of all either orientation-preserving or orientation-reversing transformations of $X_n$.

Fernandes, Vítor H., and Tânia Paulista. "On the monoid of partial isometries of a cycle graph." Turkish Journal of Mathematics (DOI 10.55730/1300-0098.3460). 47 (2023): 1746-1760. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider the monoid DPC_n of all partial isometries of a n-cycle graph C_n. We show that DPC_n is the submonoid of the monoid of all oriented partial permutations on a n-chain whose elements are precisely all restrictions of a dihedral group of order 2n. Our main aim is to exhibit a presentation of DPC_n. We also describe Green's relations of DPC_n and calculate its cardinality and rank.

Fernandes, Vítor H., M. M. Jesus, V. Maltcev, and J. D. Mitchell. "Endomorphisms of the semigroup of order-preserving mappings." Semigroup Forum. 81 (2010): 277-285.Website
Fernandes, V. H. "The monoid of all injective order preserving partial transformations on a finite chain." Semigroup Forum. 62 (2001): 178-204.
Fernandes, Vítor H., Preeyanuch Honyam, Teresa M. Quinteiro, and Boorapa Singha. "On semigroups of endomorphisms of a chain with restricted range." Semigroup Forum (DOI: 10.1007/s00233-013-9548-x). 89.1 (2014): 77-104. AbstractWebsite

Let $X$ be a finite or infinite chain and let $\O(X)$ be the monoid of all endomorphisms of $X$.
In this paper, we describe the largest regular subsemigroup of $\O(X)$ and Green's relations on $\O(X)$.
In fact, more generally, if $Y$ is a nonempty subset of $X$ and $\O(X,Y)$ is the subsemigroup of $\O(X)$ of all elements with range contained in $Y$,
we characterize the largest regular subsemigroup of $\O(X,Y)$ and Green's relations on $\O(X,Y)$.
Moreover, for finite chains, we determine when two semigroups of the type $\O(X,Y)$ are isomorphic and calculate their ranks.

Fernandes, Vítor H. "Presentations for some monoids of partial transformations on a finite chain: a survey." Semigroups, algorithms, automata and languages (Coimbra, 2001). World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2002. 363-378.
Fernandes, Vítor H., and Teresa M. Quinteiro. "On the ranks of certain monoids of transformations that preserve a uniform partition." Communications in Algebra. 42.2 (2014): 615-636.
Fernandes, Vítor H., Gracinda M. S. Gomes, and Manuel M. Jesus. "Presentations for some monoids of injective partial transformations on a finite chain." Southeast Asian Bull. Math.. 28 (2004): 903-918.
Fernandesh, V. U. "A new class of divisors of semigroups of isotone mappings of finite chains." Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat. (2002): 51-59.
Li, De Biao, and Vítor H. Fernandes. "Endomorphisms of semigroups of monotone transformations." Journal of Algebra and its Applications (DOI 10.1142/S0219498824502244; Online 5 July 2023). 23.13 (2024): 2450224 (17 pages). AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we characterize the monoid of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all monotone full transformations of a finite chain, as well as the monoids of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all monotone partial transformations and of the semigroup of all monotone partial permutations of a finite chain.

Li, De Biao, and Vítor H. Fernandes. "On semigroups of orientation-preserving partial permutations with restricted range." (Submitted). AbstractWebsite

Let $\Omega_n$ be a finite chain with $n$ elements $(n\in\mathbb{N})$, and let $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}$ be the semigroup of all injective orientation-preserving partial transformations of $\Omega_n$. In this paper, for any nonempty subset $Y$ of $\Omega_n$, we consider the subsemigroup $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}(Y)$ of $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}$ of all transformations with range contained in $Y$. We describe the Green's relations and study the regularity of $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}(Y)$. Moreover, we calculate the rank of $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}(Y)$ and determine when two semigroups of this type are isomorphic.

Li, De Biao, and Vítor H. Fernandes. "Endomorphisms of semigroups of oriented transformations." Semigroup Forum (DOI 10.1007/s00233-022-10325-y; Online 2 Dec 2022). 106 (2023): 184-210. AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we characterize the monoid of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all oriented full transformations of a finite chain, as well as the monoid of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all oriented partial transformations and the monoid of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all oriented partial permutations of a finite chain. Characterizations of the monoids of endomorphisms of the subsemigroups of all orientation-preserving transformations of the three semigroups aforementioned are also given. In addition, we compute the number of endomorphisms of each of these six semigroups.

Zhao, Ping, and Vítor H. Fernandes. "The ranks of ideals in various transformation monoids." Communications in Algebra (DOI:10.1080/00927872.2013.847946) . 43.2 (2015): 674-692. Abstractauthorsfinalversion.pdfWebsite

In this paper we consider various classes of monoids of transformations of a finite chain,
including those of transformations that preserve or reverse either the order or the orientation.
In line with Howie and McFadden (1990),
we complete the study of the ranks (and of idempotent ranks, when applicable) of all their ideals.