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Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, J. Koppitz, and T. M. Quinteiro. "Partial Automorphisms and Injective Partial Endomorphisms of a Finite Undirected Path." Semigroup Forum. 103 (2021): 87-105. AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we study partial automorphisms and, more generally, injective partial endomorphisms of a finite undirected path from Semigroup Theory perspective. Our main objective is to give formulas for the ranks of the monoids IEnd(P_n) and PAut(P_n) of all injective partial endomorphisms and of all partial automorphisms of the undirected path P_n with n vertices. We also describe Green's relations of PAut(P_n) and IEnd(P_n) and calculate their cardinals.

Cicalò, Serena, Vítor H. Fernandes, and Csaba Schneider. "Partial transformation monoids preserving a uniform partition." Semigroup Forum (DOI 10.1007/s00233-014-9629-5). 90.2 (2015): 532-544. AbstractWebsite

The objective of this paper is to study the monoid of all partial
transformations of a finite set that preserve a uniform partition. In addition
to proving that this monoid is a quotient of a wreath product with respect to a
congruence relation, we show that it is generated by 5 generators, we compute
its order and determine a presentation on a minimal generating set.

Fernandes, Vítor H., J. Koppitz, and T. Musunthia. "Presentations for monoids of endomorphisms of a star graph." (Submitted). AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we consider the monoids of all endomorphisms, of all weak endomorphisms, of all strong endomorphisms and of all strong weak endomorphisms of a star graph with a finite number of vertices. Our main objective is to exhibit a presentation for each of them.

Fernandes, Vítor H., and Teresa M. Quinteiro. "Presentations for monoids of finite partial isometries." Semigroup Forum (DOI: 10.1007/s00233-015-9759-4). 93.1 (2016): 97-110. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we give presentations for the monoid $\DP_n$ of all partial isometries on $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ and for its submonoid $\ODP_n$ of all order-preserving partial isometries.

Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, and J. Koppitz. "Presentations for monoids of partial endomorphisms of a star graph." (Submitted). AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we consider the monoids of all partial endomorphisms, of all partial weak endomorphisms, of all injective partial endomorphisms, of all partial strong endomorphisms and of all partial strong weak endomorphisms of a star graph with a finite number of vertices. Our main objective is to exhibit a presentation for each of them.

Fernandes, Vítor H., Gracinda M. S. Gomes, and Manuel M. Jesus. "Presentations for some monoids of injective partial transformations on a finite chain." Southeast Asian Bull. Math.. 28 (2004): 903-918.
Fernandes, Vítor H., Gracinda M. S. Gomes, and Manuel M. Jesus. "Presentations for some monoids of partial transformations on a finite chain." Comm. Algebra. 33 (2005): 587-604.Website
Fernandes, Vítor H. "Presentations for some monoids of partial transformations on a finite chain: a survey." Semigroups, algorithms, automata and languages (Coimbra, 2001). World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2002. 363-378.
Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, J. Koppitz, and T. M. Quinteiro. "Presentations for three remarkable submonoids of the dihedral inverse monoid on a finite set." Semigroup Forum (DOI 10.1007/s00233-023-10396-5; Online 31 Oct 2023). 107 (2023): 315-338. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider the submonoids OPDI_n, MDI_n and ODI_n of the dihedral inverse monoid DI_n of all orientation-preserving, monotone and order-preserving transformations, respectively. Our goal is to exhibit presentations for each of these three monoids.