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Fernandas, FMB, R. J. C. Silva, and A. Gomes. "In situ XRD study of the graphite surface layer formation during thermal cycling of cast iron." Materials Science Forum. 455-456 (2004): 326-329. AbstractWebsite
Fernandes, Francisco Braz M., Karimbi K. Mahesh, Rui JC Silva, Carmela Gurau, Gheorghe Gurau, M. Stutzmann, and S. Hildebrandt. "XRD study of the transformation characteristics of severely plastic deformed Ni-Ti SMAs." Physica Status Solidi C - Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 7 No 5. 7.5 (2010): 1348-1350. Abstract
Fernandes, FMB, C. Gurau, K. K. Mahesh, R. J. C. Silva, and G. Gurau. "Structural study of extruded CuAl13Ni4 shape memory alloy." Metalurgia International. 16.9 (2011): 19-23. AbstractWebsite
Fernandes, FMB, R. Martins, MT Nogueira, R. J. C. Silva, P. Nunes, D. Costa, and I. Ferreira. "Structural characterisation of NiTi thin film shape memory alloys." Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. 99.1-2 (2002): 55-58. Abstract
Fernandes, FMB, R. J. C. Silva, R. Delhez, and EJ Mittemeijer. "Profile shape analysis of XRD peaks of a quenched tool steel." European Powder Diffraction, Pts 1 and 2. Vol. 321-3. 2000. 716-719. Abstract
Fernandes, Braz F. M., R. M. S. Martins, N. Schell, K. K. Mahesh, R. J. C. Silva, P. Vincenzini, and S. Besseghini. "Texture Development in Ni-Ti Thin Films." State-of-the-Art Research and Application of Smas Technologies. 59 (2009): 69-76. Abstract
Ferreira, S. C., A. Velhinho, R. J. C. Silva, and L. A. Rocha. "Corrosion behaviour of aluminium syntactic functionally graded composites." International Journal of Materials & Product Technology. 39.1-2 (2010): 122-135. Abstract
Figueiredo, E., M. F. Araújo, R. Silva, F. M. B. Femandes, J. C. Senna-Martinez, and J. L. I. Vaz. "Metallographic studies of copper based scraps from the late bronze age Santa Luzia archaeological site (Viseu, Portugal)." Proceedings of the International Conference on Heritage, Weathering and Conservation, HWC 2006. 1 (2006): 143-149. AbstractWebsite
Figueiredo, Elin, Pedro Valerio, M. Fatima Araujo, Rui JC Silva, and Antonio M. Monge Soares. "Inclusions and metal composition of ancient copper-based artefacts: a diachronic view by micro-EDXRF and SEM-EDS." X-Ray Spectrometry. 40.5 (2011): 325-332. Abstract
Figueiredo, Elin, Rui JC Silva, Fatima M. Araujo, and Francisco M. BRAZ FERNANDES. "Multifocus Optical Microscopy Applied to the Study of Archaeological Metals." Microscopy and Microanalysis. 19.5 (2013): 1248-1254. AbstractWebsite
Figueiredo, E., J. C. Senna-Martinez, R. J. C. Silva, and M. F. Araujo. "Orientalizing Artifacts from Fraga dos Corvos Rock Shelter in North Portugal." Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 24.9 (2009): 949-954. Abstract
Figueiredo, Elio, M. Fatima Araujo, Rui JC Silva, and Raquel Vilaca. "Characterisation of a Proto-historic bronze collection by micro-EDXRF." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 296 (2013): 26-31. Abstract
Figueiredo, Elin, Rui JC Silva, Fatima M. Araujo, and Joao C. Senna-Martinez. "Identification of ancient gilding technology and Late Bronze Age metallurgy by EDXRF, Micro-EDXRF, SEM-EDS and metallographic techniques." Microchimica Acta. 168.3-4 (2010): 283-291. Abstract
Figueiredo, E., R. J. C. Silva, F. M. Braz Fernandes, and M. F. Araújo. "Some long term corrosion patterns in archaeological metal artefacts." Materials Science Forum. 636-637 (2010): 1030-1035. AbstractWebsite
Figueiredo, E., M. F. Araujo, R. J. C. Silva, J. C. Senna-Martinez, and J. L. Ines Vaz. "Characterisation of Late Bronze Age large size shield nails by EDXRF, micro-EDXRF and X-ray digital radiography." Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 69.9 (2011): 1205-1211. Abstract
Figueiredo, Elin, Rui JC Silva, Joao C. Senna-Martinez, Fatima M. Araujo, Francisco M. BRAZ FERNANDES, and Joao L. Ines Vaz. "Smelting and recycling evidences from the Late Bronze Age habitat site of Baioes (Viseu, Portugal)." Journal of Archaeological Science. 37.7 (2010): 1623-1634. Abstract
Figueiredo, E., P. Valério, M. F. Araújo, R. J. C. Silva, and A. M. Monge Soares. "Inclusions and metal composition of ancient copper-based artefacts: A diachronic view by micro-EDXRF and SEM-EDS." X-Ray Spectrometry. 40.5 (2011): 325-332. AbstractWebsite
Fortunato, E., V. Assuncao, A. Marques, A. Goncalves, H. Aguas, L. Pereira, I. Ferreira, FMB Fernandes, R. J. C. Silva, R. Martins, and C. Dias. "ZnO : Ga thin films produced by RF sputtering at room temperature: Effect of the power density." Advanced Materials Forum Ii. 455-456 (2004): 12-15. Abstract
Fortunato, E., V. Assunção, A. Marques, A. Gonçalves, H. Águas, L. Pereira, I. Ferreira, FMB Fernandes, R. J. C. Silva, and R. Martins. "ZnO:Ga thin films produced by RF sputtering at room temperature: Effect of the power density." Materials Science Forum. 455-456 (2004): 12-15. AbstractWebsite
Furtado, M. J., R. J. C. Silva, M. F. Araújo, and F. M. Braz Fernandes. "Composition and microstructures of imperial brass Chinese coins." Materials Science Forum. 636-637 (2010): 531-537. AbstractWebsite