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Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, J. Koppitz, and T. M. Quinteiro. "Partial Automorphisms and Injective Partial Endomorphisms of a Finite Undirected Path." Semigroup Forum. 103 (2021): 87-105. AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we study partial automorphisms and, more generally, injective partial endomorphisms of a finite undirected path from Semigroup Theory perspective. Our main objective is to give formulas for the ranks of the monoids IEnd(P_n) and PAut(P_n) of all injective partial endomorphisms and of all partial automorphisms of the undirected path P_n with n vertices. We also describe Green's relations of PAut(P_n) and IEnd(P_n) and calculate their cardinals.

Cicalò, Serena, Vítor H. Fernandes, and Csaba Schneider. "Partial transformation monoids preserving a uniform partition." Semigroup Forum (DOI 10.1007/s00233-014-9629-5). 90.2 (2015): 532-544. AbstractWebsite

The objective of this paper is to study the monoid of all partial
transformations of a finite set that preserve a uniform partition. In addition
to proving that this monoid is a quotient of a wreath product with respect to a
congruence relation, we show that it is generated by 5 generators, we compute
its order and determine a presentation on a minimal generating set.

Fernandes, Vítor H., and Teresa M. Quinteiro. "Presentations for monoids of finite partial isometries." Semigroup Forum (DOI: 10.1007/s00233-015-9759-4). 93.1 (2016): 97-110. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we give presentations for the monoid $\DP_n$ of all partial isometries on $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ and for its submonoid $\ODP_n$ of all order-preserving partial isometries.

Fernandes, Vítor H., Gracinda M. S. Gomes, and Manuel M. Jesus. "Presentations for some monoids of injective partial transformations on a finite chain." Southeast Asian Bull. Math.. 28 (2004): 903-918.
Fernandes, Vítor H., Gracinda M. S. Gomes, and Manuel M. Jesus. "Presentations for some monoids of partial transformations on a finite chain." Comm. Algebra. 33 (2005): 587-604.Website
Fernandes, Vítor H. "Presentations for some monoids of partial transformations on a finite chain: a survey." Semigroups, algorithms, automata and languages (Coimbra, 2001). World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2002. 363-378.
Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, J. Koppitz, and T. M. Quinteiro. "Presentations for three remarkable submonoids of the dihedral inverse monoid on a finite set." Semigroup Forum (DOI 10.1007/s00233-023-10396-5; Online 31 Oct 2023). 107 (2023): 315-338. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider the submonoids OPDI_n, MDI_n and ODI_n of the dihedral inverse monoid DI_n of all orientation-preserving, monotone and order-preserving transformations, respectively. Our goal is to exhibit presentations for each of these three monoids.