In situ XRD study of the graphite surface layer formation during thermal cycling of cast iron

Fernandas, FMB, R. J. C. Silva, and A. Gomes. "In situ XRD study of the graphite surface layer formation during thermal cycling of cast iron." Materials Science Forum. 455-456 (2004): 326-329.




ORCID Reference type: [bibtex]; ORCID Reference: [@article { cordeirosilva2004,title = {In situ XRD study of the graphite surface layer formation during thermal cycling of cast iron},journal = {Materials Science Forum},year = {2004},volume = {455-456},pages = {326-329},author = {Fernandas, F.M.B. and Silva, R.J.C. and Gomes, A.}}]

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