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Lima, A., M. Goulão, and M. Pessoa Monteiro, "Evidence-Based Comparison of Modularity Support Between Java and Object Teams", Empirical Evaluation of Software Composition Techniques (ESCOT 2010), at 9th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'2010), Rennes and Saint Malo, France, 2010. Abstract


Background: Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is an
emerging programming paradigm whose focus is about improving
modularity, with an emphasis on the modularization of
crosscutting concerns.

Objective: The goal of this paper is to assess the extent to which
an AOP language – ObjectTeams/Java (OT/J) – improves the
modularity of a software system. This improvement has been
claimed but, to the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first
attempting to present quantitative evidence of it.

Method: We compare functionally-equivalent implementations of
the Gang-of-Four design patterns, developed in Java and OT/J,
using software metrics.

Results: The results of our comparison support the modularity
improvement claims made in the literature. For six of the seven
metrics used, the OT/J versions of the patterns obtained
significantly better results.

Limitations: This work uses a set of metrics originally defined
for object-oriented (OO) systems. It may be the case that the
metrics are biased, in that they were created in the context of OO
programming (OOP), before the advent of AOP. We consider this
comparison a stepping stone as, ultimately, we plan to assess the
modularity improvements with paradigm independent metrics,
which will conceivably eliminate the bias. Each individual
example from the sample used in this paper is small. In future, we
plan to replicate this experiment using larger systems, where the
benefits of AOP may be more noticeable.

Conclusion: This work contributes with evidence to fill gaps in
the body of quantitative results supporting alleged benefits to
software modularity brought by AOP languages, namely OT/J.