Using creativity techniques to create new computer games

Santos, Vitor, Tiago Cardoso, and Eva Oliveira. "Using creativity techniques to create new computer games." VideoJogos'2014. 2014.


In the face of growing global game production competition, the ability to come out with new ideas to create computer games is widely recognized today as important. In this context, the chance to resort - in a practical way - to known creativity techniques or adaptations of these to help innovation in this field is a promising challenge, both in the field of entertainment games and the so called serious games. In this article we present the development of a research work in this area and the result proposal method for the introduction of creativity in Games Design. The main objective is the construction of innovative Games that have not been identified by the normal methods used in the analysis of games proposals. We present a case study of the method implemented for the identification of new games design opportunities in an MSc Games course.