Santos, Lidia, Joana P. Neto, Ana Crespo, Daniela Nunes, Nuno Costa, Isabel M. Fonseca, Pedro Barquinha, Luis Pereira, Jorge Silva, Rodrigo Martins, and Elvira Fortunato. "
{WO3 Nanoparticle-Based Conformable pH Sensor}."
{ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES}. {6} (Submitted): {12226-12234}.
Abstract{pH is a vital physiological parameter that can be used for disease diagnosis and treatment as well as in monitoring other biological processes. Metal/metal oxide based pH sensors have several advantages regarding their reliability, miniaturization, and cost-effectiveness, which are critical characteristics for in vivo applications. In this work, WO3 nanoparticles were electrodeposited on flexible substrates over metal electrodes with a sensing area of 1 mm(2). These sensors show a sensitivity of -56.7 +/- 1.3 mV/pH, in a wide pH range of 9 to 5. A proof of concept is also demonstrated using a flexible reference electrode in solid electrolyte with a curved surface. A good balance between the performance parameters (sensitivity), the production costs, and simplicity of the sensors was accomplished, as required for wearable biomedical devices.}
Zanarini, Simone, Nadia Garino, Jijeesh Ravi Nair, Carlotta Francia, Pawel Jerzy Wojcik, Luis Pereira, Elvira Fortunato, Rodrigo Martins, Silvia Bodoardo, and Nerino Penazzi. "
{Contrast Enhancement in Polymeric Electrochromic Devices Encompassing Room Temperature Ionic Liquids}."
Abstract{We report the preparation and spectro-electrochemical characterization of electrochromic devices (ECD) combining inkjet-printed WO3 as cathode and electro-deposited V2O5 as anode. ECD were prepared for the first time with an optimized formulation of gel polymer electrolyte based on Bisphenol A ethoxylate dimethacrylate and Poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (BEMA/PEGMA) encompassing the Room Temperature Ionic Liquid (RTIL, 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide) as solvent. The UV-VIS spectrum of ECD was recorded at different potentials during Li+ insertion and de-insertion; additionally the Percent Trasmittance (T%) of ECD vs. time was investigated during repeated bleaching and coloring cycles allowing thus the estimation of switching times and device stability. Due to the lower ionic conductivity and the apparent superior solvent permeability within WO3 active layer, RTIL containing ECD showed slower switching times, but higher contrast with respect to the similar ones with EC/DEC as solvent. These results indicate that the ECD containing environment-friendly RTIL electrolytes are suitable for applications requiring high contrast, high safety and moderately fast switching times.}